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Kamelot - Silverthorn 4.5/5

Reviewed: 12-1-12


1. Manus dei
2. Sacrimony (Angel of afterlife)
3. Ashes to ashes
4. Torn
5. Song for Jolee
6. Veritas
7. My confession
8. Silverthorn
9. Falling like the fahrenheit
10. Solitaire
11. Prodigal son
12. Continuum

For many years melodic/progressive power metal band Kamelot has been one of my favorite bands and their long-time vocalist Roy Khan (from their 3rd CD 'Seige perilous' to their 9th/previous CD 'Poetry for the poisoned') has been one of my favorite vocalists. Therefore, I was originally disappointed when I heard that he was parting ways with the band after 'Poetry for the poisoned'. The disappointment didn't last long however, as the big news that Seventh Wonder vocalist Tommy Karevik was his replacement left me with feelings of building excitement. The thing is, Seventh Wonder is an amazing band with 4 CDs under their belt, and their 3rd CD 'Mercy Falls' is especially brilliant - probably my favorite CD from the last 5 or so years - seriously.

Now that the band's 10th CD (and first with Tommy) 'Silverthorn' is here, I've really been able to breathe a sigh of relief, as Tommy replaces Roy in a truly impressive manner. For starters, he resembles Khan throughout much of the CD (matches his tone, range, etc.), so the transition between vocalists is easy to digest. In addition, Tommy sounds like himself (sounds like he does with Seventh Wonder) at times, especially during the slower parts, and this brings some freshness to the band. Really, Tommy is a more than worthy replacement for the great Khan, and will please major fans of the band, while perhaps even making fans aware of the amazing Seventh Wonder. Personally, I would love to know that many Kamelot fans have been turned on to Seventh Wonder after hearing this CD.

Not only is this CD fantastic vocally, the musical side comes close to matching some of the band's best material, with the perfect amount of symphonic elements, plenty of catchy rhythms, some terrific guitar solos, and their signature/memorable choruses. My only complaint (which is minor), is that I wish there was more speed. That said, this CD is more upbeat (less dark/moody) than their 8th CD 'Ghost Opera' and less diverse than their 9th/previous CD 'Poetry for the poisoned', so it's more like their CDs from the early to mid-2000s. Plus, I wouldn't call even one song on this CD average, and there are plenty of highlights - I personally like the slow track 5 "Song for Jolee" a lot, as it reminds me of some of the songs on 'Mercy Falls', and also the fast track 10 "Solitaire", as I really like the pace and also the chorus.

In the end, 'Silverthorn' is an excellent CD that, while not quite matching some of their masterpieces like 'Karma' and 'The black halo', should definitely please major fans of the band. Instead of the departure of Khan putting a dent in the band, Tommy's brought in some freshness and their future is as bright as ever.




MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC
