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Friendship is a word, But these gurls give it meaning.

GoNNa MiSs U GaLz BeRy MuCciE!!! LoVe Ya TiLL tA BiTtEr EnD!

n iph theres a problem, and ya need a hand, dwn't hesitate to give a hola ova to Big J!

hugz .n. kisses



::]] abbie [[::

mya BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeStest BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeSTest BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeStest BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeStest BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeSTest BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeSTest BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeSt BeST BeSt BeStEsT FwEn! HeHe TOO MaNy TiMeS To TalK AbOOt! Man! i'll alWayZ weMeMba iN 3Rd GrAdE! weN i iNtrO mYaSelF tO yA. " Hi! you wanna be mya fwen? " haha! and LETS PRETEND TO DO MATH! haha! all dem daez! and esp. all dem times in Camacho! hAhah! n Dwn'T fOrgEt we dwn't run! we waLk! haha! aNd OmG!! StArBuCkS!!! SoO mAnY MemOrIes!! hAha! FlaVoRs!!! ThEy HAVE FlaVoRs!! hahA!! aND ThE ColD bEnCh!!! wiTh THE nOn StOP LaUghInG n deM we HaD To Go PeE!! We haVe Ta ViSIt StArBuCkS! So iT WoUlD b LyKe BaCk In ThE DaEz!!! sOo..... MEMBER biG F FrOm Ta FlOweR shoP!! OmG!! anD PeBbLeS anD SpEEd BuMps AnD MeLoNs! haHa! we took pictures! we always said we would take pictures but never did till feb!! haha we really took pictures! LoL thats crazy we said we would take pics since 7th grade! haha and we now take it! LoL wE so krazy! haha..... OMG! we found something differnet then starbucks honey! thatz ... thatz..... can't put into words! haha i'm speackless for once LoL i like the one you pick! the caramel!! hehe. so now we know at GM we coudl get that or walk a little bit more to the starbucks. LoL. MeMbA thEm BOOts!! hAHa Oh maN that WaS FuN!! hAhaHA DaMn ThOeS hEeLS yOU cAn KiLL sOMeOnE wITh!!
darn it you woman! you kno henry better theni kno huy!! n i've ben talking to huy for 2 and a half months!! and you only like 3 weeks! ahh its soo totally uncool! hehe well well atleast you got the man you wanted and your happie! even though he's all the way over by andrew hill.... but at least he comes and see you on weekends! its soo cute!! hehe you to are like yea! so cute! hehe oh man you on the 27 of september.... only iph i had the 28 then that would of been cool! hehe but but but *sigh* no it wasn't .... but hey the 13 better! haha cuz my fave numba! ^ . ^ haha memba the flower shop the second time with the starbucks venti and the one room i didn't memba what happend but that noise went off haha oh man i didn't kno it was suppose to do that haha. i love you soo much abby! thankies for always being there for me and your rite i should start listening to you hehe well i always did bfore but but on this kinda stuff now! hehe and i miss you calling me an idiot! hehe
thankies for being there for me this pass summer! i wouldn't b here i probably would be soo lost! and hey we made a memory of that! hee peeing on a stick. haha who knew! hehe

Mz. SeCutArY oF ClAsS oF 2 ThOuSaNd 5!




hugz .n. kisses

-[]- L i Z z -[]-

MyA PrTtYfUl mUmMiE!!! tHe WuN WiF Da BiG MeLoNs! haha! yOu'Re SoOoOo Nice AnD KoU! ThAnkIeS FoR aLwAyZ BeIng DeRe WeN i NeEdED YOu! aNd FoR HeLpInG MEE Do MyZ Hw, Ok Ok! FoR LeTtiN MeE COpY oFf oB uR! ezp. in aLgEbRa. aNd Ya I ShAvED MyA Man haIRY LeGs So i DwN'T hAb MyA MaN HaIry LEGs No MoRe! LoL yEa...... HaHa! TeNNis WaS FuN! bUtt NeX TiMe We GeT a siDe CouRt, NoT a MiDdlE CouRt! CuZ imA gOnNa EnD Up HittIn tA PpLz! LoL mAn i HeLLa SuCk.. OoH yEAh AlMoSt FoRgoT! ::pOke::
ThankIe SOo MuCh For LetTiN mEe BaRrOW All yOuR stuFfE!! hEhE i GotTA GiVe TheM bac!! goSh yOuR BoOK CoVeR iS pReTTy! hEhE So So HoWs BeNJiMen oR wAs HiS NaMe JeRmAiNe? i FoRgEt! weLL yA kNO mEe i'LL pRoBaBly MaKE up A nEw NaMe For HiM so yea... HoW waS yOur FIRST DATE!?!??!? hAha LoL.... HuMm... wAt ElSe... i kNOW thEre waS moRe i WaS GonNa SaY... oOo yeS i ThiNk mY BroTher SacAreD oF yoU anD abby NoW LoL buTs iTs oKaY. hAhA LoVe yoU So MuCh! hEhE meE MiSs YoU MuMzIe!!!

OMG YAY! YOUR WITH BENjAMIN!!! hEHE i'm soo happy! and its the day i met huy! thankies so much for making me go to tennis with you this pass summer! iph it wasn't for you makin me go i wouldn't of never met huy! and i thankie thee very much! and i didn't mean to dis your man like that! its just i would hold his hand but its just i no feel rite doing that and its just yea my morals i setted up for myself. yes but tell him i would iph he was single ahah j/p! haha THANK YOU SOO MUCH!

and thankies for being there for me when i needed you the most this pass summer! never would of made throught that if it wasn't for you! i don't think i would still b here. but i just would thankie you so much!
Mz. IndY PrEsIdEnT oF 2 ThoUsANd 5

-[]- L i Z z -[]-


MyA BeUtIfUL YeLLoE FwEn! HyPeR fwEn! mYe HaRrY PoTtEr NuMbA WuN faN!! YeaH!
All DeM TyMeS AfTeRSkWl anD LiKe I sTiLL HaB to waLK u tO ClAsS! N WuT ElSe.......
Oo YeaH ALL dEm TyMes We JusT StArT LaUghIn anD LyKe PpLz ARe LiKe WuT Da BuCk!!
hAhah! daMn! OmY! ThAt WuN gUy ThaT GeTs HuRt In ThE gAmE iS oH sO CuTe! LoL buT
StUpId hE gEts HuRt... =( We'Re sOo CoOl! LoL! WE GoTTa TaKe PiCs GiRl!! hEhe
OF NEVER MET HUY!!! hehe yup yup thankies kim! and you met steven!! hehe i think
yea hehe i no reallie care tho cuz iph he goes GO KIM! but iph he doesn't then you
made a new fwend that could take us to jamba juice now! hehe ^ . ^ well well well
MiSs NuMbA oNe SoPhOmOrE TeNnIs PlaYeR ThAtS hoT sTuFf man! NO MORE
HURTING YOU ANKLE! its gonna b all funnie shape hehe and yea hhe love you soo
much and he said the "L" word! hehe! i and i think he means it.....




KuTe LiL KiD SiStA! WuBz Ya! MeMBa We jUst WaLk iN circles
DuRiNg LuCh liKe UM... 18 TiMes! eSp. aLL dEm TimEs In chiOr
WeN mEe n SaM wOUlD sTeAr aT u and abby aNd u GaLz
WouLd SteAr BaC! heHE I GoTcHa a PiGGy! HEHE!
*oink oink* AlWaYz KnO hOw to GeT MeE laUgHiN! Onlee u
CoUld Do DaT! hEhE AlWaYZ SoO cHrEeFulL! aNd AlWayZ sEe
ThE GoOd SiDe To ThiNgs! NeVer chAnGe! weLL eXcEpT fOR tHa
ByTTinG! aNd PiNcHiNg!! DaTz GoTta StoP hEhE *mauH*
GooD luCk iN bAdMiNtOn!! KiCk SoMe PieDiEs BuTtS!! hEhE
me and my little sister Hyperness! dwn't get in the way iph
not your gonna bcome hyper too! MwAhAh!
n yea your rite SOME white guys are cute

miSS yA!

My-H a N h

Ta SwEetEsT/PrETtYesT LiL MuNcHkEn a MuMmiE CouLD HaB! oR ShouLD i SaY MiSs ViCe PreSiDeNt now!! hEhE SeE i RiG ta BoX! i MaDe PpLz fRoM PiEdMoNT VoTe! LoL j/P hEhe and Baby GirL iPh Ya GoNNa b CaLLiN pPl DoRkS, MaKe ShUrE yOu CaLL dEm GaLz DoRkEtTe!! MeMbA! i'M HeRe FoR Ur heaD To leaN oN wEn DaT GaY GuY brEaKes YouR heaRt! and i'LL hUrT/KiLL (same thing) HiM! hehe. AnD GoShNeSs Ya So NiCe! i StyLL oWn U LyKe 20 BuCkz. HuMm.... FrEsHmAn iN coLlaGe AyE!! hEhe MoThEr LyKE DaUGhtEr! hEhe So So! HoW KeViN aYe?!?! LoL GotTa MeT thiS FeLLo I GottA ApPRove oF hiM or Not! LoL or yoU CaN jUSt ASk LizZy Cuz sHEs YouR GraNdMamA LoL GoSh SooO...... iMa JeLioUsE!! hEhE yOuR ThE erFeCt ShaPe! i WanNa b yoUR sIzE hEhE! Fit Nto anyThiNg! HahA Gotta NiCe ARsE ToO! LoL yA goT iT FrOm yOur GraNd MAmA lOL thAnk hEr For eVerYThiNg LoL aLriTes
no more crap about you havin no one! cuz you know darn well that you can get any guy! cuz you gotta mines and lizz's sexyness! n RACERS! n COFFESHOP guys!! their some hot people man! hehe and and and!!!! OMG anD!! you have a daddy now! hehe Take KAre HUnS Love you soo much and thankies for being there! n your my numba one! hehe *mauh*

Thankful so much for you guys! iph i haven't met you cinq ladees i wouldn't b for who i am today and i wouldn't be this happy and would of had soo much memories. and i don't believe i would b alive.... LOVE YOU LADES VERY mUCh! no matter what i'm here



Special Thankies WeAnkIEs : GaLz GuYs

Main Shout Outs! WiLL b MisS Events Happy Birthday Special PpLz SonGz Story Time FrIeNdz Poems Poems from fwends Quotes Mya Babe FuN wiTh Ta CaMeRa Ta SpEcAiL StAr MEE! wHerE i Lyke Ta Go ViEw My GbOoKiE SiGn MyA gBoOkIe