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  • Charter
  • Organization
  • Rules
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  • Raids

  • Raids/Tactics
  • Members

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  • Calendar
  • Epics

  • Bard
  • Beastlord
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Enchanter
  • Magician
  • Monk
  • Necromancer
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Shadowkinght
  • Shaman
  • Warrior
  • Wizard

  • Allianced with Wyrd Angles


    1) Introduction

    HomeGrown Heroes is a guild that is devoted to the adventurer in all of us. We awaken the adventurer that’s hidden inside each of us. HomeGrown Heroes is run by a Guild Leader, Ahay, and seven guild officers; Berevon, Celebrath, Osram, Kimosarby, Kindaar, Rhianonn and Terrorsender. We devote our time to this guild and will address all problems and issues that may arise in the guild. We are a guild of players who share a common goal of exploring Norrath and experiencing Norrathian life as friends. We hope that we can awake the adventurer inside of you and provide you with an adventure of your life.

    2) Inviting

    HomeGrown Heroes are looking for quality not quantity. We are seeking good team players who deserve to wear our guild tag. People who are fun, willing to help others, and willing to attend raids, events, and gatherings whenever possible.

    Our method of inviting is simple. We ask that the new potential member read this
    charter and Rules, then either Email HomeGrown Heroes, with your characters name, level, class and reason why you would like to join our guild; or get in touch ingame with one of our officers or leader. Our guild leader and officers will then have a meeting and if satisfied will invite that potential member into the guild on a two week trial. When the two weeks are up, a vote will take place to see if the member should stay in the guild and made a full member.

    3) Members

    We feel that it is an honour to be in a guild. For HomeGrown Heroes we want our guild tag known and respected throughout the land of Norrath. Upon joining you will be placed on a two week trial period so that 1) you can see if this guild is the guild for you, and 2) We can see how the guild is working for you. At the end of the two weeks, the guild leader and officers will then vote. If you have proven that you are a good member, you will stay in the guild and made a full member. If not, you will be kindly
    asked to leave the guild, with a reason why.


    HomeGrown Heroes will provide all of our members with the opportunity to participate in guild events
    and server wide events hosted by the guild. Repetitous play with constant grouping is always
    good for the level/exp aspect of the game but it can burn players out and turn EQ into more like a
    job than a game. Guild participation is not required at all these events, but it is highly encouraged.
    Most events will not be focused on furthering your EQ character but giving the guild time
    to get together and to get to know each other.

    6) Guild Rules

    Please read the Members rules.