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Edison Martial Arts Academy
1655-298 Oak Tree Rd
Edison, NJ 08820
(732) 548-2660


Junior Black
First Degree
Second Degree

Disclaimer White
Brown and Junior Black
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Cardinal Directions "Left, Right, Forward and Back" are relative to you are currently facing. These will be seperated from the move with a comma, like this:(Step Left, Left Hand Middle Block). If it is labeled with Side on the end, it is signifying for you to step according to the beginning position. Otherwise, you move in the direction YOU are facing (If you're facing left, you move left. If you're facing back, move back) Remember, these steps are only to be used as reference. The actual kata should be learned from a qualified instructor as no written manual can replace him or her.

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White Belt (Kam-Sah/ Appreciation)

Starting Position: Attention (Hands on sides)

  1. Bring knife hands to chest crossing over each other
  2. Hands assume fist position
  3. Step left, Left Hand Middle Block
  4. Right Hand Punch
  5. Step back to fist position with hands crossing over each other
  6. Step right, Right Hand Middle Block
  7. Left Hand Punch
  8. Step back to fist position with hands crossing over each other
  9. Stand to attention (both hands go to the side not in combat mode)
  10. Bow

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Gold Belt ()

Starting Position: Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!

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Green Belt (Jon-Kyong/ Respect)

Starting Position: Touch Position (Feet together with Fists Crossed over Chest)

  1. Step left, Left Hand middle block
  2. Touch (bring right leg to left leg and cross fists over chest) Left Leg front kick
  3. Right Hand back punch
  4. Step back to Touch Position
  5. Step right, Right Hand middle block
  6. Touch Right Leg front kick
  7. Left Hand back punch
  8. Step back to Touch Position with body facing Right Side
  9. Step left, Left Hand middle block
  10. Right Hand Back Punch
  11. Step forward, Right Hand middle block
  12. Left Hand Back Punch
  13. Grab
  14. Pull Left Leg Front Kick
  15. Left Hand Punch
  16. Right Hand Punch
  17. Turn to Back Side, Right Arm Middle Block
  18. Cross Side Kick
  19. Back Punch
  20. Return to touch position
  21. Step left, Left Arm Middle Block
  22. Cross Side Kick
  23. Back Punch
  24. Return to Touch Position
  25. Step right to back side, Right Hand Middle Block
  26. Back Punch
  27. Step Forward, Back Punch
  28. Retract Punch and Twist body left (bend your knees)
  29. Right Leg Side Kick
  30. Back Punch
  31. Turn Left, Left Hand Middle Block
  32. Back Punch
  33. Return to Touch Position facing Forward Side
  34. Step Right, Right Hand Middle Block
  35. Back Punch

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Purple Belt (Ja-sin/ Confidence)

Starting Position: Fists closed crossed together

  1. Step Left, Left Hand Middle Block
  2. Touch Feet
  3. Lead Leg Round Kick
  4. Cross Leg Side Kick
  5. Right Hand Reverse Punch
  6. Step Back, Touch and Assume Beginning Stance
  7. Step Right, Right Hand Middle Block
  8. Touch Feet
  9. Lead Leg Round Kick
  10. Cross Leg Side Kick
  11. Left Hand Reverse Punch
  12. Step Back, Touch and face the right side Assuming Beginning Stance
  13. Step Left, Left Hand Middle Block and Right Hand Punch and then go back to Left Hand Middle Block(done at the same time)
  14. Step to Forward Side, touch feet together facing to forward side with hands in fist and on chest
  15. Left Leg Front Kick
  16. Right Leg Round Kick
  17. Turning Back Kick with Left Leg
  18. Right Punch
  19. Turn body to back side (do not move legs)
  20. Right Hand Middle Block
  21. Left Hand Punch
  22. Step Forward with Left Leg, Left Hand Middle Block
  23. Right Hand Punch
  24. Turn body to left (do not move legs)
  25. Right Leg Side Kick
  26. Turning Back Kick
  27. Right Hand Reverse Punch
  28. Turn to Left Side, Right Hand Middle Block (right leg should be behind you when performing this movement)
  29. Lead Leg Cross Side Kick
  30. Left Hand Reverse Punch
  31. Turn to Right Side, Left Hand Middle Block (left leg should be behind you when performing this movement)
  32. Lead Leg Cross Side Kick
  33. Right Hand Reverse Punch

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Blue Belt (Jung-Yee/ Justice)

Beginning Stance: Fist Crossed over each over in Touch Position

  1. Step left, Left Hand low block and Right Hand Punch
  2. Step back to starting position
  3. Step right, Right Hand low block and Left Hand Punch
  4. Step back to starting position facing right side
  5. Step left, Left Hand middle block and Right Hand punch
  6. Step forward into low horse stand, Right Arm middle block and Left Hand on top of Right Arm
  7. Step around, Left Hand middle block and Right Hand punch
  8. Step forward, Right Hand low block and Left Punch
  9. Step back to touch position
  10. Step out to right side, Right Hand low block and Left Punch
  11. Step back to touch position facing left side
  12. Step out, Right Hand middle block and Left Hand punch (retreat back to left hand middle block position)
  13. Step up to touch position with fists in chamber position (fists on both sides of belt on your waste)
  14. Step forward with Right Leg to Low Forward Stance, Low X block (both hands block while crossing over each other)
  15. Middle X block (bring the low X block to your chest}
  16. High X open hand block
  17. Put palms together
  18. Right Punch
  19. Left Punch
  20. Right Punch
  21. Step back to touch position with fists in chamber position
  22. Step back with Right Leg to Low Forward Stance, Low X block
  23. Middle X block
  24. High X open hand block
  25. Put palms together
  26. Right Punch
  27. Left Punch
  28. Right Punch
  29. Step up to touch position with Hands at Chest Level, Left Leg Front Kick
  30. Right Leg Round Kick
  31. Tornado Kick
  32. Smash Position (horse stance and left elbow into right hand)
  33. Right Hand low block and Left Punch
  34. Turn to your right, Left Hand low block and Right Hand punch
  35. Step back to touch position facing forward side
  36. Turn to your left, Right Hand low block and Left Hand punch
  37. Step back to Starting Position

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Red Belt (Pyong-Ha/ Peace)

Beginning Stance: Hands in Knife Hand position crossed together

  1. Two Ridge Hands to both sides of the body simultaneously
  2. Turn Right, Bend Right Hand so it is bent behind your head
  3. Step Forward Side with Left Leg, Left hand high knife hand strike and right hand knife hand middle block
  4. Switch both hands to fist position
  5. Back Leg Round Kick
  6. Cross Side Kick
  7. Back Punch
  8. Right hand on left shoulder and Left hand on waist (do not move feet)
  9. Right Low Block and left hand to chest (do not move feet)
  10. Step up to right left with left leg (touch position), right hand on left shoulder and left hand on waist
  11. Step at a 45 degree angle to your right using your right leg, Right Low Block and left hand to chest
  12. Step right leg back to original touch position facing forward side, right hand on left shoulder and left hand on waist
  13. Step back using left leg, right low block and left hand to chest
  14. Turn head to back side
  15. Right Ridge hand (toward back side)
  16. Back Leg Round Kick (toward back side)
  17. Tornado Kick
  18. Smash (take right elbow and smash it into left hand) (facing left when done) (in horse stance position)
  19. Right Hand Middle Block and Left Hand Middle Block
  20. Right Hand Low Block and Left Hand Middle Block
  21. Right Hand Middle Block and Left Hand Low Block
  22. Right Hand Low Block and Left Hand Low Block
  23. Left hand pushes right fist back
  24. Right Punch
  25. Bring both fists facing each other to left side of body
  26. Double Punch
  27. Jump a 180 degree turn (to back side) and assume Right Hand Middle Block and Left Hand Middle Block
  28. Right Hand Low Block and Left Hand Middle Block
  29. Right Hand Middle Block and Left Hand Low Block
  30. Right Hand Low Block and Left Hand Low Block
  31. Left hand pushes right fist back
  32. Right Punch
  33. Bring both fists facing each other to left side of body
  34. Double Punch
  35. Bring Legs Together
  36. Jump a 360 degree turn (back to your original side) and assume both hands in knife hand position facing back side
  37. Left Hand Punch and Right Hand to chest
  38. Step up left leg, right hand on left shoulder and left hand on waist
  39. Right leg hook kick then round kick then side kick (do not put leg down)
  40. Smash Left Elbow into Right Hand
  41. Elbow strike to forward side
  42. Step Back Left leg pivoting on right leg to face forward
  43. Assume fighting stance
  44. Reverse Punch

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Brown Belt and Junior Black Belt (Tekken)

Starting Position: Double Knife Hands over each other on your chest, Feet Together in Touch Position and Knees Slightly Bent

  1. Cross Right, Right Hand Knife Hand block and Left Hand assume fist in normal "standby" position
  2. Smash (both hands fists)
  3. Fist together with palms facing each other
  4. Turn to Left Side, Left Hand Low Block and Right Hand Hook Punch
  5. Cross into Horse Stance, Right Hand High Block and Left Hand Low Block
  6. Right Hand Punch and Left Hand High Block
  7. Left Hand Middle Block and Right Hand Fist in Left Armpit
  8. Left Foot tap Right Leg (face left) (keep arm position)
  9. Right Foot tap Left Leg (face right) (keep arm position)
  10. Fist together with palms facing each other
  11. Double Punch Left Side
  12. Switch to Left Hand Knife Hand Block and Right Hand assume fist in normal "standby" position
  13. Smash
  14. Fist together with palms facing each other
  15. Turn to Right Side, Right Hand Low Block and Left Hand Hook Punch
  16. Cross into Horse Stance, Left Hand High Block and Right Hand Low Block
  17. Left Hand Punch and Right Hand High Block
  18. Right Hand Middle Block and Left Fist in Right Armpit
  19. Right Leg Tap Left Leg (face right) (keep arm position)
  20. Left Leg Tap Right Leg (face left) (keep arm position)
  21. Fist together with palms facing each other
  22. Double Punch Right Side

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