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Spiritual Strength Of Women

Introduction **Fighting Spirit **Bibi Dalair Kaur - Martyr - Dec 4, 1705 **Bibi Prem Kaur - Heroic Nurse **Bibi Saran Kaur **Bibi Sharan Kaur **Sri Bibi Harbans Kaur **Bibi Joginder Kaur **Bibi Balwant Kaur **Bibi Jagjeet Kaur Khalsa **Khalsa Women and meer mannu's Jail

Produced and distributed by the Grace of Vaheguru


Bibi Balwant Kaur used to live in Africa. Her husband passed away when she was still quite young. She had very young children. She was very depressed when her husband died. Bibi Ji’s previous life’s good deeds were rewarded and she developed a love for the Lord’s Name. She received Amrit and started doing simran. In this way many years passed doing seva and simran and, in due course, Bibi Ji migrated from Africa to England. Bibi Ji started doing the seva of kirtan when invited by Gursikhs to do Kirtan at home. With the support of the sangat Bibi Ji arranged for the construction of Bebe Nanaki Gurdwara in Birmingham. Here the sangat assembles and enjoys the bliss of Kirtan.

After moving to England Bibi Ji had a dream one night. In her dream some Divine influence directed her to go to Sultanpur and set up a Gurdwara to honour Bebe Nanaki Ji (Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s sister, revered by Sikhs due to her great affection for Guru Ji and early recognition by her of Guru Ji’s mission on earth. Bibi Balwant Kaur immediately made plans to go to India. When she arrived, she found the place that she had seen in her dream in Sultanpur. She talked to the owner of the land. When he learned that a Gurdwara of Bebe Nanaki Ji was to be built on that land, he was very happy. He said that he would talk to his family about it and would get back to her. He assured her, “I will do whatever is possible. It will be my good fortune if this place is blessed with katha and kirtan.” He touched Bibi Ji’s feet respectfully. He then discussed the matter with his family and it was decided to give the land for building the Gurdwara.

Bibi Ji realised that to build a Gurdwara was a big undertaking. She had no idea how she was going to manage it all by herself. Later that night in another dream, Bibi Ji was assured by the same Divine inspiration that she had the blessings of Satguru. The project was God’s own work, which He was going to get done through her. Bibi Ji returned to England and started a succession of kirtan programmes. She made announcements about the building of Bebe Nanaki’s Gurdwara. Sangat members gave generous financial help. Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Sagoo and Channa Ji gave a great deal of assistance to Bibi Ji. With Guru Ji’s Grace, the entire project was finally completed. Later Bibi Ji was showered with more Grace from Guru Ji and received inspiration and funds necessary to open an eye clinic for the poor.

Bibi Ji learned from watching a television programme that there was a lot of poverty in Ethiopia. She felt really sad watching the poor naked, hungry children, and tears welled up in her eyes. She prayed to Vaheguru and asked for a way to help them. She could not bear to see the desperate condition of the poor children. Bibi Ji distributed clothes among the children. She sent food. She went there and had wells dug to combat drought conditions. Bibi Ji has been doing seva for the last fifty years and is respected by the local community. Recognition has been give to her work by the local civic community.

(Extract from Bhai Rama Singh Ji’s book ‘The Search for the True Guru’)

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