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Memories of the 8th Annual 2003 Poppa Lou Golf Classic


To See Fran Gunn's 2003 Predictions Click Page:  | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
To See Fran's Guide to Blackhead Golf Course Page:  | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

To see photographs of the 8th Annual 2003 Kelly & Poppa Lou Friends & Family Party click HERE.

The Golfers in the 8th Annual 2003 Louis J. Parsons Golf Classic

The 8th Annual 2003 Champions:

Mike Dittus, Tom West, Ricardo Lavarreda, & Brian Howe 

Family Division Trophy Winners:  Team Backman/Leverich

John Whiting, Jim Backman, Kevin Levrich, Patty Backman, Kyle Backman

Longest Drive Winner:  Kyle Backman

Closest to the Pin Winner:  John Whiting

The Winning 2001 Scorecard: The Howe Team

Team Standing in the 8th Annual Kelly & Popp Lou Golf Classic


Place of Finish Score In Reference to Par
Team Dittus 1st 67 -5
Team Gunn 2nd* 70 -2
Team Awe 3rd* 70 -2
Team Jones/Whiting 4th* 70 -2
Team Howe 5th 71 -1
Team Lindsey 6th 72 0
Team Scolard 7th 74 +2
Team Powers 8th 75 +3
Team Garrison 9th 76 +4
Team Cross 10th 76 +4
Team Farley 11th 78 +6
  Family  Division  
Team Backman 1st 73 +1
Team Parsons 2nd 81* +9
Team Wamboldt** 3rd 81* +9
Team Kisielis 4th 83 +11
* match of cards

** played from white tees



2003 Group Photograph taken by:  Chris

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