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AWBL 2K2   The Official Home of the AWBL AWBL 2K2

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    2002 Draft Results
    2002 Final League Leaders
    2002 Final Standings
    2002 Batting Stats
    2002 Pitching Stats
    2001 Batting Stats
    2001 Pitching Stats
    2001 Awards
    2001 Playoff Batting Stats
2002 AWBL Draft Results
Overall Round Team Player
1 1 Smacker Marc Lantz
2 2 Barilar (trade from Blose) Joey Troupe
3 3 Blose (trade from Barilar) Adam Miloser
4 4 Guidash Joe Martin
5 1 Guidash Andy Divelbiss
6 2 Blose (trade from Barilar) Jeff Dean
7 3 Barilar (trade from Blose) Jason Huffman
8 4 Smacker Dustin Davis
9 1 Smacker Jay Neal
10 2 Barilar (trade from Blose) Garrett Temchulla
11 3 Blose (trade from Barilar) Kevan Emhoff
12 4 Guidash Adam Beveridge
13 1 Guidash Matt Stookey
14 2 Blose (trade from Barilar) James Pritchard
15 3 Barilar (trade from Blose) Matt Dinger
16 4 Smacker Ronnie Walker
17 1 Smacker Ross Baer
18 2 Blose Mike Foster
19 3 Barilar Todd Martino
20 4 Guidash David Zimmerman
21 1 Guidash Josh Seese
22 2 Barilar Travis Harp
23 3 Blose Waylon Coulter
24 4 Smacker Heath Ellenberger