A Long Day Equals
Double Blindside
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 19
Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 14 at Hero Beach finds Colby all alone.  His only ally, Tom, was
booted.  Candice, whom they tried to sway, backed off and help vote off
Tom.  She wants to be accepted by the others.  But, no dice.  Amanda
clearly does not trust Candice at all.  Over at Camp Villain, Russell has
a late night chat with Boston Rob.  Russell tries to make peace, but Rob
isn't buying it.  He tells Russell that he and the rest are unhappy with Russell's search for the hidden immunity idol.  They all want him gone.

Day 15 begins with a cryptic tree-mail message about not giving up.
Both tribes arrive for a combo Reward/Immunity Challenge.  But there
is a twist!  They'll be playing for Individual Immunity!  One tribe at a
time will run the obstacle course with the winners of both tribes getting
the necklace.  The two winners will then face off for which tribe wins a
reward of hotdogs and soda pop for Tribal Council.  Yes!  Both tribes
will face a TC vote!  The winning tribe will get to stay and munch as
they watch the other tribe's TC, up until the vote.

The course is a series of fences with ropes wrapped around each
several times.  Players will hook up to the ropes, then maneuver their
way through the obstacles.  First to reach their end wins.  The Villains
win the coin toss and let the Heroes go first.  Amanda and Candice are
out front with James and JT close.  Colby gets tangled from the start.
Candice wins for the Heroes.  Rob, Russell and Tyson lead the Villains
race.  Sandra is in last place as Rob wins.  He and Candice then face
off for the hotdogs.  It's no contest, Rob wins again!

Back at Camp V, Rob is stoked!  He gathers HIS tribe together and
plots to make Russell play his idol and boot Parvati off.  The plan is to
convince Russell he's the target and better bring his idol tonight.  But
Russell isn't stupid.  You can say a lot about him, but idiocy is not one
of his failings.  He tells Parvati that he is going to trick them at their
own game and give her the idol.  They'll boot Tyson off, making Team
Rob weaker.  You gotta admit it, Russell is always three moves ahead of
the rest!  LOL!

Over at Hero Beach, Colby succumbs to the inevitable.  He tells all
that he knows he's going to be voted off.  So he asks that they have
a pleasant afternoon and not bicker in front of the Villains tonight.
James is moved by Colby's maturity and has a heart felt talk with him.
The others talk about Colby, too, and actually consider booting James
instead.  Amanda tries to stick up for James.  But JT starts complaining
about James' eating habits.  The rules for proper banana etiquette are
debated.  LOL! 

Naturally, Amanda runs to James and tells him all about what was
discussed.  He now feels he needs to prove himself worthy to keep
around.  So James challenges JT to a foot race on the beach.  Rupert
shouts "GO" and the two race each other.  But James is too handi-
capped by his injury.  JT beats him trotting casually backwards!  It's
too awful to watch!

Back to Camp Villain, Rob suddenly realizes that Russell might give
Parvati the idol.  So he orders HIS team to split their votes, three on
each.  That way, whoever Russell and Parvati vote for, probably Tyson
Rob assumes, one of them will still get the boot.  The ploy may have
merit except for one minor detail.  Russell is sneaking about nearby
and hears the whole scheme!  So Russell hatches a counter-move!
He tells Tyson that he has no intention of getting booted tonight, so
he will go along with the rest and vote Parvati off.  He'll even play
the idol for himself just to get rid of it.  Tyson likes the idea and decides
to switch his planned vote against Russell to Parvati, just to make it
look better.  OH NO!!!

It's time for Tribal Council with the Villains.  Jerri tells Jeff this season
is way harder than the others.  Rob says it's certainly more complicated
due to the hidden idol lurking.  Sandra calls out Russell has having it.
Tyson says the idol can only protect you so much.  Parvati throws gas
on the fire, describing Tyson as a charmer who has many connections
with different players.  Sandra raises Parvati's friendships with some
on the Heroes tribe.  Jeff asks Courtney what she thinks of Rob?  She
answers that he's a polarizing character.  You either like him or you

It's time to vote.  We see Parvati and Danielle vote for Tyson.  Danielle?
Hmmm?  We see Rob and Sandra vote to boot Russell.  We then see
Coach and Courtney vote for Parvati.  That leaves Russell's and Tyson's
votes as mysteries.  Jeff gathers the ballots and asks if anyone wants
to play the idol?  Russell stands and hands Jeff his idol.  Jeff confirms
that it is authentic.  Russell then makes a short speech, directed at
Coach, where he tells all that he is loyal to his allies.  Russell then hands
the idol to Parvati!  All are shocked.  But then they are even more
shocked when Tyson is booted!  Russell did vote for him and dummy
Tyson wasted his vote on Parvati.  Rob is stunned, but still hungry for
some hotdogs!

The Villains move to the Jury Bench as the Heroes march in.  Jeff
allows the Villains to begin their feast.  Rupert can't take his eyes off
of the food.  Jeff teases him about it.  Rupert admits that the Villains
are more heroic than they are right now.  James tells Jeff about the
'Hero Olympics' and his loss to JT.  Amanda is concerned about the
results.  Colby talks about his chat with James.  James continues
about how he is still committed to staying in The Game.  He then
brings up Banana-Gate, how others think he is eating too much.  Colby
admits that he, himself, has not performed very well thus far.

Jeff sends the Villains away before the vote.  Rupert and Amanda want
to have the leftovers!  Jeff ignores them and tells the Heroes to vote.
We see Colby and James trade votes.  Jeff counts the ballots.  It's
4 to 1 against James!  He's shocked as Jeff snuffs out his torch.  So
much for his alliances.  Oddly enough, the 6th vote was JT writing
Amanda's name down!  Oh-Oh!

SPOILERS:  It's Snake vs. Mongoose time!  The tension between Rob
and Russell reaches the next level.  These two are at the boiling point!
We'll have to wait till Thursday night for the next chapter.

Heroes vs Villains