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Dadaji Maharaj's Gallery


  Other Achievements

The University during Dr. Mathur's tenure did not keep itself confined within the ivory tower of mere academics. It performed many remarkable things in the socio-cultural fields at the national and international levels. It celebrated with great zeal and gusto the Nehru Centenary celebrations spread over a whole year. The celebrations included Youth Festivals, a series of lectures, debates and seminars, a Model Parliament, a very prestigious Nehru Exhibition and above all the publication of a Nehru Centenary Souvenir. The University also hosted an International Child-Care Meet, Indo-Soviet Friendship Meet presided over by Soviet Vice-President, and many more such functions.

These were the achievements of Dr. Mathur during his two terms in office as the Vice-Chancellor. No other Vice-Chancellor of Agra University has enjoyed so much of popularity and celebrity, so much of fame and honour, and so much of result-oriented and fruitful tenure in office.

A Multidimensional Personality

The life and character, achievements and acquisitions, thoughts and philosophies of a multidimensional personality like Dadaji cannot be summed up in a brief biographical sketch like the present one. Even volumes would fall short in containing and assessing him. The blending and balancing of head and heart, spirituality and intellect, spirit and matter, munificence and renunciation, splendour and asceticism is a rare of the rarest phenomena. Such a rare phenomenon is Dr. Agam Prasad Mathur. His life is a living testimony to Tennyson's immortal lines:

"Let knowledge grow from more to more,

But more of reverence in us dwell;

That mind and soul, according well,

May make one music as before."

This is only what I know of Dr. Mathur but much more of him is outside my knowledge. His followers and disciples, running into lakhs, hold him in highest veneration and reverence. To them he is their most revered 'Guru', their spiritual head, their moral succour and support, their harbour and rock of shelter to land upon. They look up to him and are spiritually fed by him. He is their pole star and their lighthouse.

I bow my head to such a sage in all reverence and veneration. These, my stray thoughts, are my offerings and adorations on his sixty-fifth birthday with earnest paryers to Radhasoami Dayal that we may celebrate many many more of his birthdays in the same spirit.


e) Sources of public opinion based on Hindi Periodicals (proceedings in the 4th Annual Historical Conference).

f) Social Reformers of U.P. (Quarterly Review of Historical Studies).

g) The metaphysical aspect of Indian Culture (A.C.J.)

h) A Great Saint of Agra (A.C.J.)

i) The partition of Bengal and public opinion (proceedings of 14th Annual Historical Conference).

j) Less Known Reformers of North India (proceedings of the Indian Historical Congress 1976).

k) Agra in the pages of History (Souvenir of the 14th Annual Historical Conference).

l) Agra University : A Review (A.U. Special Number, Souvenir).

m) Indian Reaction to British Agricultural Policies (A.U.A.)

n) Annie Besant and Indian National Congress(A.C.A)

o) Indian Reaction to British Educational Policies.

p) Annie Besant and Indian Politics (A.U.J.)

q) Impact of the British Raj on the Social Conditions of the people of Jhansi District (J.I.H.S.)

r) Lord Lytton's dealings with Sher Ali prior to the 19th Century (A.U.J.)

s) A General Survey of British Foreign Policy in the 19th Century (A.U.J.)

t) Lord Wellesley and Nizam of Hyderabad (A.C.J.)

u) C.Y. Chintamani as a liberal Thinker (J.I.H.S)

v) International Attitude towards Indo-Pak Relations (J.A.R.H.)

w) The Tashkant Declaration.

x) Swami Ram Tirth as a Religious Reformer.


a) Published Thesis 'Radhasoami Faith' A Historical Study, 1974 - Vikas, Delhi. The book reviews speak highly of the merit of the work.

b) Radha Soami Mat : Aek Atihasik Adhyayan, 1974 (Vikas, Delhi).

c) Prem Ragini (Mystical poems in two volumes), 1963.

d) Biography of Lalaji Maharaj, 1966 (in Hindi).

e) A Text book of European History.

f) Amrit Bachan Radha Soami, Part I and Part II.

g) A Text book of Medieval Indian History.

h) A book on 'U.P. and National Movement' in press.

i) 'SMARIKA' 175th Birth Anniversary of P.P.P.D. Soamiji Maharaj, 1993.


a) Souvenir to commemorate 400th JOURNALS & SOUVENIRS Anniversary Celebration of Akbar's National Integration Policy of Sulh-I-Kul.

b) Chief Editor of the History and Culture(A.C.)

c) Chief Editor of the Souvenir to commemorate 14th Annual Conference of Indian Historical studies

d) Chief Editor of the Souverir to commemorate silver Jublee Celebration of Agra University.


About Nine hundred recorded tapes including religious discourses and speeches on various problems like promotion of new education policy, upliftment of weaker sections of society, public welfare, philosphy, history and culture.


Addressed a large number of Public Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Symposia and Press media, some of which are the following:

a) XXVI Conference of the Institute of Historical Studies, Calcutta.

b) Centenary Conference of the Indian National Congress.

c) Presidential Address to All India Economic Conference held at Agra.

d) Presidential Address to Hindi Prachar Sabha organised by the Income Tax Department.

e) Lecture on the New Education Policy.

f) Several lectures in the Rotary Club, Lions Club,Junior Chamber, Theosophical Society and many other such institutions on a large variety of topics - Educational, Social, Economic, Political, Cultural, Historical, Environmental, International relations, Legal reforms,Revenue reforms, National Integration, Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, Education Policy of U.S.S.R and U.S.A. and so on.

BABA SAHIB : Appointed member of National

DR. B. R. AMBEDKAR committee for BABA SAHIB


CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE CELEBRATIONS , Ministry of Welfare, Government of India.

Article by ABI

An article written on Dadaji Maharaj by ABI, USA


Dadaji: The Path Finder
From the editorial board of Felicitation Volume

Evolution of Faith

Research Article published in Journal of Indian History Society, Calcutta, India in March 1970

Ethical Norms

Ethical Norms For Moral Conduct
On the basis of discourses of PPPD Hazur Maharaj dictated in Prem Patra

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Soamiji Maharaj Hazur Maharaj Lalaji Maharaj Kunwarji Maharaj Dadaji Maharaj