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a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
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Scientist x Humanist()


So would the absurdist view of abusurdity be reality (in a cynical/material sense)? Scientist x Humanist ("Labor Saving Devices" ---> Robots -^_6 Note: This was originally published as a blog during the 2006/2007 Winter Solstice... Of AI, Slavery, and self... Category: Art and Photography Anyway, the Winter Solstice continues unabated, meanwhile on the "SPIKE" channel, they're running a "Star Trek Voyager" marathon. The particular ep (not one of my favs - i prefer time traavel paradoxes), but.... in this ep, there are two realities, two possibilities, and.... Star Trek, Voyger: "Latent Image" by Eileen Connors http://www.creativescreenwriting.com/csdaily/dvds/11_19_04_STVoyagerS5DVD.htm http://www.unomaha.edu/jrf/CREDITS/Voyager.htm http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/series/VOY/episode/104365.html Screenplay By: Joe Menosky Story By: Eileen Connors in this ep, there are two realities, two possibilities, and.... a philosophical dilemina... ostensbibly, Janeway makes the decision to reprogram the Doctor. Into the argument come the feelings and thoughts of Seven as well as Janeway. She sez [not exact quotes] Doctor: What if I were to operate on you without your permission. Janemway: If it saved my life; yes. But, then that's *her* choice not his. Even Seven's comments are her own, not someone elses. To put it into perspective, say that i've died and (beacuse of the *crucial* need for me to be alive -- you know how vital artists are to a space ship's proper operation ;) they bring me back to life. To have escaped the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, only to be re-constitituted (presumably) against my will... This brings us once again to the central question in AI (and in keeping with the ST theme) best put: Is Data a man or a toaster? From one point of view, everything that is done is an act of will -- even if that will is "merely" based upon (presumably from human's limited points of view) the blind instinct of ants (refer to the SF novel "City" by Clifford D. Simak for what ants can do given the chance). Thus, by an act of will we all change the world around us -- we USE the world (do damage? are part of the "nature of things"? are as blind in our actions as we think ants?)... When (not if) we create AI creatures who are at least a "bit" (degree?) self-aware.... So, the question becomes: Do i chose to remain alive and endure at least another thousand natural shocks -- just because they need me? Or, do i choose (as is my right) to return to the "void"? | That is the question. It always was; it always is; will be. But, whose decison to make. Ashkroft flew to Oregan a few years back to disuade a woman from desiring euthenasia -- for herself. Et tu young prince and princess? James Bond Commericaial: I don't care if you celebrate Christmas, Qanza, Hanaaka, Festivus.... A Happy Festivus to one and all! Well said. More on the "morality" of creating a self-aware toaster later... night all. -- Frank Jump randomly to: {
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Absurdist x Artist

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Absurdist x Fractalist

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Absurdist x Futurist

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Absurdist x Humanist

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Absurdist x Jazzist

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Absurdist x Scientist

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Absurdist x Spiritualist

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