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2002 Game Photos

| Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 |

Ronnie Walker
Ronnie Walker rounds 2nd after his first of four homeruns on opening day. You can see Foster pouting in center field, he later wrote an emo song about this unfortunate homerun.
Kory Blose
Kory Blose displays his Gold Glove fielding ability by scooping up this grounder near the pitcher's mound.
Kory Blose
Blose heaves this pitch towards home during his team's first game of the 2002 season. Dustin Guidash is the first base ump.
Joe Martin
Joe Martin watches the first pitch of his career at-bat fall low and away for a ball. He later singled to left center. Andy Divelbiss watches in anticipation.
Jay Neal, Zim Obstruction
Jay Neal rounds 2nd and cruises into 3rd for a triple after a line shot to deep right field. Dean waits for the cut-off from Adam Miloser, and David Zimmerman obstructs the view with his large build.
Martin catches fly ball
Where is Joe's head in this picture? Joe Martin snags this high fly ball in left field for an easy out despite the rainfall and cold temperature. Notice he uses two hands, a fundamental that all AWBL stars will preach. Take note Foster.
Ask Barilar
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is Marc chasing down a ground ball of some sort, because it looks as if those are Joe Martin's legs at the plate. Everyone should know Barilar took this terrible picture of practically nothing. Maybe he was intoxicated.
Joe Martin
Another great picture taken by Barilar. Once again, I don't know what's going on here and I'm sure no one else does either. It looks as if Ronnie has just either reached base on a single or is running through first base on a ground out. Never ask Barilar to run the camera.
Proud to be a Porksword, Zim hurls a pitch leisurely (like he does most things) down the middle during the first game Monday.
Look at that @$$
Barilar's crack is slightly visible as he dives into to first after a footrace with the slightly slower Zim. Stookey is ready to back up the wild wilderbeast in case of a wild throw.
Like a Ballerina
Zim, again on the mound, gracefully throws a pitch. His masculine figure provides him with a solid foundation to perform complex manuevers while on the mound. Another Porksword, Nutzbaby, is on second base as Stookey lurks in right field.
Grand Salami
I think some unidentified cameraman has the hots for Zim. Again in this picture, he painfully turns around and watches Kyle Barilar's towering shot fly over the roof for the first Grand Slam in AWBL history. Zim later became anorexic, because as you can see in this picture, no one was there to console him after giving up this legendary blast.
Batting or Fielding?
Yet another Porksword makes an appearance in the gallery as Kyle Barilar is at the plate and fellow Porksword Matt Dinger is on base. Barilar must not like this pitch, because his hand is coming off the bat to catch Stookey's poor attempt at a strike. Notice the "Tims" covering Barilar's feet.
He couldn't hold it.
At first this looks like just another bad picture taken by Barilar, but look closely and Fetus has captured on film a rare occurence in nature. Camoflauged behind the giant tree is the bionic, half man - half amazing Jeff Dean urinating. What a lovely site to behold.
In the shade
Stookey hauls in the relay from Dustin Guidash, holding the runner at second. Thats all I can say about this, except for that at first glance, it looks like someone just kicked Stookey in the seeds.
Hey Scorekeeper
Hey ladies, check out this stud. When you're looking for a real man, do you want him to kiss you softly, whisper sweet nothings, hold your hand, buy you flowers? No!! You want him to be able to keep the book during an AWBL game and that is exactly what Ronnie Walker is doing in this picture. He doesn't think he's bad, he know's he's bad.
Three's a Crowd
How many members of Team Blose does it take to catch a fly ball? Obviously three, as Mike Foster, James Pritchard, and Adam Miloser go for the ball while captain Team Blose watches in shame. Milhouse left the mound and caught this fly ball for an out. Effort points go to Mike Foster who hussled so much on this fly he lost his hat, on the ground behind Pritchard.
Get on yo' knees
Everyone hates those hits that go into the bushes on the back porch. Only a skilled fielder can dig the ball out from the branches quick enough to record the out. But Pritchard does just that here with Blose right beside him for a little extra help.
Nice grab
Blose gives us further proof of why he'll be the number one vote-getter for gold glovers this year. Always ready to make the spectacular catch, Blose skies off the ground to catch this fly ball above his head and get an out for Milhouse. In the backround, my dad shows off his money maker while working on the "anal probe".
Part Deux
Stop me if you've heard this one before. How many members of Team Blose does it take to catch a fly ball? Oh you've heard that? Jeez. Then I guess you know the answer is three. Foster and Milhouse almost colide as they attempt to catch this fly ball, and Pritchard waits for the ball to come flying his way.