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ma: Spiritualist x Absurdist ()

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a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
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Frc x Abs Frc x Art Frc x Frc Frc x Fut Frc x Hum Frc x Jazz Frc x Sci Frc x Spi
Fut x Abs Fut x Art Fut x Frc Fut x Fut Fut x Hum Fut x Jazz Fut x Sci Fut x Spi
Hum x Abs Hum x Art Hum x Frc Hum x Fut Hum x Hum Hum x Jazz Hum x Sci Hum x Spi
Jaz x Abs Jaz x Art Jaz x Frc Jaz x Fut Jaz x Hum Jaz x Jazz Jaz x Sci Jaz x Spi
Sci x Abs Sci x Art Sci x Frc Sci x Fut Sci x Hum Sci x Jazz Sci x Sci Sci x Spi
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Spiritualist x Absurdist


So would the absurdist view of abusurdity be reality (in a cynical/material sense)? Spiritualist x Absurdist ("There is but ONE TRUTH") ---> Facism And it remains for the absurdist to fling the pie of sur-reality unto the face of predjudice to reveal the hidden variables of THAT terrible "science". Dedication to the muses As i lay waking, letting all the tendrals of possible futures (and half remembered pasts) ebb and flow in that place, that thing, that process, called me... So, what would we dwell upon? Some illusion called "the good old days"? -- a lie that memory has carefully gilded over (both the pains and joys); some self-agrandising thing called "The future"? -- wherein in our selfish, purile ways we erase any others who do not fit in our be-blinkered narrow view of what "us" (the wee-en's as Robert Nathan said) of "our kind" of "the right and proper people that "deserve" to inhabit the undiscovered country; and yet, a country that we as totalitarians feel not only compelled to map out to its last fractal detail, but righteously feel that we and "our kind", those "like us", and other right-minded people ..... fascism is a blanket that makes you feel warm and comfortable with all your petty little predjudices that you yelp are *not*!! predjudices but THE TRUTH!!! (so help you, your god) (tips towel to Pendereski's symphony -- he seems to begin where Shostakovich left off...) Somewhere burried in the morrass of neural flows and violent storms of the thing called my brain (odd that it *seems* to be "all" that "i" am), tucked nicely away are "elements" Picasso's "Studio" (1927/8) CONTENTS LIST Abstract woman model; breast as ellipse -- translate into EGG (egg - ovum, ovulation; woman-ness) Flat rectangle; window as reanaissance reference -- translate into window box? into box art, into... ... END CONTENTS LIST (there is *never* any end, for as James Hutton (the so-called father of the moste moderne science of the natural philosophy called "geology") has sed concerning ":time:" I can see no evidence of a beginning, no prospect of an end. -- onward, ever onward: excellcesior! (yes, but what about the mediocrity? well, the the mediocrity should be the VERY best mediocracy that can be!! ) START AGAIN that's the whole prob w/evil it has no boundaries. With all of the anti-imagrant stuff going on, i'm just waiting for "Das Krystal Nacht" (the night when the Nazi's (see 20th century: The Barbarism of National Pride) burned the books and broke out all of store windows of Jewish shops). Pretty damned scare-y to think that these people have control of the US and hence pretty much the fate of the world. Can it get worse? Sure! But, the real question is how to make it better. The problem is that we've already passed the first stage: First to make the "them" into a NON PERSON, then you give them DIRTY NAMES (the worst two are "illegal alien" -- so, are they like Kahlid's from Dakros-7 ??) and "anchor baby" -- it just seems to get worse and worse. I'm sure this will affect my paining and other art work as much a did Abugrad Prison. BEGIN POETIC/NOETIC DIVERSION #12 Mainly just trying to chill, listening to the beatles ("PaperBack Writer" playing now). I've been working on my "Hard Fall" video game and tired, have to work all of "this" into the story line. (The war part is pretty well finished; i decided that instead of writing bit "yet another war" into it [and thus, from a 'pataphysical POV, GLORIFYING WAR; refer to "Paris 1870,1]-- i find it thoroughly disgusting that the ARMY is using vid games to entice teenagers into finding it more comfortable to kill -- the same old "desensitisation" technique in human psychology: Good when it helps us conquere our phobias / Bad when it makes us less human and more insensitive to suffering, pain, and making us more US and "those people" more THEM... (Music: "Ground contoll to Maj. Tom, take your protein pills and put your helmet on...") So, the war will be mostly regret and flash-back. What the hell happened? After 9/11 we (artists, pychics, sensitives) knew it was a mixed bag: Pride, Unity, and yet to come (then) retaliation (now). The worst thing that sticks in my mind in the fallout (other than fellow reporter Danial Pearl) was the "Alquida training centre" in afganistan that was destroyed -- natch it turned out to be senior citizen centre. We took gifts to the senior centre up the road).. Well, as i always sey: Cheer up; things are bound to get worse. Arise Artists! Arise Historians! Arise Phlosophers! (recalls the "Los Interioristas" (the interior-ists) under Ruffinio Tamayo in Mexico City in the '60's ....

Extract of "A Call to Artists!

The Magazine

Published (supposedly monthly) from 1961.08 until 1963.09 following a visit with
Siquerios at the Lecumberri prison in early 1961. Icaza suggests to publish a paper for Siquerios -- the magazine is borne! First issue pub'd in 1961.08 one month after the first Interioristas show.



Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, artists of the theatre and screen, photographers, writers, musicians, because their means of expression is communications. WE CALL STUDENTS OF ART of architecture, philosophy, law, political science, economics, engineering, medicine, the sciences -- and all those who study -- because they have the future of the world in their hands. WE CALL THINKERS AND EDUCATORS because they form the minds of our generation. WE CALL PROFESSIONALS WE CALL ALL CLASSES OF SOCIETY laborers, those that work the land, bureacrats, merchants, politicians, financiers, because the manifestations of art are NOT made for any one class or group. WE ADDRESS THE MEN OF ALL NATIONS, the men of all races and creeds. Because art is only means of communications which possesses universal language. Art has always been and will always be an instrument in the struggle for peaceful evolution and spiritual aggrandisment of the human species. and so it goes; Frida alwasy refered to the 'pataphysical "fact" that "I was born in 1910". Jump randomly to: {x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Spiritualist x Artist

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x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Spiritualist x Fractalist

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x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Spiritualist x Futurist

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x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Spiritualist x Humanist

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Spiritualist x Jazzist

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Spiritualist x Scientist

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Spiritualist x Spiritualist

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