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Historian, sailing master and boatbuilder John Young at the helm of Swiftsure II.The Australian Aboriginal Flag: Black man on red earth, under the yellow sun.

This was part of the Living Boat Trust's Tawe Nunnugah, expedition. See their link below.

Undersea Explorer -- Far Remote December 2006

Undersea Explorer Homepage
Tagging a Tiger shark
More Undersea
Turtles at Raine Island
Undersea People
Yes there are More Undersea Images

The West Coast and Great Ocean Road -- January 2007

Tourquoise Waters
Freemantle is about boats
Karajini National Park
The Apostles
More Apostles
Tin Horse Highway

Tasmania February 2007

Tassie's D'Entrecasteaux Channel
Messing About in Small Boats
Small Boat People
Hobart Boat Show
Hobart Waterfront
My Incredible Tassie Hosts
The Living Boat Trust

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