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ma: Fractalist x Jazzist ()

See also: [L/D] [S/D] See also: [af/art3/pkda2001 - pizoig gaming projects] (please page down if needed)
a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
Abs x Abs Abs x Art Abs x Frc Abs x Fut Abs x Hum Abs x Jazz Abs x Sci Abs x Spi
Art x Abs Art x Art Art x Frc Art x Fut Art x Hum Art x Jaz Art x Sci Art x Spi
Frc x Abs Frc x Art Frc x Frc Frc x Fut Frc x Hum Frc x Jazz Frc x Sci Frc x Spi
Fut x Abs Fut x Art Fut x Frc Fut x Fut Fut x Hum Fut x Jazz Fut x Sci Fut x Spi
Hum x Abs Hum x Art Hum x Frc Hum x Fut Hum x Hum Hum x Jazz Hum x Sci Hum x Spi
Jaz x Abs Jaz x Art Jaz x Frc Jaz x Fut Jaz x Hum Jaz x Jazz Jaz x Sci Jaz x Spi
Sci x Abs Sci x Art Sci x Frc Sci x Fut Sci x Hum Sci x Jazz Sci x Sci Sci x Spi
Spi x Abs Spi x Art Spi x Frc Spi x Fut Spi x Hum Spi x Jazz Spi x Sci Spi x Spi

x-product: Fractalist x Jazzist ()

Note that these two concepts are very nearly complete opposites; sort of. Fractal processes involve very exact calcuations of behaviour (even when there may be a deliberate LOSS of accuracy at some or even every step). Further fractals can become chaotic (that is semi-predicatable even though their long-term behaviour is NOT predictable) and in the limit become non-repeatable. Further, they can become catastrophic in that they have (as in the case of some simple chaotic systems) a limited number of states and must necessarily be in one of those states but can not be predicted when or if they will shift from one to the next. THis of course leads towards quantum as well as toally random behaviour. Jazz processes involve the carefull production of a tune, and the deliberate "playing with" that tune. This process is almost NEVER random (although ti could be argued that the decisions made moment to moment in the performer's brain ARE random). Indeed, the tune is "deformed" (much like a fractal can deform a line or surface, etc) either according to a specific "feel" (are emotions every truely random?) or by means of a clearly codifid transformation (the kind usually associated with classical music's concept of "theme and variations").Using so-called "stochastic" methods (statistical or "Markov" processes) the music can approach totally random behaviour. In the limiting case, the two behaviours can converge. Jump down to: {
Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Absurdist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Artist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Fractalist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Futurist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Humanist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Jazzist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Scientist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Fractalist x Spiritualist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Bargain Basement

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