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This is a collection of users who hang out on the Paranormal/Conspiracy board. This list is ever-growing.

This page will feature a compilation of members' names in the Ultimate P/C Logbook. Email me with a screenshot of your PUBLIC WHOIS page zipped so I can verify your account date created and your name as well. My email address is Sign up today!


Members: Account Date Created:
The Dark Dominator 9/29/2002
SoScandalous 10/11/2002
presidentevil123 ?
gothor 1/1/2003
beastiecube182 3/28/2002
Otacon 14112 2/23/2003
GandalfTheGreat 10/1/2002
Nomercyforever 11/26/2000
PyroJames 2/17/2001