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Produced and distributed by the Grace of Vaheguru

Spiritual Strength Of Women

Introduction **Fighting Spirit **Bibi Dalair Kaur - Martyr - Dec 4, 1705 **Bibi Prem Kaur - Heroic Nurse **Bibi Saran Kaur **Bibi Sharan Kaur **Sri Bibi Harbans Kaur **Bibi Joginder Kaur **Bibi Balwant Kaur **Bibi Jagjeet Kaur Khalsa **Khalsa Women and meer mannu's Jail


This servant is eternally grateful to the Almighty Vaheguru and to Satguru Jee Maharaaj for His benevolent support to produce and distribute this latest series of the ‘Spiritual Strength of Women.’ Before starting this series, I prayed to the Giver of Givers, the Benevolent Provider of unlimited qualities, Akal Purakh to bestow upon this moorakh the effort to complete this series successfully.

The reason for making this compilation of stories and accounts of our historical Sikh women is so that the present day Sikh women can understand and realise for themselves the depth of Sikhi (Sikh Way of Life) and the effect it has had on women from the past and also in the present. It has been found that literature or stories on Sikh women are very hard to find and rarely available to the Sikhs, and so the present day Sikh ladies lack knowledge of their ancestral lineage of brave and courageous Sikh ladies. Therefore are left without any source of inspiration to strive further in Sikhi. As a result, many become weak and fall under the derogatory and harmful influences of Western society.

But not just the women, hundreds and thousands of Sikhs world-wide have deviated from Sikhi. They have forgotten all the sacrifices that our ancestors have made for us. To bring these young people back to their True path, it is important to make them aware through the right type of preaching. Therefore, this series (and all the previous series’) have been compiled to illustrate to the Sikh youth the beauty and the prestige of their history and heritage. For this reason, this collation of real life experiences and accounts of Sikh women should have a lasting impact on the reader and will help them to strive to live up to the ideals and examples their ancestors have made.

In his book ‘The Search for the True Guru’ Bhai Rama Singh Jee humbly requests to all Sikhs:
“Daughters, sisters and mothers! For the sake of Gursikhi (Gursikh Way of Life), look after this flower garden planted by Guru Gobind Singh Jee. He put the (growth promoting) fertiliser of the blood of his father Sri Guru Tegh Bahadhur Jii, mother Mata Gujri Jee, his four sons, the Panj Pyarey, the Chalee Mukhtay (Forty martyrs) and hundreds of thousands of Sikh shaheeds (martyrs) to ensure a healthy bloom. For preserving this garden of Sikhi, many brave Sikh women (Singhnia) received into their laps their little children cut into pieces so that this garden of Sikhi would not wither. Even now there is time to undo harm. Look after your children and teach them to follow the path of Gursikhi, adopt Khalsa identity and dress, live the Khalsa way.”

“One who lives the Khalsa way is my Sikh” (Bhai Desa Singh’s Rehitnama, quoting Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee).

Discipline, beloved devotion and faithful prayers are just some of the virtues in Gursikhi. These virtues were imminent in the Sikhs of our history and are still imminent in Sikhs today. The following extracted stories will show the readers the practical examples of these virtues, which so many Sikh women showed and proved. I hope in the end, the reader will be able to absorb the awe-inspiring characters of these benevolent Sikh women and apply these virtues and characteristics to their own personality. Thus, rejuvenating the ‘Spirit of the Khalsa’ on to themselves and further on to their offspring, the future generation of the Khalsa Panth!

In the end I beg of the reader to forgive any mistakes or shortcomings they may find when reading this series. Any acknowledgement of my mistakes will be greatly appreciated for myself. Any thanks and praise should only be given to Akal Purakh (the Formless One) and SatGuru Maharaaj (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)!

Yours humbly, M. Singh

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

(The Khalsa belongs to God All Victory belongs to God)