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Any information about them will be welcomed. Please contact me via e-mail. Thank you!
Last Update: 3 June 2010
All Points South (Web Domain Service) http://www.allpointssouth.com/
Aw Shucks!
Centre for Southern Studies
Christian Confederate Radio (Web Radio Station)
Committee of Correspondence for Southern Heritage
Confederate Alliance
Confederate Network
Confederate Passport Company
Confederate States of America
Confederate Zone
CS-Gov.org "The new CSA, is not a resurrection or restoration, of the old CSA of 1862 - the old Confederacy died shortly sometime after 1865 when the United Stated invaded the old CSA and instituted a marshal law for the Confederate states for over 11 (official) years. "The new CSA is a totally new nation, recognisable to traditionalists, because of its roots in the old CSA. Since no one to this day has the authority to resurrect, or restore the old CSA, we the citisens of the new CSA declare micro-nationality of a new and separate nation, separate from the old CSA. "Since the new CSA is merely a new micro-nation, we are not a movement or country to overthrow or encourage sedition against any current governments that occupy our territory, as claimed by the old CSA, or its citisens.
CSA News
CSA Today
CSA Store
Dixie Mart
Dixie Rising
Dixie Times
Edgefield Journal
Homerule For Dixie
I'll Take My Stand (TheSouthernNation.com)
Maurice's Gourmet Barbeque
Preserving Our Heritage
Proposed Constitution for the CSA
Remember the Cause
South Carolina Hertiage Coalition
Southern American
Southern Anti-Bigotry Coalition (BigotWatch)
Southern Initiative
Southern Legal Resource Center
Southern Loyalists
Southern Nationalist
Southern Outlaw
Southern Outlet
Southern Party
According to an e-mail from Mike Crane, the national Southern Party "dissolved a few years ago" and statewide parties are re-organizing. Mr. Crane himself is the 2nd Vice-Chairman & Webmaster of the Southern Party of Georgia.
Southron Project