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  • Allianced with Wyrd Angles


    Donations    Loans    Withdraws

    HomeGrown Heroes vault is run by Custodian.

    To view what we have in the Guild vault visit the GUILD VAULT which is located on Guildmagic

    Heres what we can do: Provide a place to donate your old or unwanted items to help meet the needs of other guild members. Offer items that can be of immediate benefit to you, often with no charge. Offer short-term, no-interest loans to assist you in temporary financial needs. Help make the entire guild aware of research and trade skill items to collect that are in immediate demand from other members. This is a short list, and the other links above will help you to better understand these services in much greater detail.

    Heres a few things, however, that HomeGrown Heroes cant do: Twink characters with an abundance of items simply for the sake of twinking. Hand out items that a guild member cannot make good or immediate use of. Hand out items that are to be later sold at any time in any zone to any person without specific banker consent. Ever. Offer permanent cash loans. All loans must be paided back within the time frame agreed upon. Offer loans at any time without first bringing it before the Officers of the guild. (no same-day loans) While some of these points may seem a bit tedious and unnecessary, please keep in mind our first duty is to protect the guild and its members. The first time someone takes advantage of the services provided here, the bank as a whole will quickly break down and well no longer be able to provide assistance to those members who truly want it. If you receive an item or spell from the vault, know that it first had to be donated by another guild member before we could offer it to you. All the weapons, armor, and spells you ever see in here were donated by guild members just like you. And its for guild members like yourself that they made their donations, hoping that you might make good use of an item they could not. In the end, honestly, we just hope these services will help make our guild and our members stronger over time. If one of our services can aide you in any way, please dont hesitate in making use of it. Were here to help you, which in turn helps the guild.