A crucial game from the first section in Dortmund. In the end, neither player
qualified for the semifinals. But an exciting game, nonetheless.
M. Adams (2752) - A. Morozevich (2716)
Dortmund/GER/Sparkassen (1.5), 2002
1.e4 e5; 2.Nf3 Nf6; {Diagram?}
The Petroff Defense. (Click here
to go to a game that shows the latest analysis.)
(It has a reputation for being somewhat drawish at the highest level.).
3.Nxe5, {Diagram?}
This seems to be the favorite move at the GM level.
[ White could also play: 3.d4!? ].
3...d6; 4.Nf3 Nxe4; 5.d4,
White grabs the center and insures his his Knight (on e5) is firmly
[ I also have played: 5.
c4!? ].
5...d5; 6.Bd3 Bd6; {Diagram?}
The most aggressive move. ('!?')
[ A book I have - that is over
20 years old! - says the main
line here is: 6...Be7; ].
7.0-0 0-0; 8.c4 c6; 9.Re1 Bf5;
10.Nc3 Nxc3; 11.bxc3 Bxd3; 12.Qxd3 dxc4;
13.Qxc4 Nd7; 14.Qb3 Qc7; 15.c4, {Diagram?}
I think this is still all book. White is a tiny bit better.
[ 15.Rb1!? ].
15...Rfe8; 16.Bb2, {Diagram?}
Fianchettoing the Bishop. This seems to make sense.
[ By playing the move: 16.Bd2!?,
White would have prevented a later Queen
infiltration by Black. ].
16...h6; {Diagram?}
The latest wrinkle, I guess.
[ 16...Bf8; 17.g3 Qb6;
18.Qc2 Qa5; 19.d5 cxd5; 20.Qf5 Rxe1+; 21.Rxe1 Rd8;
22.Rd1 g6; 23.Rxd5 gxf5; 24.Rxa5 Bc5;
25.Ba3 Bxa3; 26.Rxa3 a6; 27.Rd3 Kf8;
28.Nh4 f4; 29.Nf5 fxg3; 30.hxg3 Ke8;
31.Nd6+ Ke7; 32.Nxb7 Rc8; 33.Re3+!?,
( 33.Rd4, "+/=" {A.J.G.}
), 33...Kf8; 34.Nd6 Rc6; 35.Re8+ Kg7; 36.Nf5+
37.Ne3 Nb6; 38.Re4 Rc5; 39.Rh4 Ke7;
40.Rxh7 Nxc4; 41.Nxc4 Rxc4; ("+/=")
White is a little better, but the
game was drawn in 65 moves.
1/2–1/2 Ye
Jiangchuan - A. Khalifman;
/Shanghai,CHN/2001/The Week in
Chess 357. (65) ].
17.g3 Rad8; 18.Nh4 Bf8; 19.Qc2 Qa5;
"White's hanging pawns and Black's better pawn structure
give Morozevich
something to work on here." - J. Henderson, Chess Express #2.
20.Ng2 Rxe1+; 21.Rxe1 b5; 22.Bc3!?,
(Maybe - '!') {Diagram?}
"Nicely timed - White can't exchange or advance the pawn as 22 c5
and 22 cxb5 cxb5; give Black an advantage."
- J. Henderson, Chess Express #2.
[ 22.cxb5 cxb5; 23.Qb3,
"~" White has active piece play to compensate
for his slightly worse pawn
structure. {A.J.G.} ].
22...b4; 23.Ba1 Nb6; 24.Qb3 c5;
25.d5 Qa6; {Diagram?}
"There's nothing much in the position now, White's pawn weaknesses
compensated by his better piece play." - J. Henderson, Chess Express
26.Ne3 Re8; 27.Rc1 Qc8!?; 28.a3!?,
I am not sure about this, it would seem that opening the a-file can only
Black in this position. {A.J.G.}
[ 28.Qb1 ].
28...a5; 29.axb4 axb4;
A difficult position, both sides have dangerous passed pawns.
[ The double,
connected-passed -pawns have the potential of going either
way: 29...cxb4!?; 30.Qc2 Nd7;
31.Bd4!, {Diagram?} Re-activating a dormant
(31.Qf5!? , {A.J.G.} ). 31...Bc5; {Diagram?}
The most accurate?
(31...Nc5; 32.Ra1 Qc7;
33.Kg2!? Ra8; "~" {Diagram?} - J. Henderson.).
32.Nf5 Bxd4; 33.Nxd4 Nc5;
"~" ... " and anything can happen here - but in
reality both sides will have to
stop the pawns, inevitably leading to an
impasse." - John
Henderson, Chess Express #2. ].
30.Kg2 h5; 31.h4 Qd7; 32.Bb2 Qa4;
33.Qd3 Qa2; 34.Qc2!?, {Diagram?}
White seems to be giving Black play. (Unintentionally.).
"As it is Adams has allowed Morozevich a biting edge by
allowing his pieces to
infiltrate the queenside." - J. Henderson, Chess Express #2.
[ Maybe better is: 34.Rc2!? Qb1;
35.Rd2 Qxd3; 36.Rxd3, "=" ].
34...Na4; 35.Ra1 Qxb2; 36.Rxa4 Qxc2;
37.Nxc2 b3; 38.Na3 b2;
39.Kf1 g6; 40.Ra5 Bg7; 41.Nb1 Bd4; 42.Ra6
Kg7; 43.Ra7 Re4;
44.Rb7 Re8; 45.Ra7 Bf6; ('!?') {See the diagram just
" A threefold repetition is tough to spot at the best of times (rumour has
it this is the
first time Morozevich has had this!), but under the extreme pressure the players
under its perfectly understandable. It's more of a heartache when you had a
win on the board: 45...Rb8!; 46. Ke2,
(46.d6 Rd8!; and Black picks up the d-pawn
as White can't defend it against
the king, rook and bishop closing in.) 46...Rb4; 47.d6,
(47.f3 Rxc4; 48.d6 Rc2+;
49.Kd3 Rc1; 50.d7 Rxb1; 51.d8Q Rd1+; 52.Kc4 b1Q)
47...Kf6!; 48 Kd3 Bxf2; with an easy win. " - J. Henderson, Chess Express
(This analysis may not be airtight. - A.J. Goldsby I.).
46.Ra5 Bd4!?; ('?') {Diagram?}
"And Adams casually writes 47.Ra7, with his trusty old Parker pen on
his scoresheet,
and informs Moro what he intends playing, and is claiming a threefold repetition
draw -
to which a stunned Moro almost collapses in shock, muttering things under his
in Russian." - J. Henderson, Chess Express #2.
A great game, high in fighting content.
DRAW, 1/2-1/2
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