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They stroll along hand in hand
on the beach. Their love shining
from within as bright as the moon
in the sky. Holding hands as their
laughter fills the air.

The tide comes in and washes
across their bare feet as they wiggle
their toes in the sand. He grabs
her and pulls her close.
With one hand he sweeps her
wet hair from her face as he
slowly leans into her and brushes
his lips across hers. His arms
drawing her closer and holding her

She breaks away and runs into the water.
teasing and laughing as one in
love does. He chases her as they
both fall into the water. She
wraps her legs around his waist
and explores his mouth with her
tongue. Gently caressing his face
as their passion mounts.

The gentle sway of the water as it
rushes in, pushing their bodies together.
United as one. She leans back with her
legs still wrapped around him, her hair
falling across her shoulders with the
sunlight glistening off the water, as he
slowly, with the waves from the tide
makes love to her. As if no one in the
world mattered to him but her and the
love they share.

~ Red14karat ~


Tears Submission Dreamweek My Heart
Its Your Love Dear Daddy Afraid Of Love Grandson
Night Of Passion Flyaway Fantasy Isn't Love Grand
Memories Strangers Today Lovehurts Please Be Mine
I Found You Let It Snow Love Is In The Air Innocent Rose
Night Moves A Night For Lovers I Love You My Pain
Morning Wakeup Goodbye What Now Only Yesterday
Love Me Pain Of Loving You Beach Love Don't Break My Heart
A Daughters Pain Under The Stars The Kiss

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