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My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am. - Unknown

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News Articles
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December 17, 2010

Spread Some Christmas Cheer at the Shelter!

Fayette County Animal Rescue has Angel Trees at 4 locations so that you can purchase a Christmas gift for one of our rescued dogs or cats. Simply take an ornament off the tree and purchase one or more items listed on it. Return the items to the location where you saw the tree and feel free to keep the ornament as a token of our thanks. The Angel Trees are located at: Image Salon, 7056 Hwy. 64, Oakland; Hollywood Feed, 7085 Hwy. 64, Oakland; Animal Care Hospital, 8565 Hwy. 64, Somerville; and Somerville Animal Hospital, 119 W. Court Square, Somerville. At Three Dog Bakery in Collierville we have a wish list posted so that you can buy items in the store and donate them to the shelter as well. We will leave the trees up until after New Year’s.

You can also get your pet's photo taken with Santa this weekend at the Petsmart located across from the Wolfchase Mall. Santa and his elves will there Dec. 18 and Dec. 19 from 11:00-4:00. The photos are $9.95 and $5.00 from every photo is donated to our shelter. Santa will be waiting!!

Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!!

Mail your tax-deductible contributions to FCAR, P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066 Tax ID# 62-1836008.

December 3, 2010

Last of 9 Seized Dogs Finally Gets a Home!

In March of this year we seized 9 dogs in a cruelty investigation. Some of them had a severe case of mange and it took them awhile to get better. They were all very precious, small dogs and we expected them to get adopted quickly. After all, a lot of people call requesting a small dog to adopt. Well, it took longer than we thought for the last two dogs, Scooby and Hot Dog, to get adopted. They are little Jack Russell mixes, and we actually thought they would get a home before the other dogs. They are so sweet and playful, too. Well, Scooby finally got adopted a few weeks ago by his foster mom. That was completely unexpected because she didn’t really want to even foster a Jack Russell! But, she fell in love with him and had to keep him. So that left little Hot Dog. We had him for a few more weeks after Scooby went to his home, and we couldn’t figure out why no one was interested in him. But, fortunately, the right family came along and welcomed him into their home, which is a great place for Hot Dog. They have a huge backyard where he can run and chase his new “sister”, Lilly, a beautiful tan boxer/lab mix. It was love at first sight for the two of them and Hot Dog made himself right at home that day and even slept in his new owners’ bed that night! What a happy ending for a sweet little dog who came from such bad living conditions!

These happy endings could not be possible without the support of so many people. To those of you that support us financially or by volunteering or in any other way, we thank you so much for giving second chances to our rescues who deserve a good life.

Mail your tax-deductible contributions to FCAR, P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066 Tax ID# 62-1836008.

Graceland Adopted Rescue Horse "Bandit" Update
In 2008 FCAR rescued 17 starving horses from a farm in Williston, TN.  One of those horses, Bandit, was adopted by Priscilla Presley and Graceland Enterprises in December 2008.

To read the latest about Bandit in the MidSouth Horse Review click here.


July 16, 2010

A Miraculous Adoption!

Blondie is a beautiful yellow lab mix that has been at the shelter for 10 years and is 12 years old. Everyone loved her and loved to play with her. A long time ago, we used to let her leave the shelter to explore for a little while on the property. Then when it was time to go, we’d call her name and she would come running back and go right into her kennel. We couldn’t do that with any other dog! We called her “Queen of the Shelter” because she had been with us so long.

Blondie developed a very large fatty tumor on one side of her. It looked strange, but was not a health concern. She also has a heart murmur and has to stay on medication for the rest of her life. Given her age, too, she was not considered a highly adoptable dog.

However, a wonderful couple saw Blondie on our website and became interested in her. They met her at an adoption day and decided to foster her. After having her in their home for just 3 days, they called us and said they wanted to keep her! She had made herself right at home and they just fell in love with her. The couple takes her for walks every morning and told us that she is “everything they ever wanted in a dog.” You couldn’t ask for more than that from an adopter, and we couldn’t be happier for our “Queen.”

June 25, 2010 

Memphis Polo Club Holds a Benefit for FCAR 

Memphis Polo Club had their first match of the season on June 20 and will be donating the proceeds to FCAR. Those of us that attended had never been to a polo match, so we were really looking forward to it. The horses were absolutely beautiful and very skilled. It was really fun watching the match and everyone there was having a good time. Some agility dogs also came and performed. Many people stopped by our booth for information and made donations. We also brought some dogs for everyone to see and hopefully adopt. They had a great time and even tried to chase the horses when they got near us! We want to thank Memphis Polo Club for thinking of and supporting FCAR.


June 4, 2010

Seized Dogs Ready for Adoption!

A couple of weeks ago I told you about 9 dogs that we seized in an animal cruelty investigation. All the dogs were suffering terribly from scabies. They were constantly scratching because of the mange, and therefore they had bloody scabs all over their body, and a lot of hair loss. Two puppies were weak and underweight and in a pen with no water. The other dogs that were running loose also had no water available. Fortunately, they were all very sociable and playful dogs, so we just had to tend to their physical needs.

I am so happy to say now that the dogs are looking great! The one with the most hair loss, Milky Way, now has a beautiful and shiny coat. Lovey still doesn’t have all her hair back, but she is also looking so much better. We owe a big thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers who have been medicating, bathing, and playing with these babies. When we seized them they all looked so sad and were so afraid the first few days at the shelter. But, that has definitely changed! They are very happy and playful, and they are now ready for adoption. They are all small dogs; some are puppies and some are adults, and they are all looking for someone’s lap that they can always curl up in! Check them out on our website, or call for an appointment to see them at the shelter.

May 20, 2010

Nine Dogs Seized in Animal Cruelty Investigation

FCAR cruelty investigators recently seized 9 dogs from a home in Oakland. They had been to that house several times before in the last few years. However, the owners kept getting dogs and kept neglecting them. Two 5 month old puppies were found in a pen littered with trash, including broken glass. There was no water and the water bowl was dry and had dirt in it, so no telling how long it had been since the two puppies had fresh water. There was dog food scattered on the ground, but the puppies were still very skinny. They appeared weak, too. The rest of the dogs were running around loose. Water and food bowls were all around the yard, but all were empty except for dirt. So these dogs had no water either. There were two three month old puppies as well. One was thin and had a terrible case of contagious mange. She barely had any hair and was mostly covered in scabs from scratching so much. Another dachshund mix had practically no hair on one of her ears due to all her scratching. Her ear was like one huge scab. Actually, all the dogs are being treated for mange and are receiving medication and baths in medicated shampoo. Both 3 month old puppies also have entropian, which is an eye condition in which the eyelids are grown inward, causing the eye lashes to come into contact with the eye itself. It is painful and can cause corneal damage and corneal scarring which can interfere with vision. Therefore, both puppies will have to have surgery to correct the entropian. Animal cruelty charges will be filed against the owners of these dogs.

April 9, 2010

Lotta Lewis Reaches Plea Agreement instead of going to Trial 

In August of 2009, Lotta “Laddie” Lewis was arrested for animal cruelty and for two counts of violation of probation, just 6 months after being convicted of animal cruelty for the third time. He was first arrested and found guilty in 2000, then 2003, and March of 2009. Fayette County Animal Rescue has taken in over 50 animals from Mr. Lewis over the years has and spent between $10,000-$15,000 rehabilitating them. Fortunately, we have found forever homes for all of them.

In March of 2009 we seized 3 horses, 3 kittens and 8 dogs. The horses were underweight and did not have access to fresh water and food. The dogs were sickly and living in deplorable conditions. The kittens were living in a filthy rabbit hutch with no air circulation and were given bread to eat. We also found 4 dead horses on his property. Mr. Lewis pled guilty and was given 8 years probation. He was also ordered to pay restitution to us in the amount of $4,000, of which we have received none. In addition, he was not allowed to own animals for the length of his probation. 

Mr. Lewis did not learn his lesson from his 3 previous arrests. Nor did he follow the terms of his probation. In August of 2009 we discovered that he had several horses, all of which are underweight, and dogs living in unacceptable conditions. The horses were very skinny, with rib bones showing and hip bones protruding. I also checked one of Mr. Lewis’ properties to see if there were animals there. I found a dog in a kennel in the backyard. Therefore, Mr. Lewis was arrested for two counts of violation of probation (for possessing animals) and for animal cruelty because of the conditions of the horses and dogs. He was indicted by a grand jury in November of 2009 and a court date was set for April 6 of this year.            

About a week before the trial date, I found out that a plea agreement had been reached between Lewis and the District Attorney for the State. He was facing 29 counts of animal cruelty and pled guilty to 6 of them. He has been sentenced to a total of 1 year in jail and must pay FCAR $103.04 in restitution. Lewis will also be on probation for 2 years after his release from jail and will not be allowed to own any animals.

I was really looking forward to seeing Lewis go to trial. I wanted other people to see the atrocities he had committed towards animals. Only a few of us at FCAR experienced the sights and disgusting smells of these poor animals’ environments. Only a few of us saw and smelled the decomposing bodies of horses. Only a few of us had to bathe dogs that had mange and look at the many bones showing on the live horses. I wanted the word to get out that we need stronger laws for animal cruelty to stop repeat offenders. (I must emphasize – he’s been arrested 4 times!) He has already been sent to jail, been on probation and ordered to not own animals. However, that hasn’t stopped him from doing it over and over. What will it take for this man to learn his lesson and stop abusing animals? If he gets arrested for a 5th time, and a 6th time, will his sentence be any harsher? We at FCAR hope so because the sights, smells and sounds of what we have seen from his actions will never leave our memories. However, they don’t seem to bother Lewis, and I feel he will be back at his old habits when he is released from jail.

February 18, 2010

Bandit is Living Like a King at Graceland 

Yvette Gilbert and Gina Thweatt went to finalize another rescued horse’s adoption last week, but this was no ordinary horse and has no ordinary home. We went to see Bandit, who was rescued in the George Blackburn Animal Cruelty Case in 2008. He had been adopted by Priscilla Presley and Elvis Presley Enterprises. There are three other rescued horses he shares his home with, but his favorite is Max. Actually, Max gets very upset when Bandit is taken out of their pasture. We saw that first hand. Then, he got very excited and started running around when Bandit was returned. They are best buddies and definitely have the easy life.

When we rescued Bandit, he was a skinny 3 month old colt. His momma, Secret, was also very skinny, as were the rest of the 15 horses. All the horses were not socialized, and it took a long time to get them used to people. Bandit really had a hard time since no one had been around him since birth. He was put into a foster home and volunteers worked tirelessly with him and helped him so much. He later received a terrible injury to his leg, which eventually healed. He had such a rough start in life, but now life couldn’t be any better for him. He is spoiled rotten, according to his caretakers. And you know what, we wouldn’t want it any other way!

Fayette County Animal Rescue

P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066

Phone: (901) 854-2565

Fax: (901) 854-2202

Shelter Hours:  By Appointment Only
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