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Population Issues

Boy, we sure are successful as a cultural species; one that can totally outstrip his food resources each year and still grow in numbers. Last poll was about 6.05 billion walking monkeys. Thank god for our style of agriculture, or else we would never have gotten this far. But, wait. Why is our population climbing? I thought we had enough food to take care of the starving millions (and us)! Ah, well, just put another shrimp on the barby, and everything will be alright. Right?

Below is a list of sights that I figure you might be interested in reading for two reasons: (1)You can grow in awareness in what population numbers (for Humans) really mean to ecological factors, in case you have any doubt if there is such a thing as overpopulation, and (2)To realize that many of these sites could do with a dose of Ishmael's insight, since many do not even mention food as the primary mover of population growth. It is best to be aware of ignorance. That way, we might be able to stem its contagious effects. However, some sights are right on the money, er, food, so learn and enjoy. And think twice about having those 2.5 kids!

Sites that have more of a clue:

World Overpopulation Awareness
The Population Bomb
More about Paul Ehrlich
Human Population according to Ehrlich
NPG - Negative Population Growth
ZPG - Zero Population Growth

Sites that might do well to read Ish...

PAI - Population Action International
Second Harvest
Overpopulation Info
Freedom From Hunger Site
Freedom from Hunger links
Millennium First Links
Population Change
World Hunger Year
Winning the Food Race
The Hunger Project
Food for the Hungry
Food First

Especially these two:
Sign the "What Overpopulation Problem?" Guestbook (hmmm)

Misc Population Sites:

A look at Chinese Reform
Amartya Sen - Ecomonic Nobel Prize Winner - see why
Malthus Site

And as if this was not enough, visit here to see what other Ish members have written about population.

The world population is updated every 30 seconds

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