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Ghost in Acapulco.
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:22:00 PM | Message Detail
why do you need to know ?

whats so special bout this girl in red ?
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:23:33 PM | Message Detail
Simple, she only appear at the end of the movie and she has no plot at all.
The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:24:13 PM | Message Detail
My Spanish teacher when I was a freshman in highschool had a friend who was haunted by a Oija board. I guess I'll tell it since it has relevance to this topic. Her friend had inherited a really old Oija board, I'm not talking about a Parker Brothers Oija board or whatever company makes them, it was a really old one made out of wood and it was hand painted. He played around with it one night but never told my teacher what he saw. He tried to throw it out but you know the classic story, it would appear on his dining table or in his closet or on his bed etc. And apparently, whatever he had seen had possesed him. He would play pranks on people, steal things, destroy his own property, stuff like that. He got so desperate that he tried to walk into a church and talk to a Catholic priest, but whatever it was would hold him back and he would just sit in the doorway and laugh at the people inside while shouting obscenities. She said that he moved out of Los Angeles and up to Sacramento but hasn't heard from him since, and he took the Oija board with him. Turets Syndrome? Or demonic possesion? You decide.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:24:25 PM | Message Detail

P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:26:14 PM | Message Detail
Yeah. Everyone who is reading this thread, if you want a real scare go to Japan and stay in one of the old schools or a really old hospital. Every play Thief: Deadly Shadows? Remember the Shalebridge Cradle? Ayup.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:26:35 PM | Message Detail
Yeah... A Ouiji board isn't something you should be messing with unless you know what you're doing. Another interesting story, though.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:28:24 PM | Message Detail
okay i gotta tell this since its related to oija board

in indonesia, we have this ritual that looks similar to oija board. Summoning ghost spirits and asking them questions. Anyhoo, my friends once played with this ritual. They called the spirit, then i forgot what they talked about but the spirit refused to leave. After a lot of negotiation, the spirit agreed to be taken to a grave yard (*cough* the one that is near my old home *cough*). So my friend went to that place at 12 am or 1 am... hehe

he is so sensitive bout the ghost talk from then until now =P

P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:29:22 PM | Message Detail
I would stay there,

when i have no meaning in life anymore and looking for a quick heart attack =P
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:31:01 PM | Message Detail
The house next door, I wonder if its haunted. In the early eighties I'd say about 1981 if I've gotten my history right there was a murder in that home. The guy took a pickaxe to his wife, it was a really grusome crime scene. Seven years ago a family moved in and were complaining about the house. They never specified what it was really but mentioned cold drafts, strange sounds, and other things. My friend and I mentioned the murder and the wife kind of freaked out, it turns out she was into black magic. They moved out about a year later. I never could stay in their bedroom for long, though. That house always was cold.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:33:26 PM | Message Detail
Alright, I'm gonna grab some lunch, I'll be back in half an hour (I've gotta check other boards on this site too!). Hey Pecking Bird, do you mind explaining to me what those weird spider creatures were at the end of the first Haunted School movie? It's been a while and I don't remember their connection, I seem to remember that they had human faces.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:33:41 PM | Message Detail
The gym of my highschool is haunted. Supposedly a janitor fell off of a ladder while fixing a basketball hoop and broke his neck. Now, late at night, if you go into the gym you can hear a ladder break, a man scream, and a thud. If you go over to the hoop you can see a ghostly man with his head turned at a sick angle with bone sticking out. I really want to sneak in there and witness it myself, honestly.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:34:29 PM | Message Detail
did it ever occur to you that your body might respond to the thought you have on the murder thing happened in the house next door ?

just a thought, since human psychological is still an uncharted territory.....

but for other ghost encounters, i might not have a good explanation =P

thats why i tend to be neutral bout ghost things hehe
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:35:45 PM | Message Detail
It could be the power of suggestion, but it is also a recordable drop in temperature. ;) Last I knew the power of suggestion didn't alter physical reality.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:38:03 PM | Message Detail
okay, if you could recorded the drop of temperature using a thermometer or sth, i couldn't explain it. Let's hire a scientist to make a sense out of it =P

but about the power of suggestion, yes, i believe it does exist.
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 12:57:53 PM | Message Detail
That weird spider demon is a dead janitor who used to work in the school.

Well, he is just pissed cuz those kids keep messing and dirtying up the school, hence he turns to the giant spider.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:01:15 PM | Message Detail
There we go :)

Anyway, heres a side story in my life. My mother's side of the family might have a curse, alot of the firstborn sons (by that, I mean the first child that you have is a son) have committed suicide because of financial failure. My grandfather, his grandfather before him, and two of my uncles all committed suicide. That's great news for me, huh? Considering I was the firstborn son in this family and the first grandchild. Ho, ho, ho.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:05:15 PM | Message Detail
Another story.

Theres a story of a woman that kids are supposed to run away from if they see her. She walks around the streets with a shawl covering her mouth and asks children for directions. If a kid sees her, he's supposed to run away and ignore her. If he does, he's safe. Those who ignore these warnings get to see her mouth. Her mouth stretches from ear to ear in a huge twisted smile and she devours children. I'm pretty sure she was in the first Haunted School movie.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: ramizq1 | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:05:57 PM | Message Detail

My Wrestling Site :
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:12:02 PM | Message Detail
There was one shocking video I watched, it was submitted to the same company. Three highschool students (we're still in Japan, people!) decided to go exploring in an old dorm that students would use for suicides (yes, I know, this topic is morbid). It was two guys, and a girl. One of the guys was in the back holding the video camera while the other two used cameras to look into the dark, empty rooms. Then, you can audibly hear something make the floorboards creak. The girl asks if the guys heard that and they all stop. The guy with the camera moves to the front so he can get a better look into one of the rooms and the girl shines her flashlight down the hallway. You can clearly see a white, misty humanoid form dart out of one of the doorways. The flashlight kind of illuminates it and you can see two dark holes where eyes would be. They all start screaming and run down the hallway and presumably back outside.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:13:55 PM | Message Detail
Wow... That'd be freaky to see, I would imagine. Thanks for entertaining us with these ghost sightings and whatnot, by the way.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:25:22 PM | Message Detail
Sure, my pleasure.

Let's talk about Japanese cemetaries. The cemetaries there are built differently than those in America (I can't speak for other countries). Over here, you have a separate tombstone for each person that dies, or if you look at modern cemetaries we have small plaques placed into the ground. All cemetaries there have family graves, or mausoleums if you will. But instead of interning the body of someone in these mausoleums you seal the ashes with the rest of the family (I'm sure its not just a symbolic thing, you have a large population to deal with too). You see, in Japan pretty much all bodies are cremated. In front of these little family shrines you can place incense, pray if that suits you, or just visit. Seeing all of these small buildings creates a labyrinth, and it gets pretty creepy. Ten years ago we went to Okinawa to attend the funeral of one of my aunts, and I witnessed the priest placing her ashes inside of the tomb. Now how does this fit into ghosts? If you ever want to go ghost hunting in a cemetary, and have some money to spare, go to a Japanese cemetary. You can have a whole family "buried" in one tiny plot of land. I've seen strange videos of faces darting in front of camera lenses and peeking out from behind the mausoleums. Sometimes you can see a hand sticking out from the grass reaching out at passerby.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:28:57 PM | Message Detail
Wow... I'll put that on my list of things that I might do if I decide to do anything crazy when/if I ever go to Japan.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:29:52 PM | Message Detail
lol, in my country, due to lack of land, the government has been digging up all the bodies from the grave and warn the families to cremate, instead of wasting land for burial.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:32:49 PM | Message Detail
Look at all that good karma your digging up!
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:36:24 PM | Message Detail
For those of you interested in a topic, take a look at this photo I picked up some time ago. Notice how the girls' eyes are censored out. Is it a tree? Or a ghost? You decide.

Not convinced? Heres a closeup.

Speaking of ghost pictures, I don't really buy the ones with orbs in them. Bugs and specks of dust on the film can easily make that effect.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:39:20 PM | Message Detail
That is one ugly face. It look like someone wearing the scary mask, hiding behind the tree.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:40:29 PM | Message Detail
It looks like Jesus to me.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:42:38 PM | Message Detail
Interesting picture. Although the censor bar across the people's eyes're somewhat odd.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:48:54 PM | Message Detail
It's a superstitious (possibly with good reason) country, what if those girls had friends that believed in Hanako and claimed that the face back there is Hanako? Instant status as a pariah.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:50:29 PM | Message Detail
I suppose that's true. I can see the logic of it, but it still seems somewhat usual.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:51:07 PM | Message Detail
Er... That should read "unusual". Stupid insomnia.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:52:13 PM | Message Detail
Is that pic from some kind of movie, or is that pic for real?

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:54:57 PM | Message Detail
It's a real picture. The face reminds me of tengu, Japanese mountain demons.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:55:39 PM | Message Detail
Although I can see why you would ask that, considering that the beginning of the Hanako movie showed pictures like that.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:55:53 PM | Message Detail
Aren't Tengu supposed to have more beakish features on their face, though?
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:56:46 PM | Message Detail
That the pic from Hanako?
Oh great, look like I have to watch it again.

Haven't seen it for months.

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 1:58:31 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I've seen pictures of them with large noses and puffy cheeks. Or it could be the second coming of the Messiah (whoa, whoa, back of atheists. It's just a joke).
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:00:47 PM | Message Detail
No, no lol I was just using it as an example. The one from Hanako looks similar, but in the picture you can see the doll sitting on top of the building, not to the side of the building. The site I got that from that other pictures from Japan but they were either not there or you would have to look into it too much (theres a glare on the window, it must be a ghost).
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: BakaNoKami | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:02:28 PM | Message Detail
Could be a Tengu, I suppose. I haven't ever heard of them looking like that, though. But... I'm heading off to bed now. My fatigue is catching up with me enough to be able to finally get some rest.

It was nice chatting with you all.
"There comes a time in every mans life, were he must kick a priests ass." --The Curse
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:05:23 PM | Message Detail
Strange, I thought tengu are bird demons, are they not?

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:06:25 PM | Message Detail
Meh, maybe I have it mixed up, I probably do lol.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:07:36 PM | Message Detail
heh i thought tengu was a manga ?

oh its tenjou tenge

P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:15:10 PM | Message Detail
Heres a quick story while I leave to run some errands. Remember ladies, your husband isn't as lecherous as you think he is.

Once upon a time, there was a samurai named Ki no Ensuke. One day he was given leave by his lord to visit his home in Gifu. He set out for Gifu on his horse, accompanied by a few of his servants. As he was riding over the famous Bridge of Seta in Shiga, he met a noble woman standing there, alone. Something about her made him very nervous, and he tried to pass by her quickly, pretending not to notice her. But as soon as he drew near she stopped him. "Where are you going?" she asked.

To show respect, he got down from his horse and said "I'm going to Gifu, Lady."

"May I please ask you a favor?"

"With pleasure." he replied.

She thanked him, and brought out a small box wrapped in fine silk cloth. "Could you please take this box to the bridge of 'Dan in Kara no Sato', which is on your way. There will be a woman waiting for it on the western end of the bridge."

Already he regretted speaking to this woman, but there was something so mysteriously menacing about her that he felt it would be prudent to go along with her wishes. Reluctantly he accepted the little box, and said "How can I know to whom I should give this? What if she isn’t there, where should I look for her? And if she asks me whom I'm looking for, who should I tell her?"

"Just go to the bridge," insisted the strange woman, "Don't worry, she'll be waiting for you. When you arrive there, she will come out and receive it from you. And mind you - " she warned him, "Never open this box to see what's inside."

Now all this time, his servants had been waiting for him at the end of the bridge, and they were becoming worried about his mind. They had all seen him step down from his horse and begin speaking to the empty air.

There was no one there.

He continued on his way, but soon forgot all about his appointment on the bridge of Dan. He passed over it and remembered it only after he had reached his home. He decided he would simply drop off the box on his way back to Kyoto, and put the box up on a shelf.

This samurai had a wife, who was a very jealous woman. She saw him put the box away on a shelf and thought to herself "This is some gift he's bought to give to his lover!" She waited until he was out, and then took the little box down from the shelf. She opened it and screamed.

Inside the box were human eyeballs, and severed penises with dirty patches of pubic hair.

When her husband came home, she ran to him frantically and showed him the box. Remembering the strange woman, he became very upset and shouted at her. "What have you done? The woman who gave this to me told me I should never open it. What if you've brought some kind of evil down on us all?"

He wrapped the box carefully and took it straight to the bridge of Dan. Just as he had been told, there was a woman waiting there to receive the box from him. He gave it to her, trying his best to look innocent, but as soon as she saw it she cried "It's been opened!" He tried his best to deny it but the woman said "You've really made a mistake this time!" and stomped away angrily with the little box.

Well, she had the box. There was nothing he could do except ride home.

After arriving home, he was suddenly stricken with pain and sickness. He said to his wife "What have you done to me? Why did you ever open that box?" Within days he was dead.

Too much jealousy from a wife can kill her husband, and so this jealous woman lost her unfortunate man. Everyone who heard this story spoke badly of her from that time on.

Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:17:53 PM | Message Detail
Hehehehe thats what i've been telling my friends...

we must control our mind ! we thought we r smart... but we r not... =p
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: PeckingBird | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:21:22 PM | Message Detail
So does the moral of the story tells us not to let our curiousity get the better out of us?

The birds are born to peck tush, not to soar high™¨˜''°²¬~·-.,¸¸,.·``·.,¸¸,.-·~¬²°''˜¨™
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:22:04 PM | Message Detail
Eh.. umm.. yeah

and not to help strangers *runs away*
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 2:51:06 PM | Message Detail
Alright, I'll elaborate more on the Hanako legend. Its supposed to be the ghost of a girl who wants the girl's bathrooms and, in general, scares school girls. She's supposed to slam stall doors shut, play with the lights, and if you don't have a friend with you, take you away forever. The legend persists because of the poor lighting and general disrepair of Japanese school restrooms. For those of you who are interested in the Hanako-san movie, heres the some of the cover art, with that creepy little doll.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 3:13:39 PM | Message Detail
heh no more spooky story eh ?
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
From: Zasraik | Posted: 9/7/2004 3:30:54 PM | Message Detail
Heh, I've been running a search all evening for pictures, and the name of the host of those videos I was talking about. Those were some freaky pictures, not like the countless "orbs" and "ectoplasm" pictures you'll find on websites in Yahoo and Google. I have a couple more folklore stories, and picture stories, but I'm tired right now.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn themselves out in lighting up their age. ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Discours de Lyon, 1771
From: RG Kid | Posted: 9/7/2004 3:31:52 PM | Message Detail
alright then, i'm going off anyway

nice talking with ya
P III 600 Mhz, 512 Ram, GeForce 4 MX 440 64 Mb
- I cried whenever i go to bed -
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