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The Lord of the Thundercats Unplugged

Publisher's Note:

When Lion-O was away, the 'Cats came out to play. This is the work of an afternoon of playing.  This album is actually more of an anthology than anything else.  With lots of ground to cover, the Thundercats involved split up into groups and took different topics.  After completing their respective topics, the Thundercats arranged the photo essays in a logical order and asked that they be published.  At great personal risk, I have done as they asked and ignored the rather vehement objections from Lion-O.  For those of you reading this, financial contributions to cover upcoming medical bills will be welcomed with open arms.

Table of Contents
1. Notes on the Sword of Omens
Thundercat Team
2. Lion-O: The Fighting Machine
Lynx-O and Snarfer
3.  In Need of Rescue
Tygra, Panthro, and Bengali
4. The Animated Facial Expressions of a Leader
Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat
5. Oddities Typical in the Male Species
Cheetara and Pumyra
6.  A Quick Note in the Dark

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