Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

In addition to our Iberian Peninsula feature of short stories, nonfiction and poetry, we're offering this special marquee of works we feel capture the true spirit of Don Quixote. — The Editors, Margin

  • "The Missing Scroll" ~ short fiction from Christopher Kritwise Doyle

  • "The Hidalgo at His Fireside: A tour of Alcalá de Henares, home of Cervantes" ~ nonfiction article with photos by Adelaida Lucena de Lower

  • "On Translating the Prince of Wits" ~ Guernica interview with Edith Grossman by Joel Whitney

  • "Don Quixote: A Global Celebration" ~ column by Tamara Kaye Sellman

  • "The Meaning of Madness in Magical Realism" ~ column by Tamara Kaye Sellman

  • "Quixote's Companions" ~ column by Tamara Kaye Sellman

  • NEW! "But This Was Broadway" ~ poem by Sharon Doyle

  • NEW! "Also For Miguel" ~ poem by Hugh Hennedy

  • "Don Quixote Considers a Sand Dune" ~ poem by James Doyle

  • "Broken Vision" ~ poem by Hedy Habra

  • "Quixote's Bowl" ~ poem by Thomas David Lisk

  • "Delirium" ~ poem by Stefan Lowry

  • "Yo, Borges, Dappelgänger" ~ prose poem by Robert Perchan

  • "Taking a Shower With Miguel de Cervantes" ~ poem by Carlos Reyes

  • Back to Main Contents
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