Staff & Credits
About Us

Jenny Cline
Webmaster / Editor-in-Chief
U.S. Army Captain, Heidelberg, Germany
"I have many hobbies, but I am most passionate about Roman army
studies. Besides managing,
I serve the Society of Ancient Military Historians as Editor of the
Society's biennial newsletter, Res Militares. I am a member
of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies as well as the
Institute of Classical Studies (University of London) and the Joint
Association of Classical Teachers. After I complete my Army
service in Germany, I will leave the military to begin graduate school
in the U.K."
[no photo available]
Sander Van Dorst
Co-Editor, The Legions
Computer Programmer, Leiden, The Netherlands |
"From 1991 to 1998 I have
studied ancient history at the University of Leiden, doing my thesis on
the development of the use of weapons specialists within the legions in
the Republican and Early Imperial armies. Though I am currently
employed as a programmer, my spare time is devoted to further study of
the Roman army." |
Credits & Thanks
The Roman Army Talk (RAT) Staff
 | Shiro (New York, USA) who moderates Off-Topic |
 | Dave Mitchell (California, USA) who moderates Re-enactment and
Reconstruction |
Website Awards
None yet, but we're working on it!
Would you like to nominate a favorite site for our Website
Award, the Corona?
These will be added as we submit
to related web-rings.