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I knew when you touched your hand
to my shoulder that our love was still
strong. When I looked into your eyes I could
see the love you shared for me. The love that I
always knew was there and would always be
there. For our love was unique to us and oh
so right.

You were the one who was afraid to
solidify our love for fear we would not
last forever. Instead you let us suffer
for 4 years and I have to say... Was it
worth it? All the time we missed out on
sharing lifes every day occurrances?
The times we could have held each other tight.
Shared our hopes and dreams and our hurts.

Not a day went by that I did not miss you and
the kids. Wondering how you were doing, were
you happy. Then you tell me your thoughts were
of me also. Oh the time we have wasted. So. why
do two people who love each other so much
continue to stay apart for fear of the unknown.

These past years I would rather have taken the
chance to feel the joy of your love and our lives
together as one, even for a brief period of time
than have gone through the pain of these past years
gone by. All the time we have lost that can never be
returned. Wasted. Life is so short. Will you finally
give your love to me unconditionally and let us continue
lifes journey as one? Or, will the fear of me leaving
you as was done to you in the past continue to keep
us apart?


Tears Submission Dreamweek My Heart
Its Your Love Dear Daddy Afraid Of Love Grandson
Night Of Passion Flyaway Fantasy Isn't Love Grand
Memories Strangers Today Lovehurts Please Be Mine
I Found You Let It Snow Love Is In The Air Innocent Rose
Night Moves A Night For Lovers I Love You My Pain
Morning Wakeup Goodbye What Now Only Yesterday
Love Me Pain Of Loving You Beach Love Don't Break My Heart
A Daughters Pain Under The Stars The Kiss

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