
Exploring Modern Magical Realism

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Don Quixote:
A Global Celebration

IT WOULD be impossible to list all the events that comprise the worldwide celebration of the 400th anniversary of everyone's favorite Knight Errant. Instead, we offer you 35 ways to honor the life and times of Cervantes and his legendary hero, Don Quixote.

1 ~ Get your T-shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, umbrellas…sorry, they're fresh out of bowl-shaped helmets

2 ~ Listen to famous writers as they wax eloquent about the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance

3 ~ Go to the opera, for "song shall be our delight, lamenting our joy"

4 ~ Play the story of the man of La Mancha on your computer

5 ~ Check out an online image gallery of Quixote country (are thumbnails worth a thousand words? you decide)

6 ~ Remember the old saying, “Faint heart never won fair lady”

7 ~ Join a Quixotephile's paradise and participate in this dedicated book discussion

8 ~ Picnic to the sounds of Quixote at an open-air music festival

9 ~ View evidence of Cervantes' curse, then view a contemporary film version that might have broken Cervantes' curse

10 ~ Visit a virtual museum of Quixotic artwork (for those who live in caves)

11 ~ Prove you know everything about the Quixote by taking this quiz

12 ~ Make a virtual download of the entire book

13 ~ "Listen, then, attentively awhile, and thou shalt perceive how, in the twinkling of an eye, I will confound all the difficulties and supply all the wants which do suspend and affright thee from publishing to the world the history of thy famous Don Quixote…" (audio theater)

14 ~ Visit an international exhibition of the Quixote in arts and letters

15 ~ Take on a really cool comic book if you just can't do the whole big tome

16 ~ Attend a film series and discussion

17 ~ Become a certified Cervantes scholar

18 ~ Participate in Operation Dulcinea

19 ~ Reenact the classic adventure with puppets

20 ~ Give yourself a Cervantes-inspired "mind-body workout"

21 ~ Move beyond the windmills to see a stage tribute to Cervantes

22 ~ Read your children a bedtime story

23 ~ Fiesta! Attend a Cervantes Festival

24 ~ Find the proof of the pudding in the eating

25 ~ Enjoy a young people's (pre-MTV!) concert video conducted by Leonard Bernstein

26 ~ Unite, factheads, and brush up on your trivia

27 ~ Leave your two left feet at home, lest you embarrass Sancho Panza

28 ~ Tour Quixote country and get the full immersion experience

29 ~ See the impossible dream unfold in an outdoor theater

30 ~ Learn Spanish as a second language (the mission of the Cervantes institute)

31 ~ Dine with the Don (gourmet magazine feature)

32 ~ Visit a DQ readathon

33 ~ Improve your vocabulary (for rookie hidalgos)

34 ~ Perform a Googlism: Who is Sancho Panza?

35 ~ Celebrate here with a myriad of other adventures (also en español)



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Rev'd 2005/06/08