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History and Something Called


Q: When is History not History?

A: When its "Pre" History! ha ha ha

It seems strange that there could be a thing as "pre" History, unless we take History to mean only one thing: The time when one culture became Taker (read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn to learn more about "Takers" and "Leavers"). So we might as well revamp the this title and just call it Taker and "Pre" Taker - instead of History and "Pre"History, so as not to have any confusion.

Perhaps the reason for the "Pre" was that scientists or other worldly people imagined that history had to be interesting and exciting and thrilling, with blood, gore, rape, pillage and conquests to take. Now THAT was something to write about, no? I mean, it would be rather embarrassing for these scientists and other worldly people (men) to admit that for about 250,000 years, not much.....well, not much really happened! Or did it? To start the dive into our past, we can find ways of living that are in accordance with the things around each particular society, treasures of wisdom and balance that boggle the mind, and a serenity or "cadle to the grave" security that creates a movie (if a director wanted to film it) about as exciting as "The Bridges of Madison County." Good movie, but a little lacking in action for our refined tastes.

As Quinn points out: "The Leaver way, is not a way of poverty, it's a way of wealth - but the wealth of the Leaver way isn't the wealth of products, it's the wealth of support...In Leaver societies, people look after one another, not because they are saintly, but because looking after one another assures that they themselves will be looked after...Taker wealth can be put under lock and key, but Leaver wealth can't. For this reason, Taker wealth is inherently divisive. Leaver wealth, by contrast, is not divisive, but inherently unitive."

Thus, we might want to read more about our own history and the history of those people who are properly called "Leavers." This list is short, but I hope to have more in the future. Please unlearn your History!

Into the Past...

Anthro World
Human Evolution Chart
Homo Sapien Sapien Info
Neanderthal Info
Human Prehistory Exhibition
"Reflections on Prehistory" Great essay
James Q. Jacobs Home Page (above writer)

Some Indigineous People's Links

Neo Tribal Vision (good links)
Native American Info: "Through Indian Eyes"
Cultural Survival


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