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John Rumney, Managing Director of Undersea Explorer, originally from Colorado. John's a really good guy who always puts a smile on things. One of his favorite phrases "You gotta be in it to win it!"

Many times when you dive from a boat, the thing is moored to the bottom, and you dive off, have a swim, and come back where you started. Almost all the dives we did on this trip were drift dives, with live drops and pick-ups. Here the boat maneuvers into position close to the reef edge, as divers wait in lumpy seas on the duckboard to hear Clare's magic words "go,go,go!"

Here Jimmy gives us a talk on the beautiful creature called the Nautilus while crew member Brenden tries to figure out his camera. Undersea Explorer is a pioneer in Nautilus research, catching them via traps at about 300 meters down, measuring and tagging them, and releasing them.

Sheasworth 2006-2007 |Grand Canyon | Australia | India
2004 |Sea Kayaking NZ and Fiji | New Zealand South Island | Vietnam | Northern Laos | India | Germany | Welcome to Australia