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Picture page of Elaine Savageau
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Alright, alright, alright... I'll put up a picture of myself! Here it is:

The Bride's Day, August 3, 2002

Tammy, Elaine, Sarah, and Kristen, dressed and ready to go to town!
Click to enlarge!

Click here to see a picture of the completed 1500-piece puzzle from Thanksgiving, 2001. More pictures of the family working on the puzzle can be found here.

Take a look at the highlight pictures from Chris's and my trip to New Mexico in October, 2001! Additionally, Chris's page documents it very well.

Have you been to the chase pictures page from Sept, 2001?

How about those from Andy's and my trip west to visit Oklahoma in June of 2001?

Chris and I at home by the tree after my family went to see Cincinnati Ballet's rendition of "The Nutcracker":

Three lovely damsels ready to paint the town red on New Year's Eve, 2000!

Andy and Dad play Foosball on Christmas Morning, 2000, while Muffy and Mom sing their chorus tunes together:

1995 visit to Grand Teton National Park:

Family on vacation summer of 2000 in Tennessee, including one of my newest cousins:

Top left to right:
Cousin Zack, his Dad Denny, his Mom Becky (Mom's first cousin), my first cousin Mary and her little girl Telulah, Mom, her brother Randy
Bottom left to right:
My brother Andy, Great Aunt Phyllis, Great Uncle John, Mammaw (Mom's Mom), Me, Dad
Bottom middle to right:
Zack's brother Jake, my Aunt Dee (Randy's wife)

I would like to put up more pictures of the rest of my family, so if you have any digital photos, please email me!
(I don't have a scanner!)