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    This Page is dedicated to organizing help for our Shaman. It's meant to inform the guild of what has been done, and what needs to be done yet.


    HomeGrown Heroes Shaman Status

    Test of Might 3 Books of Ghoisk High Scale Kirn Neh Ashiir *Iksar Broodling **Rak Ashiir DONE
    HGH Shaman


    • Updated 05/15/2002
    • "**" indicates this camp / fight can be out of sequence (Faction standing allowing)
    • If I missed anyone or if you have an update that needs to be made, send it to Berevon and I'll get to it asap.

    Shaman Epic Quest Steps

    Step Approx. Lvl Zone Spawn Type Gathering Required
    Test of Might 40 Castle Mistmoore Forced Spawn 1 Group of lvl 50+
    3 Books of Ghoisk 50 City of Mist Regular Camp (2 Hour) 2 or 3 groups of 50+
    High Scale Kirn 50 The Hole Regular Camp 2 or 3 Groups 53+
    Neh Ashiir 55 City of Mist Regular Camp (2 Hour) 3 or 4 groups of 55+
    Iksar Broodling 55 Plane of Fear Regular Camp (3 Day) 4 or 5 groups of 55+
    Rak Ashiir 55 City of Mist Regular Camp (2 Hour) 2 or 3 Mage Fire pets
    • These steps are NOT all the steps of the quest - these are the steps that require help from others.
    • For full quest info, and other good Shaman information go HERE