King Russell
Knights Coach
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 19
Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 11 at Hero Beach and Colby is glad Cirie got booted instead of
him.  He thinks it's now is the time to make a strategic move.  JT tries
to explain his vote.  He tells them he did so for the team, Cirie just was
not helping them.  Rupert is upset about JT's flip.

Day 12 at Hero Beach and Amanda questions JT further about his vote.
He swears to her that he would never betray his alliance with her,
James and Rupert.  She doesn't trust him.  Over at Camp Villain, Coach
is holding a class in meditation everyone, except Russell.  The only
thing on Russell's mind is finding the hidden immunity idol, which he
finally does!

Reward Challenge time!  Three from each tribe will battle to get three
footballs in The Pit!  Then toss the balls to three players on their
platform, who will throw the balls towards a basket on the other side
to score a point.  First tribe to score two points wins a chocolate feast!
Cake, candy, brownies, even chocolate milk!  YUMMMMM!  Jeff hands
out samples of brownies to both tribes, but the Heroes refuse them.
Colby says they are here to play!  Jeff tells him they'll play when he's
ready!  LOL!

The even is a tough and raucous one.  Russell checks James near  a
basket pole and James falls, twisting his left knee.  People can hear
it pop.  Jeff halts the challenge and brings in medics.  The doctor
determines that he may have sprained or pulled a muscle.  It's obvious
he can no longer participate in the challenge, putting the Heroes at
a disadvantage.  They manage to score the first point, but the Villains
tie.  Rupert then sends Jerri into a pole face-first.  She recovers and
scores the winning point for the Villains.  No chocolate for the Heroes.

Jeff sends them away, but has James stay behind so the doctor can
give him a more thorough going over.  She thinks he may have pulled
a muscle very severely.  James can barely walk.  The doc wraps his
left leg and uses splints to help support him.  James has no intention
of being pulled from The Game.  But he will have to prove that he
can walk with the splints on.

Meanwhile, the Villains enjoy an afternoon at a sunken grotto.  Jerri
and Parvati gorge themselves so much, they develop chocolate
headaches.  LOL!  Everyone goes swimming except Russell and
Parvati.  The gang discusses how Russell may have the idol and
needs to be booted next.  Russell tells Parvati secretly that he does
have it.  She is thrilled!  He lays out a plot to get Coach on their side
to boot Rob.  Russell meets up with Coach later and tells him about
the idol.  He promises to form an alliance and go all the way through
The Merge.  Coach is excited and thinks he's Sir Lancelot meeting
King Arthur.  On bended knee, Coach has King Russell knight him.
Russell thinks it's nutty but plays along.

Back at Hero Beach, Amanda is worried about James, her closest
ally.  JT tells Tom and Rupert he doubts if James is coming back.
No sooner said, Tom spots James limping their way.  Amanda runs
out to greet him.  James tells everyone that the doctor really is not
certain what is wrong until he gets an MRI.  So he'll stay in The Game
as long as possible, even though he can barely walk.  Candice thinks
it's obvious that he must go next.

Day 13 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  One player will be
a 'caller' and guide the rest who are blindfolded and paired by rope.
They must fuddle their way and fetch 10 large puzzle pieces.  Once
all ten are secured, they may remove the blindfolds and ropes and
assemble the giant puzzle cube.  James and Jerri are callers.

There's a lot of confusion at first, and the pieces are very heavy and
awkward to carry.  But both tribes get rolling and make a close race
of it.  The Heroes start working on assembling first, but the Villains
catch up fast and past them.  Once again, the Villains prove their
superior skills at puzzle solving and win their 4th of 5 Immunity

Back at Hero Beach, they sulk over yet another defeat.  Tom and Colby
figure that James should be an easy target.  Rupert, JT and Candice
talk about who to boot.  Rupert wants Tom gone, but Candice thinks
James is too injured.  JT is uncommitted.  James hobbles over to
make sure they are still on his side.  Later, Rupert tells Amanda that
Candice is weak and wants James gone.  So the target shifts to her.
Candice and JT talk more about booting James.  Amanda is getting
nervous again.  JT and Candice then chat with Tom, who tells them
that he and Colby are voting against James.  Tom then lets Colby
know what happened, so Colby talks with JT.  But Colby figures JT
is playing everybody now, so he is skeptical.

At Tribal Council, James tells all that his leg doesn't hurt, he just can
not move as quickly for now.  Rupert admires him and says that James
still has plenty of fight left in him.  James then comments on how
Tom and Candice cost them the Immunity Challenge.  Candice shoots
back that James is talking nonsense.  Both James and Amanda attack
Tom on messing up the puzzle.  Tom defends himself. 

Jeff asks JT what he thinks?  JT, in his best poker face, says he doesn't
blame anyone for the loss.  Tom voices his concerns about being
booted tonight.  He tells Jeff that James is obviously handicapped and
is only worth keeping as a loyal vote to one faction.  James disagrees
and says he is still better at challenges than Tom.

It's time to vote.  We see Tom vote for James and Amanda vote for Tom.
Jeffs reads the ballots.  Tom and Colby were the only ones to vote
against James, the rest, including Candice, send Tom packing.  Jeff
comments that the tribe thinks James is still valuable, and they will
soon be tested if that is true.

SPOILERS:  No Survivor next week as March Madness begins.  In two
weeks, the big showdown between Rob and Russell may finally come
to pass.  Who will win?

Heroes vs Villains