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Eyefear - 9 elements of inner vision 3/5

Reviewed: 6-16-06


1. Two souls apart
2. Illumination fades
3. Where clouds divide
4. Dawn (A new beginning)
5. While the world sleeps Pt.1: Dreams
6. While the world sleeps Pt.2: Altered visions
7. The script of sorrowed tales
8. Vivid window
9. Beyond the twilight

Australia's masters of progressive power metal return with their latest script of sorrowed tales. Open your eyes, for this is indeed when illumination fades and promise for a better future begins. The silent company gather where clouds divide, and chasms close, prepared to follow their dreams and altered visions, always remaining steadfast and determined for over a decade. The '9 elements of inner vision' convey a convex pulchritude radiating a shimmer of hallowed hope. Just beyond the twilight, while the wild kingdom conquers as the world sleeps, I fear that dawn has awakened zygotic visions in twin souls searching to be a part of the welcomed wonderment.

After verily searching for a vocalist viscount to mirror the music, a vivid window was opened when Danny Cecati soared in on the wings of a Pegazus. The Apache warrior was breaking the chains of the bastards of war with his own crusade for metal forever. Vocally, it was always Danny's witches hex like histrionics which made his braveheart bleatings cry out to Mother Earth unto the chariot of the Gods. I fear the tears of the angels were shed by the thin man as Danny embraced his wings of destiny. Eyefear is not another reflection faded form of Pegazus though; as they have much more in common with the outback's Vanishing Point. Normally, I don't find myself being drawn to many progressive bands as the constant sporadic time changes and desultory, self-indulgent music tends to dull my senses. Eyefear, transcend the limitations of this sub-genre by incorporating more melodic elements into their song's structual arrangements. Similar to Evergrey and Symphony X, Eyefear manage to keep the songs enduring and entertaining. This is primarily because of Danny's amazing and alluring vocal style. Ranging from classic Geoff Tate to Ray Alder in the early 90s, Danny hits the high and knows when to extend them with the proper sustain. Tim Aymar's fragile art of existence kept Control Denied, Danny's ductile durst delivers sweet savagery.

Most of the lyrics on this CD are written by bassist Rob Gorham with some contribution by Danny himself. Most of the music is written by founding member Con Papazoglou. The subject matter for most songs suggest mental and psychological paradigms with poetic introspection. The production by Endel Rivers and mixing by Andy LaRocque at Los Angered studios in Sweden is infused with genuine judgement. The cover artwork by Matitias Noren, who has painted surreal surfeit for Into Eternity, Evergrey and Jag Panzer, rouses the mental imagery musically.

Most of the songs average 5-6 minutes with serious icon fusion and subtle nuances. There are no blistering burners; but still several songs ultimately usurp, again due to Danny's sonorous chorus. "When clouds divide" has a duet with female vocals and cuts like "Dawn" and "The script of sorrowed tales" both have some grievous guitar aspects and diligent drumming. Unlike with some progressive bands, Eyefear have a real homeostatic hovering with the keyboard layering as well. Overall, this may not be gleeful metal; but it's friction and fear, I declare, deserves some serious solicitation.




MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC
