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News & Events

Current News

February 2001:

Roman Tour of Europe

    Bob Garbisch, leader of the Roman re-enactment group Legio X Fretensis, based in San Francisco, California, is organizing a two-week tour of Roman sites and museums in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Britain, tentatively set to occur in August 2002.  The cost is estimated at $2,250 departing from Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C.

    The well-known author-illustrator Peter Connolly will be guiding the European portion of the tour (Week One), while Charles Wesencraft will be the guide in Britain (Week Two).  The itinerary, which is being arranged by the tour service of Peter and Angela Smith, includes St. Germain, Alesia, Hezvetii battlefield, Saalburg Fort and Museum, Teutoburger Forest, Ariovistus Battlefield, as well as other museums.  In England, a tour is planned of Hadrian's Wall and perhaps Bath as well.

    For more information, contact Bob at  Regrettably, only North Americans are welcome on this tour.

We're Moving Soon

    A domain host has been found and we will be relocating to our permanent domain,, by March 2001.  We will have 250 mb of file space, which will allow the site to expand freely to incorporate a substantial library of images as well as text.  The alias also belongs to and will be used, like the old Angelfire site, to transfer visitors to the primary .com domain.

Corona Awards made for Spring 2001

    Congratulations go to Guy de la Bedoyere, Peter Green, and Gary Bruggemann for their outstanding websites.  In recognition of their effort and achievement, they are awarded the first quarterly Corona Awards.  See the Corona Award winners here.

Roman Army Talk records over 5000 hits

    Our fledgling message board, Roman Army Talk (RAT), has racked up more than 5000 hits since its inception 1 February.  This is an excellent start; thank you for your participation, and continue to spread the word.


2001 Calendar

    Submit your events and happenings for listing to the Webmaster.  


4-6 October    ROMEC XIII 2001
    The 13th International Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC),
to be held in the Roman legionary fortress Vindonissa (now Brugg,
Switzerland).  Theme: "Roman Military Equipment in Civilian Contexts."
More info: Phone: 0041-61-267-23-50.

News Archive

January 2001:

Vacant Sections to Remain Hidden for Now

   We've decided to hide the majority of the site structure until the now-hidden sections are ready:

The Auxilia  ~  Artillery & Siegecraft  ~  The Navy  ~  The Urban Cohorts  ~  The Vigiles
Military Religion  ~  Allies & Enemies  ~  Chronology  ~  Battles & Campaigns
Imperial Biographies  ~  The Map Room  ~  Who's Who in Roman Army Studies
Roman Army Travelogue

    As work progresses on the sections already under construction (The Legions, Elite Troops), or as new Editors are added, we will progressively expand the site.

Welcome a New Editor

    Sander van Dorst has joined the staff of to act as Co-Editor of "The Legions" section.  His background in Roman studies includes years of practical re-enacting experience as a veteran of the Gemina Project in the Netherlands.  He is primarily versed in the armies of the Principate and Late Empire.  As Co-Editor, Mr. Van Dorst will be reorganizing the navigation structure of the "Evolution" subsection of "The Legions."


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