Gettysburg Battlefield Online

61st Pa
102nd NY
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98th PA

Re-enactment of Gettysburg 2001 (138th Anniversary)

Re-enactors at Servant's

The Smoke of Battle

Beth Atkins Vivandieres Site

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The Re-enactment of The Battle of Gettysburg on its 138th Anniversary took place on July 6,7,8th of 2001.On the First day was the Skirmish at Herr's Ridge later followed by a Calvary battle on Brinkernoff Ridge.

On Saturday two battles were fought. First was the battle of Little Round Top where Joshua Chamberlain and the Twentieth Maine held back the rebel charge on the Left of the union line. The second battle was the slaughter of the 27th Indiana at Spanglers Spring. They lost over 75% of thier men.

On Sunday after a night of rain things got hot again.Everyone came out to see Pickett's charge and they seen it. A 25 minute bombardment on the Union line with heavy artillary. then suddenly the Confederates began thier charge to the stone wall. When it was over the line was held at the Rebs in retreat.The Union was saved.

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