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Ghost in Acapulco.
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/13/2004 4:06:50 AM | Message Detail
So, just so we know, and so I don't get any jerkasses saying "BUT TEH STORY IS TEH FAKE, J00 N00B!", the story is fake.

Interesting read none the less.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: acmauler | Posted: 9/13/2004 6:06:03 AM | Message Detail
Cool one!

Dude, don't taunt him. He has a graph!-Donut, RvB
From: murphyman40 | Posted: 9/13/2004 6:30:43 AM | Message Detail
This topic needs to be in the P/C hall of fame, now that it's active again(I think)
How I wish, how I wish you were here
User 2 thinks PINK...
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/13/2004 6:04:41 PM | Message Detail
I'm back, temporarily at least!

Boy, an entire week of moving . . . and more stuff to move still. I tell ya, getting the washing machine and the dryer up to the top floor is tough stuff. I'll have to read what I've missed.

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/13/2004 6:30:57 PM | Message Detail
Oh and that's an interesting story :D unfortunately, I have nothing to contribute right now except for this strange picture. . .

It was taken in Chile, I believe. Those two men riding the horses are said to be about 20 meters apart, which translates to, like, 1,000 miles, right?

It wasn't there before the picture was taken, or so says the photographer.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/13/2004 10:41:28 PM | Message Detail
Bump *cackle*

The search goes on for those pictures.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/13/2004 10:45:18 PM | Message Detail
After reading a couple posts in other topics . . . an interesting point came up. Are people avoiding this topic because it has more than 20 posts, therefore making it a potential troll topic? Oh well . . . and the search continues.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/13/2004 11:14:16 PM | Message Detail
Am I the only one posting here? Hmm . . . hey Pecking Bird, maybe you can help me. The name of the guy who hosted those movies is Jyunji Inagawa, heard of him? He's a famous medium in Japan, I don't really go for that medium stuff but I'm more interested in the movies he hosted, and more importantly, their names.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/14/2004 1:37:16 AM | Message Detail
Sorry, I really have been looking around for stuff to keep this topic entertaining. Still trying to find some Japanese Horror Stories, aside from all the regular ones we have heard, but not much. S'why I posted about Kaspar Hauser and the Bunny Man of Clifton.

Work sucks, and I threw out my elbow. Hate work with a passion.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/14/2004 11:59:53 AM | Message Detail
20 meters is more like 80 feet. 1 meter = 4 feet if I remember correctly.

And... That's an interesting picture. Sorry I wasn't able to post anything recently. Between taking up guitar and my feeling somewhat ill lately I haven't really been on GameFAQs a lot.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/14/2004 1:14:35 PM | Message Detail
If some of you haven't already noticed, I'm pulling these pictures from, it would be time consuming to post every single ectoplasm and blurry face picture that they have, or every faked one, so I'm just singling out the photos that really stand out and aren't a shapeless mass of superglue.

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Vega Nonaka | Posted: 9/14/2004 3:46:25 PM | Message Detail
( <= Japanese page

and also for all of his films listed go to(

o_o Does that help any? One of those probably contains the video(s) you are referring too. ^_^;
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/15/2004 12:22:59 AM | Message Detail
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/15/2004 12:40:25 AM | Message Detail
Thanks Vega Nonaka, if only I had a web cam or a scanner :\ oh well. Heres a picture for the night. I've looked at it closely and tried to explain the "shadow man" in the picture as the man's shadow, since the light source is behind the camera, but the shadow would also project onto the wall if that were so. Also, its hard to discern whether or not the shadow is on the cabinet or on the mirror itself, but I'm leaning toward the mirror. That said, its kind of creepy, thinking about something peeking out from your mirror at you. It gives "Through the looking glass" a whole new meaning, huh?

However, if you look at an enlarged picture, the shadow man's face appears to just be grime on the mirror. Is it just compromised image quality?

I just remembered another video. It was an old video, no color and sound, and was taken God knows how long ago. It lasted about thirty seconds and just showed different scenes of a "modern" (modern for the time period the video was taken in) train station, the patrons of said station, and the buildings around it. There was one very interesting section. At one point, the camera is aimed at the ground at about a thirty degree angle, and its filming the shadow of some metallic apparatus above the train tracks, along with the shadow cast by the train as it moves under it. Suddenly, the silhouette of a man carrying a briefcase appears on top of the apparatus, after about five seconds "he" disappears in the blink of an eye. No one was quite sure if it was faked, tampering with the film (it was quite old) could destroy it. If it was faked, then it was a damn good one, because the man's shadow leaned over like everything else in the shot and it didn't disrupt the clouds. Interesting, if nothing else could be said about it.

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/15/2004 1:07:41 AM | Message Detail
Hmmm, now I'm really starting to look forward to that family visit next year. I'll definitely bring a camera, and definitely take a picture of the ancestral grave. What would I do if I picked up anything in those photos? Well, I'd post them here by any means necessary, then send the original copies to people who posted in this thread. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with those photos.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/15/2004 4:16:03 AM | Message Detail

A nice Cryptozoology link.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/15/2004 1:22:46 PM | Message Detail
This link right here speaks about, some supposed Egyptian tombs located, within the Grand Canyon, in the off limits section.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/15/2004 1:23:46 PM | Message Detail
And this other link, speaks of an underground city located within a cavern. Don't know if either accounts are true or not, they are interesting reads none the less.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/16/2004 6:02:07 AM | Message Detail
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/16/2004 6:49:21 PM | Message Detail
Bump :) in case anyone wants to read it, and heres a picture for your entertainment. Probably fake, but oh well.

And I'll find something juicy to breath life back into this thread.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: acmauler | Posted: 9/16/2004 6:52:24 PM | Message Detail
That "through the looking glass" thing got me thinking. I had an experience with a mirror that scared the **** outta me.
My one good friend has this mirror in his bedroom that he got at a garage sale. It is a part of the dresser he has. He told me to take a look at it when he bought it. It was a nice, clear day, and the room was well lit. I looked in the mirror, with a completely straight face. The mirror looked back at me with a sinister sneer. Now, when I talk to him, he has claims that the mirror is a portal to another place. Now, he doesn't do drugs or drink, and he is as grounded a person as you'll find. He is going through college to become an X-ray tech.
I do not go anywhere near that mirror since my first encounter, and what my friend has said about it.
He doesn't have any problems with the mirror, but it doesn't like me at all.
Dude, don't taunt him. He has a graph!-Donut, RvB
From: acmauler | Posted: 9/16/2004 6:55:07 PM | Message Detail
He also has the spirit of a little girl in his basement. No one knows who she is or why she's there. But she moves things around in their "bar" and plays chess.
You'll be playing a game, get up to check something out, and whoever's turn it was, their pieces wouldn't be where they left them.
Dude, don't taunt him. He has a graph!-Donut, RvB
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/16/2004 9:56:53 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, that Chupacabra thing is incredibly fake.

Hrm... Here's a little story for you guys, involving yours truly. It seemed pretty paranormal to me when it was happening, although now I'm somewhat skeptical as to how much of it might not have been me and my father's minds playing tricks on us.

This all took place about a year ago, Octobor-Novemberish, and lasted until this June so that you have a bit of a time frame to view things in. Okay, so, my whole paranormal kick was pretty dead, I didn't care much at that point for the ghost stories or cryptozoology that had kept me entertained in my wee years, and I was pretty much just trying to catch up in school (didn't work, but meh).

I was under a bit of stress and my mind definately wasn't on the whole subject of spirits and spooks. But, that didn't seem to stop something from happening to me. One night while I was laying in bed, whether I was asleep or not at this point I'm unsure of, I felt my body begin to tingle and my focus began to grow blurry (I remember at this point wondering, whether awake or asleep, what the hell was happening)... And everything went black. When I came to I had the distinct feeling of a lot of time passing between this, but I was unsure of the validity of that assumption due to a lack of clocks in my bedroom. But, the wierdness was not over just yet. As I became more aware I realized my body wasn't responding to my need to go check what time it was. Now, keep in mind this is all happening over the course of, maybe, thirty seconds.

As I stopped attempting to move and pretty much started to freak out in a sense something came over my bed from the right corner of my room near the foot of said bed. This thing, which I consider female, is still quite etched in my mind. It was that surreal when it was all happening. She had long black hair, ghastly pale, and yet seemed much darker than anything else in the room and had a pale blue luminesence about her. If it wasn't for the circumstances and the fact she appeared rather ghostly she might have been considered rather attractive, yet circumstances dictated that as the womanly figure hovered over me as I lay paralyzed on my bed that I should scream and attempt to move again. And scream I did, yet movement I was still uncapable of. So, I settled for screaming... At the top of my lungs. Screaming for my sister, screaming for my dad, screaming for God (and keep in mind I'm Athiest here). And, that's when the most horrifying part of all happened. She reached into my body, put her hand literally into my chest without seeming to harm it at all, and squeezed upon my heart. My entire chest began to burn with an icy fire, so cold that it actually burned, and I screamed all the more, telling it to stop and leave, and I managed to move... First to roll away from the situation and then, as I became more mobile, to run toward my door. That's when I "woke up" or came to. I was laying in a mess of blankets in an icy cold room, covered from head to toe in a cold sweat. Those events replayed themselves a few more times that night and I must have only gotten an hour or two of sleep at the most.

"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/16/2004 9:57:22 PM | Message Detail
Later I asked my dad if he had heard me screaming or running at my door, but he said that he had been awake most of the night and hadn't heard a thing. Unusual, and it made me think it must have been just a nightmare. But, I couldn't let it sit and started asking around and researching stuff independantly. My conspiracy theorist friend said it may have been a Succubus, and the psych/sociology teacher at my school said it was probably just a bad dream. But none of those answers really sat well with me. One night, scowering the internet for information, I stumbled across a website. A sleep study by a psychologist on people with "night terrors". More specifically, a section of the study dedicated to a sleep disorder called "Old Hag Syndrome". Essentially, it's a night terror. Sleep paralysis encountered due to sudden waking from the REM state of sleep accompanied by "Dream fragments", typically manifesting themselves in a "hag" or female figure attempting to reach into one's chest. Apparantly, while not common, it has been documented since the middle ages. However, despite it fitting near perfectly what had occured to me, it wasn't common. I was experiencing this three to four times a night at least twice a week. I was beginning to develop insomnia and a slightly paranoid state of mind from it.

I never really did figure out what it was, but in a last ditch effort I went to a local store that sells gemstones and other precious stones to find jade, something reputed to ward evil spirits, and borrowed my dad's turqoise necklace that was mined from a, supposedly, holy mine to the Native Americans of the Black Hills. After that, I never had a "Night terror" again.

It was a month or two later that my dad was discussing sleep disorders and I brought it up, and he himself didn't seem satisfied in what my research had deadended at. He fancies himself a medium of sorts, capable of sensing the auras of spirits and whatnot. So, he got the sage he uses when he meditates and took it into my room, burning it in a pseudo-clensing more than likely in attempt to satisfy himself and to make sure I didn't have any reason to bring up something rather eerie like that again. However, when he got to the corner of the room that the woman always came from, he felt a presence. A presence he didn't like. Thus, and rather anticlimaticly if you were expecting a cinema-esque ending, he furthered the clensing and told the spirit to leave and that it wasn't welcome.

Since then I've stopped carrying the jade and turqoise to bed with me and haven't had a problem with "Night Terriors" at all. I myself don't even know what happened, whether it was a reacurring nightmare, "Night Terrors", or a paranormal experience. Take it for what you will.

"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/16/2004 10:04:04 PM | Message Detail
Woo, yeah I've heard of the hag syndrome :D. I was about to say you had a seizure (I have epilepsy) until I read the rest of the story lol. A friend of mine had something like that happen when she was ill a couple years ago, while she was in bed some weird white mass appeared above her. She started screaming and eventually it disappeared. Strangely enough, her mother didn't hear her screaming even though she was just outside of the door.

Anyway, let's see what else I can find while I tear apart the Internet.
Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it. ~Haim Ginott
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/17/2004 4:59:58 AM | Message Detail
Wow, that sure sounded creepy. Never met anyone yet who suffers from what some call Old Hag's Syndrome, but ick! How terrifying.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/17/2004 8:08:38 AM | Message Detail
Yeah. Old Hag's Syndrome is awesome, in a purely non-awesome sense of the word. Especially when it occurs as frequently as that, thus making you lose sleep and become a paranoid mess.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/18/2004 3:05:23 AM | Message Detail
K, have an interesting update I think you all may enjoy, compliments of
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/18/2004 3:06:59 AM | Message Detail
Beast of Gévaudan

Creature depicted as a gigantic wolf-like quadruped (witnesses reported it as big as a donkey or cow) that over two hundred years ago terrorized people in southeastern France by killing men, woman and children. Many explanations — mutant, prehistoric beast, demon, very large baboon, etc. — were put forward at the time and during the two centuries since, but none has ever been generally accepted. One thing is certain: sufficient evidence remains to prove that 'La Bête' — French for 'The Beast', as the creature became known — really did exist and was not just a myth.

This monstrous animal terrorized the people of Gévaudan — a district in Lozère — for more then three years, and it is said it killed about one hundred human beings (and wounded over thirty), without mentioning a large number of cattle and other domestic animals.
It all stared in June 1764 in the Merçoire forest near Langogne in the eastern part of Gévaudan, when a young woman watching a heard of cows suddenly saw a gruesome beast charging at her. Had not the bulls kept the monster at bay with their horns, she most certainly would have been devoured. After the bulls successfully repelled a second charge, the lucky woman managed to escape with just minor scratches and torn clothes.

The animal was hysterically described by the lass as having a very wide chest, a huge head and neck, short straight ears that looked like erect horns and a nose like a greyhound, with two long fangs protruding from each side of its black foaming mouth. Its tail was long and exceptionally thin and it had a black stripe running from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. It also had enormous claws, which looked like a man's hand only three times larger, and its eyes glinted red and looked devilish. The young woman also said that it moved at a high speed, in leaps and bounds of as much as thirty feet (nine meters).

Suddenly, to everyone's surprise and bafflement, the beast rose and charged at de Beauterne. The men fired again, and again the creature was hit. 'La Bête' turned around and tried to escape once again, but it finally collapsed — dead at last!

Upon examination, the animal proved to be an enormous rare type of wolf measuring a little over 6 feet (1.8 meters), weighing 143 pounds (65 kilograms), with a huge head and fangs about 1½ inches (3.5 centimeters) long.

There was great rejoicing in the region's villages. 'The beast is dead! The beast is dead!' But still many folk would not dare to believe it was true, including Jacques Denis' other sister, Julienne:

"I know it is still alive, out there, watching us from the shadows! It will get me, I just know it!"

For the next couple of months no ominous alarm bells were heard at the villages, but just because of the King's order forbidding anyone to speak of the beast. The killings went on, and Julienne disappeared, never to be seen again, on Christmas Day.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/18/2004 3:07:42 AM | Message Detail
For the next year (1766) things were much calmer, with just a few disappearances. But in the spring of 1767 the massacres resumed, although it is not known how many were killed: many families did not admit to the deaths and the authorities no longer registered them. But somehow it came to light that from March to June 1767 there were 14 victims of the beast, all in an area 3 miles (5 kilometers) long near the town of Paulhac.

On June 19 a local nobleman organized a huge beat, composed of over three hundred hunters and beaters. Jean Chastel, an acquaintance of Jacques and Julienne Denis, came along armed with his gun and blessed silver bullets. He positioned himself on a prime spot to get first bids on the creature, and opened a prayer book.

As Chastel preyed, suddenly there was a rustling at the edge of the woods. The beat had worked, and the creature sprang from the brush. It stopped surprised, a few steps in front of Jean Chastel, which in turn raised his gun and fired once, twice. The beast fell, dead. Just as the animal killed by Antoine de Beauterne it actually looked remotely similar to a wolf, but it was abnormally bigger than any local wolves ever seen. Upon gutting the creature, remains of a small girl were found inside it.
The animal was embalmed and taken from town to town so people, for a small fee, could have a look at it. The King however wanted it to be exhibited at the royal palace, so Jean himself went to Versailles with the body. Unfortunately, embalming techniques were not very good at the time, so when they reached the palace the carcass was starting to stink. After a few days of displaying the creature's corpse at his court, the King — upset by the smell — ordered it buried at once.

One week after the killing of the creature, during a hunting party organized by marquise Labesseyre-Saint-Mary, a hunter named Jean Terrisse killed a giant female wolf. It was considered that this was the mate of the monster. After the slaying of these two animals no more attacks were reported
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/18/2004 1:57:55 PM | Message Detail
Interesting story. It actually reminds me of that Brotherhood of the Wolf movie.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/18/2004 3:14:25 PM | Message Detail
I so want to see that film.
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/18/2004 4:44:30 PM | Message Detail
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Vega Nonaka | Posted: 9/18/2004 4:57:34 PM | Message Detail
^^^ from that site => I've been to a few of those places. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki (the Atomic bomb drop sites) and the military gates in Yokohama when I visited a friend of mine there. o_o The place between the gates is really creepy. There are too many people-like shadows around there, that couldn't be caused by anything.
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/18/2004 5:50:09 PM | Message Detail
Good stories :D

Completely irrelevant: Just got a "new" used car, it has manual transmission so it was my first time driving one today. Goddam hills are scary, not to mention the fact that the car was taken to Toyota Racing Development . . . it's too easy to peel out in that car :P
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln
From: tetsugia | Posted: 9/18/2004 6:15:08 PM | Message Detail
I live out in a forest. One night, it was fall, I hear a crunching sound outside. I look out my window and I saw a pumpkin rolling toward my window (I live in a 2 story house). I laughed then went to sleep. The next day I found a pumpkin outside, on the porch. 0_o;
*sig under construction*
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/18/2004 6:16:52 PM | Message Detail
lol that's awesome :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/19/2004 1:44:47 AM | Message Detail
Bump and Tag
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Orange Manifesto | Posted: 9/19/2004 8:52:17 AM | Message Detail
Whee... I've just finished reading all of the ghost stories in this topic, and it's awesome. I'm definitely looking forward to more stories and pics (especially ones from Zasraik; yay, you rock), so consider this a bump and a tag for you guys. =D

*goes to search for more stuff on Japanese dolls and Hanabe*
Somewhere, somehow, somebody is stuck in the elevator at this very moment. Eek.
The Eeriely Claustrophic, Elevator-ph34ring OMmie
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/19/2004 1:08:40 PM | Message Detail
This one is kind of creepy, it could easily be faked, but it's worth a look anyway.

Hard to see? Take a closer look.
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln
From: acmauler | Posted: 9/19/2004 5:09:38 PM | Message Detail

Dude, don't taunt him. He has a graph!-Donut, RvB
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/19/2004 8:49:24 PM | Message Detail
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/20/2004 1:19:50 AM | Message Detail
All right, more fun from the Occultopedia. May be true, may not be true, depends on your mindset.

Want info on Atlantis?

Want info on Lemuria?

Want info on Mu?

it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: alpha bahamut | Posted: 9/20/2004 1:35:21 AM | Message Detail
OMG, OMG, OMG, Zasraik, I saw a weirdo behind the blur window with both palm placing on the window glass, OMG, OMG!
"The weakest radioactive dragon when awakened"
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/20/2004 1:58:33 AM | Message Detail
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/20/2004 4:27:57 PM | Message Detail
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/21/2004 1:55:39 AM | Message Detail
Bump again people
it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
From: Thoughts of Suicyde | Posted: 9/21/2004 4:12:23 AM | Message Detail
Man, this topic is so awesome... especially the Japanese ghost stories from Zasraik. I can't believe I read the whole thing...

Bump 'n Tag for more.
The more you suffer...
...the more it shows you really care.
From: gamma bahamut | Posted: 9/21/2004 4:20:26 AM | Message Detail
Zas, are you asian?

The fusion of 3 radioactive genes will awaken thy sleeping beast~aka Nuclear Bahamut
From: Jorthiros of Fydran | Posted: 9/21/2004 5:07:41 AM | Message Detail
I believe he commented on living in Japan, prior to moving to America. So the odds are significant that he is Asian.

...that's if he is a he...

it's all about me me me!!! my popularity most grow for i am the queen! the queen!!!- DragoonSephiroth
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