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Cross Product: HUM x FRA ()

See also: [L/D] [S/D] See also: [af/art3/pkda2001 - pizoig gaming projects] (please page down if needed)
a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
Abs x Abs Abs x Art Abs x Frc Abs x Fut Abs x Hum Abs x Jazz Abs x Sci Abs x Spi
Art x Abs Art x Art Art x Frc Art x Fut Art x Hum Art x Jaz Art x Sci Art x Spi
Frc x Abs Frc x Art Frc x Frc Frc x Fut Frc x Hum Frc x Jazz Frc x Sci Frc x Spi
Fut x Abs Fut x Art Fut x Frc Fut x Fut Fut x Hum Fut x Jazz Fut x Sci Fut x Spi
Hum x Abs Hum x Art Hum x Frc Hum x Fut Hum x Hum Hum x Jazz Hum x Sci Hum x Spi
Jaz x Abs Jaz x Art Jaz x Frc Jaz x Fut Jaz x Hum Jaz x Jazz Jaz x Sci Jaz x Spi
Sci x Abs Sci x Art Sci x Frc Sci x Fut Sci x Hum Sci x Jazz Sci x Sci Sci x Spi
Spi x Abs Spi x Art Spi x Frc Spi x Fut Spi x Hum Spi x Jazz Spi x Sci Spi x Spi

Hum x Frc

x-product: Humanist x Fractalist ()

Humanist x Fractalist (time=money;money,money,money) --> The Matrix} (Marketing (models, commodities, sales, and ... ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES!!!)

Absurdist x Artist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Artist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Fractalist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Futurist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Humanist

In this Section: {} {
Humanist x Fractalist (time=money;money,money,money) --> The Matrix} (Marketing (models, commodities, sales, and ... ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES!!!)

Humanist x Fractalist (time=money;money,money,money) --> The Matrix

(Marketing (models, commodities, sales, and ... ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES!!!)
There is in BIZ the concept of "break it all down to Dollars and Cents" -or-- "What's the bottom line?" In one sense, this means that the biz-POV (point of view) would be (like SCI) reductionist and *clearly* materialistic. For example, what is the market value for a particular art work --or-- a fast food ad campaign. Both can be evaluated based on ROI (Return on Investment) or projected long-term (5+ years) earnings per share. The concept of FRACTALIST thinking would then be to break everything down to "atomic seeds" from which any/all marketing --and/or-- marketing / Development / Packaging / Distribution models can be gnerated. Of course, these can be combined into a deocrative design: Week 1 2 3 4 DEL-1 DEL-2 DEL-3 Base commercial Prod Prod Prod++ Prod+++ Product release (via selected "test" markets) B1 B2 ... Product is phased out... This generates a series of product life cycles THus a product becomes either established or withdrawn (we treat replacement as a WITHDRAWAL and then a NEW (but derivative - everything is derivative) Thus, may be both as poisson and markov models !!!! Jump randomly to: {x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Jazzist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Scientist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Spiritualist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Bargain Basement

Note: Prices as marked. All sales final until the beginning of time. Returns will only be accepted after the end of time.