Season 5 Scripts

Here are all scripts from the 5th Season up to episode 512. Click on episdoe number and name to read the script

Episode 501:The One After Ross Says Rachel
Episode 502: The One With All The Kissing
Episode 503:The One Hundredth
Episode 504: The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS
Episode 505: The One With All the Kips
Episode 506: The One With the Yeti
Episode 507: The One Where Ross Moves In
Episode 508: The One With the Thanksgiving Flashbacks
Episode 509: The One With Ross's Sandwich
Episode 510: The One With the Inappropriate Sister
Episode 511: The One With all the Resolutions
Episode 512: The One With Chandler's Work Laugh

Disclaimer: These scripts are not authentic. They are transcribed from the show for non-profit entertainment purposes only. I want to thank gunieapig ( the orginal creator of the CFSI and Eric Aasen for letting me use his transcribed scripts. Theses scripts are the property of NBC, Warner's Bros., and Bright Kauffman Crane Productions.

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