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The 2005 10th Annual Kelly & Poppa Lou Golf Classic Photographs

2005 10th Annual Kelly & Poppa Lou Golf Classic Particpants 


The 2005 10th Annual Kelly & Poppa Lou Classic Champions

John Whiting with Team Champs: Christian Comito, Matt Teetsell, Ed Gunn & Glenn Lindsey & Event Founders:  Bart Leverich & Gerry Cross


Closest to the Pin Winner - Skip "Bounce it Off the Tree" Flannery

Longest Drive Winner - John "Launch it Into Space" Lerchenmueller


The Tournament is played at the beautiful Blackhead Mountain Golf Resort.  For more information about the Blackhead Mountain Golf Resort, directions and how to make reservations click on the bouncing golf ball:


2005 10th Annual Kelly & Poppa Lou Friends & Family Golf Classic Participants

Denise Jones *
Patrick Jones
John Whiting
Buffy Whiting
Dan Howe *
Bob Howe
Bill Skinner
John Lerchenmueller
Ed Gunn
Christian Comito
Glenn Lindsay
Matt Teetsell
Mickey Parsons
Gerry Shirley
George Collins
Daniel Allen
Tom West*
Riccardo Lavarreda
Cristopher Mayone
Michael Dittus
Fran Gunn *
Ken Cross
Pete Tobin

Ian Leverich
Skip Flannery
Frank Romano
Rich Pisinich

Joe Comito 
Artie Awe
Jason Stark
Michael Wicke

Mark Dupre
Tom Parsons
Donald Lorentz
Jack Powers
Louie Lansdron
Liam Kenny, Sr.
Liam Kenny, Jr.
Dennis Brown

John Kenny
Bart Leverich
Meredith Leverich
C.J. Casey
Kevin Leverich
Jason Scolaro
Jason Scolaro Jr.
Darrin Hirst
Peter Brown
Peter Brown Jr.



Family Division Teams

* Past Poppa Lou Champion Team

                       Background photo: "The 'Beautiful 17th Hole at Blackhead Mountain Golf Resort" taken by John T. Whiting


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