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Some Great Contact Names

In mind with the thinking that in order to make the fastest change, we need to focus attention on getting the people who already make important decisions aware of various ideas that we subscribe to. While any and all means are useful and helpful (every little bit helps), to me, going for the vital organs of any particular beast will be riskier, but have faster results. I accept that people might not agree wholeheartendly on this. Regardless, our ultimate goal is to make more people aware of who they are (Humans Being, not Humans Doing), and what myths they are listening to. Tell anyone and everyone, but if you agree with me that the VIPs are the ones to focus time on, then look through the list below and try your best to get the word out. I am sure there will be success stories.

Some VIPs:

World Economic Forum Executive Board

Cultural Leaders

Global Leaders for Tomorrow

Public Figures

Contact Your Legislator

More Congress Info

Emerging Young Leaders

World Leaders Search Results

Sustainability Forum Members

Institute for Global Communication

Other Sites to Check out:

The Union of Concerned Scientists

The Idealist

Asia Foundation

Global Eco-Village Network

Activism Information Sites:

The Heart of Activism

Advocacy Tips

As always, new sites and info will pop up. If you see a great site or notice that a site here is not working, please let me know. Thanx!

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