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Texism and Jebony 4evr

Hello! This is my second try at a website my first one i really had no clue what to But my sis's friend came down from Washington and helped me with it so now it's pretty cool...I know it's not the greatest website but oh well! lol.


This wallpaper is for jebony fans though it really sux!! I'm sorry for the bad wallpaper jebony fans but I'm hoping to make a good one soon!

*****UPDATES***** Take My Hand- two new parts Take Me Under- one new part I'm still updating this very second so no hurting me! lol

You are most like Ebony. Powerful and evil. You
would stop at nothing to achieve what you
wanted no matter what or who stands in your
way. if you have a website, save the image above and
link it back to this quiz

tribe usa
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Ebony.. Your really evil and will do anything
to survive.. Including messing up your friends,
stealing someone elses boyfriend, and sturring
up trouble.. keep it up!

Which Tribe Charactor are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tribal Stories

Where Have You Gone- by me
Remember The Past- by me
Take My Hand- by me, wed2ved, and ladyjade
So Close- by me
Tribe 5-by me
Take Nothing For Granted- by me
Those Who Started It All- by LizUS22 and Tribe Kitten
Starting over Again- By LadyJade/Kimberly
Before and After- by Me- First Part Up Soon!
Point #1
When Worlds Collide
Take Me Under- by Me and TrIbE*pRiNcEsS6

My Favorite Tribe Couples
