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Spiritual Strength Of Women

Introduction **Fighting Spirit **Bibi Dalair Kaur - Martyr - Dec 4, 1705 **Bibi Prem Kaur - Heroic Nurse **Bibi Saran Kaur **Bibi Sharan Kaur **Sri Bibi Harbans Kaur **Bibi Joginder Kaur **Bibi Balwant Kaur **Bibi Jagjeet Kaur Khalsa

Fighting Spirit

(poem written by Harjit Singh Lakhan)

'The brave one fights for the down-trodden.' (Kabir, Salok : Guru Granth Sahib Jee)

'Only the brave die a worthy death, they are accepted by the Lord after death.' (Guru I Vadhans Raag : Guru Granth Sahib Jee)

'Brave in this world is the one who is coloured by the dye of Nam.' (Guru V, Jaitsari Raag : Guru Granth Sahib Jee)

'Nanak says, the bravest of the brave is the one who has overcome inner ego.' (Guru III, Salok : Guru Granth Sahib Jee)

After Guru Gobind Singh Jee, in the 18th Century, the Khalsa had a price on their head in their own homeland of Punjab. They were forced to live on the run in jungles. But, they never shirked their responsibility - they were the police force, they were the Law and Justice - they were God's Army blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Jee.

Awesome Warriors that pounce like panthers, On mighty battle-horses against Moghul Forces, An invisible breeze through the Jungle trees Roar like thunder: God's Army - Perfect Khalsa!

Khalsa spy in orange, blue and black, Camouflaged he follows the Moghuls track, Crawling under bushes like a venomous snake, Perching like a hawk by the side of their Lake, Hidden in a rock-cave small and compact, It'll soon be time, time to attack!

Around the lake like a poisonous snake, Towards the tents of the Mullah and the Sheik, Slips by the guards on his silent feet, Sings Waheguru with each heartbeat, Quick look left and a sharp look back, It'll soon be time, time to attack!

Eagle-eyed he finds the Punjabi pearls, Kidnapped sisters are now slave-girls, Chained together inside a dirty tent, Soon to be owned by a Muslim 'gent', In Afghanistan she'll be up for sale, To be wife number 4 of a Muslim male, In his religion it's a virtuous thing, To make a Sikh animal into a Muslim.

Khalsa spy quickly scuttles around Sketching a map of the enemies ground, He disappears like a passing breeze Moghuls think it's just rustling leaves, By Guru Gobind Singh's grace he'll be back, Back when it's time, time to attack!

Mighty Moghul's fought long and hard today Against innocent farmers stacking their hay, Majestic Moghuls say its good for their soul To slay parents and watch their children groan. The village was eaten by a monster 's desire The wild orange animal of the Moghuls' fire. Handsome Moghuls were so brave and strong, They raped young girls - it didn't seem wrong. After a hard days work they sleep nice and warm, Unaware of the rising Khalsa storm .

Inside the tent where the prisoners are kept, Beside the sisters who've wept and wept, Stands Princess Kaur with a saintly face With her eyes closed in a spiritual place, “Guru Jee we are your innocent children, Merciful Master grant us freedom, Save us from this sordid mess, O Perfect Protector of the Powerless, Honour and cherish Your daughter's right O’ Ocean of Love and Unknowable Light, Bless us with Waheguru's Naam and might, Break our chains, make us stand and fight, Invincible Power no one knows your limit, Bless us now with Your Fighting Spirit!”

The Moghuls' yawn at the crack of dawn, Their blood stained clothes are still battle-torn, They pray a little if they pray at all, Swearing and pushing they walk real tall, They reak of B.O. and have stinking breath, But that wont be enough to scare away Death!

The Khalsa storm is almost upon their land, The Goddess of Death is in the Khalsa's hand, Guru Gobind Singh Jee no one knows Your limit, The Khalsa is blessed with Your Fighting Spirit!

The Khalsa is beautiful, the Khalsa is bright, The Khalsa protects and does what's right, Looking like mountains, roaring like thunder, Riding on the wind singing God of Wonder! Across the rivers and through the valleys, Chasing the Moghuls like a swarm of bees, Khalsa spy made them a lovely map, The Moghuls will fall into a deadly trap. Hiding in the jungle by the well-walked track, Waiting for the time, time to attack!

Bahadur Singh, big, brave and strong Leads 4 Khalsa singing the Naam song, Riding into the middle of the track, Infront of the marching Moghul pack. The Moghuls dogs chase the Khalsa rabbit, The 5 Singhs ride full of the Fighting Spirit, Each one disappears into deep dark places, The Moghuls are surrounded by Khalsa faces!

No place to run now, no place to hide, Goddess of Death slashes Moghul pride, Smashed falling heads land with a thud The jungle ground soaks up their blood, The Moghuls lived by their sinning culture, They're only good for a hungry vulture!

Sweet Princess Kaur with her saintly face, Thanks Guru Jee for his merciful grace, Guru Gobind Singh Jee no one knows Your limit, The Khalsa is blessed with Your Fighting Spirit!

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