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The Lord of the Thundercats Unplugged

A Quick Note in the Dark

This will have to be very quick because Lion-O and I just got back from the Berbil village and Lion-O found out about this little album.  He's on the warpath right now and if I hadn't grabbed this book when I did and ran, it would now be a smouldering pile of ash.  As it is, the other Thundercats are trying to stall and I'm trying to get this outside where Willa has volunteered to rush it to a publisher's.  Currently, I'm squirming through the ventilation, but Lion-O's right below me and I have to stay quiet for now.  But while I'm just sitting here, I thought I'd add a few quite notes.  First, Lion-O does NOT rely too much on the Sword of Omens.  Yes, he uses it, but it's not a crutch.  Second, Lion-O doesn't smarm nearly as much as Tygra and Jaga do.  Third, Lion-O has saved the Thundercats at least as many times as the Thundercats have saved him.  Fourth, how did Kit and Kat get into Tygra's lab and how did they manage to take the Thundertank for a spin without Panthro noticing?  There's more here than meets the eye and I think the Thundercats and I should watch the twins a little more closely.  Fifth, men are NOT always trying to show off.  We're just proud of what comes naturally.  And now that Lion-O's searching another part of the Lair, I can move on.  Wish me luck!

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