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Sustainability and Y2K Opportunities

Resiliency and Sustainability are definately bywords for our generation these days. They have almost become too common; everything is Eco-this and Eco-that. At least there is awareness where previously there was not. Our only hope though is to stop talking about Eco-Awareness and start acting up on our thoughts. Below are some sites that might spur you into action (if you are sleeping), or infuse you with even more passion (if you are walking your talk).

Enjoy, and most importantly, ACT!

Y2K awareness:

Resilient Communities - Great Site
Ed Yourdon's Y2K Site - must see...
Millenniuim Studies
Connections for 2000
The New Pioneers - Y2K Preparedness
The Cassandra Project - Community Awareness


The Simple Living Network
Sustainable Community Action Network (SCAN)
Frugal Living Tip File
Global Sustainable Resources
Sustainable Agriculture

Tom Brown Jr. Tracker School
Rocky Mountain Institute
International "Buy Nothing" Day
Second Nature - Education for Sustainability
Sustainability Projects

All Natural, Organic Products
The Home Power Magazine - Get off the Grid!
International Projects - Sustainable Energy systems
Sustainable Development Forum
SustainABILITY Forum

Misc Awareness Sites:

Seventh Generation
Together Foundation
Together Foundation - Best Practices Links
Tree-free Paper
Living Technologies (water conservation)

The Gaia Preservation Coalition
Future Car Projects
Carefree Cities
Carefree City Links
Taxi 2000
Deep Ecology is Not Enough (essay)

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