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Ghost in Acapulco.
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:19:42 AM | Message Detail
Alright, I've decided to tell a story of my own "paranormal" experience. I haven't really felt like posting it because its another one of those "shadow men" stories, which I feel isn't very receptive to people here. So here we go, tell me what you think, was it a ghostly visitor or overactive imagination of a seven year old? (I can tell some of you have already decided).

When I was seven (I'm eighteen now) my parents and I went on a vacation to Acapulco, Mexico for about a week. We stayed at a pretty nice hotel, it had three pools and two huge buildings that housed whatever a good hotel should have. It even had a small fishing village nextdoor (tourist trap!). It all went pretty well until the last day of our visit.

That night (at about 8pm), there were three kids running up and down the hallway outside of our room, making the biggest racket and disturbing the entire floor, it got so bad that the hotel staff had to put them down, so to speak. What does this have to do with my story? You'll see. After that we decided to go to sleep early to get an early start the next day and make checkout. Later that night (I don't know what time it was) I heard the door to our room open, which was strange considering that I had watched my father lock it before I went to bed. My parents were still sleeping in their bed, so it wasn't them.

Anyway, I could see a shadow cast on the hallway outside of the bedroom (the room was separated into a bedroom, and a living room, that hallway leads away to the living room). So whoever opened my door was standing in the doorway. He was also wearing a baseball cap. Then, the person started walking towards the bedroom. I'm sitting there, scared ****less, thinking that its some murderer or *gasp* a prowler come to rob us/murder us in our sleep. But I can't scream, I'm too scared, so I'm just watching this guy walk toward our room. Then I notice that the shadow's head is staying in one place on the wall, and it looks like the feet are catching up to it. Can you see that? So as soon as this shadow's feet "catch up" to the head on the wall I notice that its actually quite small. It had to be one of those kids that was running around outside, he couldn't have been any taller than I was at the time (four feet).

We're staring at eachother, and I'm wondering what to do with this kid, and how the hell he got into our locked room. Then, he took a step into the bedroom and got taller. Now don't laugh, each step he took he got taller. As he was moving around the foot of my parents' bed he was about as tall as an average man. Now it was about three feet away from me, and right there I screamed. My parents jumped out of their bed and turned on the lights. I told them repeatedly, "There's a ghost! There's a ghost! There's a ghost!". My father checked the door and found it locked, just as he had left it. We all went back to sleep, or at least, they went to sleep.

And that's my story, if it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't be coming here. I guess I'll let you decide what it was for yourselves, and I don't want to say this because it'll sound cliche, but I know I saw something not of this world.

Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:28:18 AM | Message Detail
Interesting tale, to say the least.

Shadow men incidents always make the best retellings. Supposing their either true or a very good fallacy.

Must've been creepy as all hell when it happened.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:34:01 AM | Message Detail
You have no idea lol. Thankfully, I haven't seen anything of the sort recently, even though the houses around here have a pretty bloody history.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: DragonFire44 | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:35:10 AM | Message Detail
I've had a simillar experience, when i was about 10, scariest thing in my life....and it had the scariest setting....a hospital, late at night, and it was pouring (thunder, lightning)....and i was sitting there, waiting with my dad. He left to go check on my sister, who was the reason we were there, leaving me alone. At first i heard weird noises, but i tried to ignore it with the utmost famous excuse, "It was just the wind"...then, I could have sworn someboddy tapped my shoulder, but the room was then i was so scared i was practically in tears.....then I hid under the chair till my dad came back ^^.
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:40:51 AM | Message Detail
I have a less interesting story.
When I was about 7, I woke up at about 2 Am and saw a black shape standing at the foot of my bed. Being the brave 7 year old I was, I hid under my covers. When I looked out 10 seconds later, it was gone.
It really scared me to death.
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:47:18 AM | Message Detail
Speaking of ghosts, I remember renting out these movies (it was a set of four movies) that was nothing but pictures of ghosts from Japan. Creepy stuff, considering that's where I was born. They had some pretty disturbing pictures, and if they were edited then they did a pretty damn good job. I wish I remember the company that produced them, then I might be able to search for the pictures and post them here. Heres a couple of examples.

One of the pictures was of a little boy, probably no more than five, at the beach. It was taken by the mother and submitted to the production company soon after it was taken. It's a pretty innocent shot too, you can see him with one foot in the water walking toward the camera with other people behind him playing with their children. But if you look closely, you can see a very pale woman's hand jutting out of the waves and grabbing his ankle.

Another picture was taken of a middle school boy in his living room, behind him is a shelf with football trophies, family pictures, and other things. If you look closely, you can see a tiny man leaning out from behind a family picture and staring at him. After this picture was taken the kid went from an F student to straight A's. Coincidence?

Heres a classic one. Japan has a huge train system, you've probably heard of it, well it was taken on a train. The picture was of two brothers standing in front of a closed door on the train. The train was passing by an old prison. If you look outside of the window in the door, you can see a dirty looking man looking inside of the train. Consider that the train is going at, oh I don't know, a billion kilometers per hour.

I've got more . . .
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 9:50:58 AM | Message Detail
Wow... Japanese get all the cool ghosts. Creepy hands and lucky football trophy rack ghosts. I want me one of the latter so long as all I get is good luck and no, you know, creepy stuff. Creepy stuff I can do without.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:03:14 AM | Message Detail
Yeah that place has a bloody history. I'm from Okinawa, and you wouldn't catch me in one of the many caves on that island. Or anywhere outside of a city on that island. If any place is a hangout for bad karma, its Okinawa. Anyway!

I'm sure you've heard of Mt. Fuji, but have you heard of the forest at the base of the mountain? In the pictures of that famous mountain is a huge, sprawling, dense forest. The canopy is extremely thick, so when your driving by on one of the small roads that have been carved through you can see that its extremely dark in there. In fact, that's what makes it such a popular place for suicide. It's secluded, and no one can interupt you or find you. People who have explored the forest have found countless skeletons hanging from trees on old, frayed ropes. It's also one of the more popular places to place evil spirits in and so on. Blair Witch doesn't have anything on that forest :P

I'm sure you have watched The Ring and the original Ring, no? Did you know that the set was haunted for the original production? About five years ago I watched the original Japanese production of Ring and it also had a documentary with it. There was a scene (I'm pretty sure they cut it out) where a girl is running through the house and she slams one of the doors. Well, the editing crew found something very strange. Just as the door is about to close (it's a sliding door) they froze the frame with about two inches to spare. You can clearly see a woman crouched behind that opening looking at the camera.

After watching the original movie I got into the whole Ring thing. I even watched the spinoff The Spiral and the TV series. God I wish I could have read the book. Anyway, a year or two after that I watched the sequel, aptly named Ring 2. Pennywise doesn't have anything on that movie :P. In the second movie (that hasn't been released here, has it?) theres a scene where the mother is going into this cave with a monk. The production crew used a natural cave that had an old bridge in front of it. The scene was supposed to be quiet, no one on the crew was supposed to talk and the only sound was supposed to be the waves in the cave. Then, the boom mic picked up a sound. Someone said something. So they had to redo the whole scene again. The boom mic picked the sound up again. Finally they decided to see what it was. Someone was whispering a name into the boom mic. More in the next post.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:07:24 AM | Message Detail
I mentioned suicides in Japan in a previous post, yeah its a pretty sad topic but I can see some of it might come with the whole promotion of conformity. Back to Ring 2

Above the cave they were shooting the scene at was a cliff that was also a popular area for suicides and had recently been closed off from the public because of that fact. A few years before the movie was being shot a high school student jumped off of the cliff after being dumped by his girlfriend or something stupid. Hikers who were walking the path found him later that day. He had landed on one of the handrails of the bridge and effectively snapped his back, all of the organs in his abdomen were crushed. It turns out that this student's name was the same name that was being whispered into the mic. Ghostly visitation? Or highschool prank. You decide.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:09:23 AM | Message Detail
More creepy stories!
More creepy stories!!
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:09:39 AM | Message Detail
Hrm... If I ever went to Japan (which I would love to do), I'd probably be slightly paranoid with the concept of angering spirits. It's such a common aspect of Japanese culture it has to have some merit somewhere, and thus is something I wouldn't want to tamper with.

I'm sure you have watched The Ring and the original Ring, no? Did you know that the set was haunted for the original production? About five years ago I watched the original Japanese production of Ring and it also had a documentary with it. There was a scene (I'm pretty sure they cut it out) where a girl is running through the house and she slams one of the doors. Well, the editing crew found something very strange. Just as the door is about to close (it's a sliding door) they froze the frame with about two inches to spare. You can clearly see a woman crouched behind that opening looking at the camera.

Yeah. I had actually heard it was haunted when I learned that there was a Japanese version of The Ring. I never heard by what or anything, however. I do believe that was cut out, however.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:16:19 AM | Message Detail

Those same videos with the pictures of ghosts had a spooky video made by the parents of a small boy. It was an amateur home video. The family was sitting on a bridge over a canal. On either side of the canal was dense foliage. The mother was sitting with her son (who was about three) and the father was holding the video camera. Then, as clear as day, you can hear a woman gently say the boy's name. The family looks around and doesn't see anyone, no one is at the canal with them. Then you hear it again, but no one is around. Boring you say? Get this. Off to the side, about 20 feet away, you can see a woman with long black hair covering her face and a dirty kimono crawl out of a bush, then crawl back inside and disappear.

Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:20:45 AM | Message Detail
Wow... You certainly do know a large number of awesome ghost tales. Too bad you can't remember the name of the movie that has those pictures and whatnot. I'd watch it even if, as it's likely in Japanese, I couldn't understand a thing that was being said.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:23:24 AM | Message Detail
More, I love creepy stories.
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:31:18 AM | Message Detail
Well, you wouldn't need to understand. They give the viewer about half a minute to try and find the ghost themselves and then they'll point it out to you. Some stuff is just technical flukes with the camera (disappearing legs, large white lines, etc) but some stuff hoo boy.

This next tale is dubious, and is about me which my mother only told me recently. When I was about three years old I supposedly talked to ghosts. My memory of this has long since disappeared with the passage of time (thank God) and so has my ability to speak Japanese fluently (I got out of practice when we moved here). Often times instead of waking up in the middle of the night to hear me crying for food my mom would hear me talking to someone or a group of people in my room. The people would always be in my closet, in the corner of the ceiling above the door, or below the foot of my bed. And I'd always ask my mom, "What's wrong with you? You can't see the people?". They were aptly named "Dustin's friends" and I haven't seen them since. Imaginary friends? Or spectral visitors? You decide.

Like I said before, Okinawa is an island drenched in blood. The Japanese took forcefuly assimilated the island into its empire over a century ago, killing off alot of the natives. Theres still some resentment there, so the Okinawan dialect still persists (people speak both Japanese and Okinawan) and the people still call themselves Okinawan. And of course in World War II invading soldiers would throw grenades into caves where the locals would hide and then douse it with a flamethrower, so I'd rather die than spend a night in those caves. This next ghost story (kind of one that's passed around) is about the Japanese takeover of Okinawa. It's kind of a quicky, but something to keep in mind if you ever go there.

The Japanese method of execution at the time was beheading. Quick and simple, no? In one area of Okinawa there are these rolling hills covered in grass where these executions took place. The condemned would kneel over while an officer would swiftly cut them. The geography of the area allowed several executions to take place with an easy clean up. The heads would roll down the knolls into the same spot, which I believe is now a road through the area. People who walk that road can occasionaly hear things rolling down the hills, or even prisoners begging for mercy.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:34:02 AM | Message Detail
You could talk to ghosts?
Too bad you can't now. They may have been good ghosts. You could have the best luck...
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:37:56 AM | Message Detail
Interesting. The thing about you talking to ghosts, that is. My mom mentioned the house I spent the first 5 years or so of my life in having been haunted by a construction worker who had died during the construction, and only within the last couple years have I been able to remember much about my childhood at all (curse you, brain damage!)... And some of those memories revolve around me talking with a construction worker in that house. However, at the time my parents had no construction worker friends that either of them can recall.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:41:36 AM | Message Detail
Well, I'm going to go visit friends and family next year (and get an early scoop on the games!). Maybe I'll pick up some pictures and post them here if I find anything :), even though your supposed to burn the pictures as soon as you see the ghosts or take them to a priest where they'll burn them in a mock funeral pyre.

Japanese dolls are creepy. No doubt about it. They have black hair, they're tiny, they have pale skin, and their eyes shine way too much. Alot of the horror movies in Japan (and believe me, I've watched alot of them!) revolve around these little dolls coming to life. Yeah, you heard me right, Japanese Chuckie, but in a far more sinister way. They're more spiritual and demonic, you know, disappearing around corners or appearing in your clothes bin. I'll tell a couple of those later, but for now I'll tell you about a rather famous doll that you could probably find in a search engine.

In mainland Japan theres a Buddhist temple that has one of those small porcelain dolls that is regarded as sacred to the priests there. Why? Get this - its hair grows. The older dolls or the ones that are specially made (I'm not sure about the ones you can buy in some random store) are made with human hair. The priests have to cut the hair regularly or else it'll take over the entire room. Supposedly, spirits who still want to cling to life possess dolls for their human qualities. How do you explain a doll's hair that grows?
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:42:54 AM | Message Detail
Well, I don't know about them being good ghosts :) almost all ghosts there are suicide victims.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:45:34 AM | Message Detail
Well you were an innocent 3 year old.
Perhaps they felt bad about suicide. No one forgives more then a three year old.
Whatever >_>
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:46:51 AM | Message Detail
Hopefully you're still posting around then so we can see some interesting photos. :)

You sure know a lot of interesting things about Japanese spirits. Can you recommend any sites, preferably in English, that one might go to in order to read up on interesting things such as this? I never have much luck with search engines.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:47:12 AM | Message Detail
Well, I could tell you some traditional Japanese ghost stories along with the stories behind the pictures and videos, if your interested.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:49:04 AM | Message Detail
Very interested, if you're willing to take the time.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:49:42 AM | Message Detail

Categorization of Japanese ghosts with some classic ghost stories. I'm not much for categorization, a ghost is a ghost lol but I'm looking at that page now in case I tell anything that could just as easily be found on a search engine.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:50:30 AM | Message Detail
maybe thats why ghosts like kids, or kids believe more in ghosts, coz they (the kids) are so innocent, the ghosts like 'em (in a good way).
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:50:55 AM | Message Detail
:) Awesome. Thanks for the link.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 10:59:18 AM | Message Detail
Heres a quickie. It was a picture of a teenage couple standing in front of a dark tunnel. It was taken at about midnight, so the only illumination was street lights. What is wrong with the picture is immediately apparent. The couple is standing close to eachother holding hands. Well, there are about twenty other hands clasped onto their hands. The hands seem to stretch out from the tunnel behind them.

Another quickie, it was a video. I believe it was a family vacation, and the mother had just finished filming her kids sitting in the back seat. She turned back to face forward and let her camera slip down so it faced the rearview mirror on the passenger door (this is in Japan, so the passenger seat is on the left side). Just before she turned it off you can see a face in the rearview mirror, looking into the car.

Another one. You know those large shrines that are shaped like an arch? They're red, supposedly the dwelling place of spirits, their name escapes me. Well it was the first one in the video, and the picture showed an extremely old one that was well known in the area. It was about twenty feet tall and age showed on it. It was in the middle of a very dense forest. Around the base is an old beat up fence. If you look to the right of the shrine, you can see that there is a girl peeking out from behind the fence at the viewer. Pfft, you say, someones daughter just stood behind the fence right? Wrong. Its a picket fence only a foot high. And this girl looks like she's about twelve. If you look up into the tree, you can see faces and eyes staring down through the leaves, and you can see faces peeking out from behind the shrine. Experts counted about fourty different faces in that one picture. You can also see people looking out from behind blades of grass and such.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:02:35 AM | Message Detail
Man, why DID you have to SCREAM? You shall have continue to observe the ghost to see what it's up to.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:03:44 AM | Message Detail
He was only 7.
What would you have done?
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:04:03 AM | Message Detail
Wow. Japanese spirits sure seem to be way more interesting than Western ones. Western ghosts tend to be more indescribably terrible or amorphous in nature. While the Japanese spirits seem to be more familiar, I suppose, as they seem to take more of a humanoid form than the mist, orbs, and ectoplasm I'm used to seeing in ghost pictures.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:04:28 AM | Message Detail
he would date the ghost coz he was that brave ! (regardless if the ghost is a male, coz he was THAT brave)
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:04:54 AM | Message Detail
I dunno really, never experience paranormal activity before. But if I ain't gonna get spooked out, I would have continue to observe what that shadow ghost is up to before screaming.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:06:49 AM | Message Detail
by the time you think he's up to something not good, you'd already be dead or the voice has been taken out of you (coz you r so scared)

anyway, has anyone ever experience this ? sometimes, when you r sleeping, you often woke up, but you cant move your body ? i'm sure there is an explanation for this, but its quite spooky.
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:07:08 AM | Message Detail
It's interesting when you look at the cultural difference as far as ghosts go when you compare Japan and the US. Over here (I live in California) the general idea is to get as close to the paranormal world as possible. In Japan, everyone tells you to ignore ghosts and spirits, and not to tempt them. Alot of the ghost movies in Japan are about people who go against this and try to contact the ghosts. Contacting them gives them a sense of realness with dire consequences. Ah, another cultural difference. All of the horror movies over there deal with ghosts and evil spirits. Where as over "here" you'll have bloody stuff like Freddy Kreuger, Jason, and Chuckie.

Ring trivia: Did you know that Sadako (I don't remember her name in the newest version) actually survived in that well for something like sixty years? In the original movie series she had only died like two years before the movie took place.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:08:12 AM | Message Detail

wow ? she survived that long ? poor girl....
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:12:58 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, the Japanese movies and the TV series really made you feel for the girl. She was actually impregnated by her stepfather and such which is part of the reason for all that resentment. Goddam, I gotta tell this. Don't read this next paragraph if you don't want spoilers for Ring 2, which I'm sure they'll make over here.

The climax of the film takes place in the well. Both the mother and her son have fallen into the well. Her ex (who died at the end of the first film) looks into the well and tells them, "Don't look back, if you do you'll never get out." Climbing out of the well would symbolicaly end the curse forever. So she hoists her son onto her back (who is being stalked by Sadako) and begins to climb out of the well. Halfway up the son says, "I can't take this anymore!" and lets go, falling back down. The mother looks back *dun dun dun* and jumps back down to forcefully pick him up. Halfway up Sadako emerges from the water in the well. She has this waxy face and her eyes are sealed shut. She begins to climb the side of the well with unnatural agility and begins to catch up with the mother.

Anyway, you can do what you want, but that shadow thing started to reach for me and I had to scream :P and I don't regret it one bit!
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:14:14 AM | Message Detail
anyway, has anyone ever experience this ? sometimes, when you r sleeping, you often woke up, but you cant move your body ? i'm sure there is an explanation for this, but its quite spooky.

Sleep Paralysis. Something that happens when you wake up quickly from the REM state of sleeping. Often accompanied by Dream Fragments. Typically, in the case of Dream Fragments, accompanied by emotions of fear and helplessness. Often manifesting itself as a "witch" or "hag" type figure above your chest attempting to reach into you. Which is known as Old Hag's Syndrome. Yeah, that happens to me frequently if you couldn't tell.

It's interesting when you look at the cultural difference as far as ghosts go when you compare Japan and the US. Over here (I live in California) the general idea is to get as close to the paranormal world as possible. In Japan, everyone tells you to ignore ghosts and spirits, and not to tempt them.

I suppose me and most of Japan have something in common. My first warning to people is to never, ever mess with the paranormal or supernatural. Of course, I typically then go and do the exact opposite by further screwing with the supernatural. But, you know. Do as I say, not as I show or however the saying goes.

Ring trivia: Did you know that Sadako (I don't remember her name in the newest version) actually survived in that well for something like sixty years? In the original movie series she had only died like two years before the movie took place.

I actually didn't remember that. It's been a long time since I saw the Japanese version of the Ring, despite the fact I actually own it. There're a ton of differences between the two versions of the movie, though. Enough to almost constitute them as being a different story entirely.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: qxan | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:14:33 AM | Message Detail
This has been bothering me for a while.
Can ghosts hurt you in any physical way? And how come you see all these ghost pictures, but you don't see ghosts walking down the street that often.
Carpe Diem: Seize the day
Carp E Denim: There's a fish in my pants
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:15:22 AM | Message Detail
Zasrik, that woman is not that son's mother. That son's mother is killed by the moving truck.

That girl is the disciple of that bearded guy who tells them not to look back.

Just want to correct you.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:16:07 AM | Message Detail
:P They've actually already begun production of the American The Ring 2.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:16:21 AM | Message Detail
They didn't mention it in the first movie, but in the spinoff The Spiral and the second movie I think they did an autopsy on her corpse. It was a very, very recent death.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:17:35 AM | Message Detail
Oh well, whatever then lol thanks for the correction :P wow, this post has grown. I expected it to fizzle out after a flame or two!
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:17:55 AM | Message Detail
God damn, i've seen the spoilers =P

anyway, if Japanese ringu ever been played on major theatres here, i'd watch and got scared to death. When i watched the American version, i was spooked out as well.

btw, its funny when i watched the TV series of Ringu, my friends werent scared at all, and i was the only one who got scared. They laughed at me so badly.
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:18:52 AM | Message Detail
Can ghosts hurt you in any physical way? And how come you see all these ghost pictures, but you don't see ghosts walking down the street that often.

They only can if you let them. The kind that can hurt you typically do it by throwing things at you and whatnot, in the case of a poultregeist (sp?). And you don't typically see them walking down a street often for 2 reasons 1) If you have your film done professionally they don't give you the exposures which would appear most definately haunted and 2) Most city streets aren't subject to that which would create a phenomena such as a haunting. Typically such things are done in more secluded locations, a house at the very least.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: acmauler | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:19:02 AM | Message Detail
Man, I've gotta work up the cojones to watch the Japanese version, RINGU
I've only seen bits and pieces of the U.S. version, but still, creepy.
BTW, I'm loving these stories. Keep 'em coming. And thanks!

Dude, don't taunt him. He has a graph!-Donut, RvB
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:19:09 AM | Message Detail
Zasraik, well, the many posts does mean some ppl r interested to talk bout the stuff more seriously...

and some others who flamed this topic r buncha jerks
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:20:23 AM | Message Detail
wait, acmauler, you didnt watch the US version of the ring ?
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
From: Vega Nonaka | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:21:14 AM | Message Detail
I've had many ghost encounters in Japan, especially in the old inn's that have those creepy dolls Zasraik talked about.

One time when my friend and I were on vacation, we went to an old inn (which had great prices). Well that night when we went to sleep, my friend and I woke up to someone walking very slowing down the hall with a lantern in their hands (which you can easily through paper sliding doors, projecting a very creepy shadow) and the person made loud steps.
Well my friend thought it was the inn keeper, who was an old woman, so he got up and walked to the door and without opening it asked if she would try to keep it down, because it woke us up. Well the shadow turned to the door, and the lantern went out and sounded like it landed on the floor. By now my friend was wondering why the woman didnt respond so he asked me to open the door (because he was afraid something was wrong with her and hes scared easily).
So I opened the door and saw a lantern on the floor still smoking, and there was no one there, so I picked it up to examine it. But when I did this the sliding door slammed on my wrist (which was in the doorway) and made me drop the lantern again. But the lantern never hit the ground, and the loud footsteps we heard earlier sounded like they ran down the hall and around the corner.

>_> It was quite freaky, but I'm not scared that easily so i wasnt really frightened. My friend however had passed out because he was so freaked out. o_o We found out later that a young girl who patrolled the halls of this inn a few hundred years ago, had died when the west wing caught on fire, and her lantern was the only thing ever found by the villagers.

Oh and to Zasraik, the shrine arch you talked about is called a Torii. And the forest of Mt Fuji, is Aokigahara. Nice stories by the way.
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:21:35 AM | Message Detail
BTW, to those who watch the American version Ringu, is the story plot the same as japanese version Ringu?

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 11:22:38 AM | Message Detail
Knowledge, power, and money. It's a curse. We are all doomed.
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