A true satsangi should in all faith and sincerity introspect
himself as to how successfully he has adopted the following ethical norms of moral
- Believe that Radhasoami Faith is true religion and Radhasoami Dayal is the True Supreme
Being full of grace and mercy.
- Believe that the Sant Satguru of the time is the Supreme Being incarnate.
With all love and humility, the devotee should serve him with body, mind and soul. His Satsang
should be attended with full faith and rapt attention regularly.
- The true name revealed by Sant Satguru is Radhasoami. Comprehend that
Radhasoami is Dhunyatmak nam or the supreme resonance of the highest
division of creation; all others who have manifested themselves at lower spheres are
subordinate to it. Radhasoami as such is the all-pervading spiritual resonance that
harmonizes the sounds of different lower regions; hence Radhasoami is Sat-Shabd
or true holy name.
- A Satsangi should learn the technique of Surat-Shabd-Yog from the Sant
Satguru of the time, and, should practice it in a secluded place regularly and with
all reliance in the Grace and Mercy of Radhasoami Dayal and Sant Satguru.
Whatever is observed and heard by the Satsangi should be kept secret and that
should not be divulged to others under any circumstances. Surat-Shabd-Yog is the
only simple and easy method that leads to salvation.
- A true Satsangi should surrender himself entirely to the Mauj (Supreme
Will) of the Sant Satguru. Whatever comes to pass in his life, he should not
complain; rather he should take it to be for his own good. He should read daily the text
from the holy books of Hazur Radhasoami Dayal and comprehend the meaning and content.
- Whenever you are attending Satsang of the Sant Satguru and his discourses,
keep an intent look at His eyes, as it facilitates both the understanding and uplifting of
the Surat (spirit) entity into higher regions.
- A Satsangi should gather useful and necessary information about present and
previous Sant Satgurus whom the devotees pay high regard and obeisance. Thus, he
should remember and attach his attention in the holy feet of the Sant Satguru
several times a day, and, also increase such practice gradually.
- A Satsangi should always sing in praise of the Mercy of Radhasoami Dayal and Sant
Satguru for love bestowed and belief sustained. He should humbly thank Radhasoami
Dayal daily for his Grace, Mercy, Benevolence and the help that the Sant Satguru
provides in his daily functioning.
- An animal diet and intoxicants should be totally avoided. The use of rich food and
overeating should also be avoided. The period of sleep should gradually be reduced to six
hours a day.
- Attachment to worldly people and material objects should be reduced to a minimum. One
should avoid such company of people as may induce to act or indulge in activities that are
detrimental towards spiritual progress and also towards our daily good moral conduct.
Worldly thoughts should not be allowed to overpower the mind. The mind and senses should
be kept under control. Public and private duties should be performed with mental
- Feelings of pride and vanity in matters of caste, wealth, position and personal
qualifications should not be allowed to grow. Love and humility are true virtues and real
ornaments, which should be adopted.
- Benevolence and charity should be adhered to and a Satsangi should invariably
spend one-tenth of his monthly income in parmarthi activities.
- Jealousy, antagonism and anger should not be entertained. Time should not be wasted in
useless pursuits and gossip. A habit of forgiveness and tolerance should be inculcated.
Attention in no case should be diverted to activities, customs and functions detrimental
to true spiritual pursuits. Fear of worldly loss and gain should not distract the mind
from fulfilling the requirements of the faith. Therefore, nothing should be done with the
motive of gaining name and fame in the world.
- Feeling of love, affection and brotherhood for fellow satsangis should be
cultivated. A true desire to fulfill the ideals of bhakti (devotion) should be
nurtured. One should deal with others in the same manner, as one would wish others to
behave with him. If, one is not in a position to do good to others, he should under no
circumstances cause harm to them.
- Truth should be the guideline in the performance of all activities, spiritual or
temporal, for a Satsangi. Nothing that falls short of truth should be acceptable to
him. A Satsangi is not supposed to criticize any individual or denomination, but a
seeker of truth should always be entertained and should be told all about truth and the
sublime Radhasoami Faith.
- A Satsangi should also pay general regard to all high-class devotees. This will
be helpful in the development of a positive attitude and generous behaviour. A Satsangi
should always introspect and make determined effort to improve his own conduct. A Satsangi
should never bother about what others are doing, and as a matter of fact, he is supposed
to completely keep himself off from all mean, mundane and worldly matters and the
individuals indulging therein.
- A Satsangi should understand by all means the supremacy of the noble path of the
Radhasoami Faith for the attainment of real salvation. The truth would reign supreme after
shunning the orthodox and illogical rituals pursued in the material world.
- A Satsangi should always ponder over his incapacity, helplessness and weaknesses
that are exposed in daily life, and, repent and pray for the guidance in setting us right.
Nevertheless, one should never lose patience, feel frustrated or go into depression. If it
seems unbearable one should pray to Radhasoami Dayal and the Sant Satguru, and if
necessary immediately report his state of mind to the Sant Satguru who in His grace
would provide immediate solace and relief to him.
- Whenever one falters or some doubt arises, one should take immediate guidance of the Sant
Satguru of the time. If He is not available, a Satsangi should seek help from
any other high-class devotee, to see that ones doubts and apprehensions are removed,
faith is restored and love is generated in the Supreme Master the Sant Satguru
of the time.
- Whenever you see any improper behaviour of a fellow Satsangi, take him aside and
suggest not to do anything that is un-Satsangi-like. If he agrees, it is good. If
he does not agree, better to keep aloof; but in no case make a fuss about all that he did.
You can report the matter to the Sant Satguru of the time and leave it to Him, as
He deems fit. Similarly, one should neither indulge in slandering nor should one entertain
- Tolerance and pardon are the attributes of a Satsangi. He should act meek,
submissive and humble. He should speak humble words and have a capacity to bear the
offensive language that others use against him as a person. Nevertheless, a Satsangi
is never supposed to be coward. He should not tolerate derogatory remarks against his Sant
Satguru and Radhasoami Faith in general. He should be fearless to call a spade a
- One should never feel offended or show resentment with Sant Satguru. One should
follow the dictates of the Sant Satguru and try not only to submit but also to
comprehend the Grace, Mercy, and Benevolence beneath such words. Although they may seem
tough, hard and attacking sometimes, it is because He is the true friend, guide and
philosopher. The Sant Satguru understands the needs of a Satsangi and guides
him to spiritual upliftment as well as material well being. One should remember that He is
the sole spiritual protector and destiny maker.
- A Satsangi is not supposed to be led away by future predictors, astrologers, the tantriks,
karamkandis, pundits or mullahs, because the present and future of Satsangi
who takes shelter of Radhasoami Dayal is guided by the Supreme Will or Mauj. No one
else can efface the Karams except the Sant Satguru of the time.
- A Satsangi is supposed to keep equanimity in sorrows and joy alike; and should
never lose balance. The purpose of life for a Satsangi is to make all preparations
to go to the higher abode. The attainment of happiness and joy in the present life is not
the objective of this life. It is enjoined upon the Satsangi to lead a simple and
uncontaminated life performing his duties towards his family and reserving his right to
salvation. Anything that comes in way of salvation should be discarded. He should not
engross himself in the worldly pleasures and should never be scared of any sorrows and
sufferings that may fall on him.
- A Satsangi should always feel confident that the benign hand of the Grace of
almighty Radhasoami Dayal and Sant Satguru is always on his head, and it is He who
takes care of him and his concerns. A Satsangi should pray before Him and take
proper instructions whenever it is necessary.
- A Satsangi should be careful in the discharging of his duties. He is supposed to
make efforts but not be bothered about results. The results should be left to the Mauj
of Radhasoami Dayal and Sant Satguru of the time, who in his Grace grants him
extra-ordinary power of tolerance and indomitable courage to face the problems of the day.
He will give him strength to discriminate between what is good and what is bad. A Satsangi
should depend on his inner voice, which would always guide him to take correct decisions
and actions. The Sant Satguru of the time looks after his spiritual interest first
and then the material interest. The intuitive sense is always available to guide him.
Thus, a Satsangi should be dauntless and courageous.
- Every Satsangi is supposed to be respectful towards his elders and benevolent to
the younger ones. He is also not supposed to arrogant but be soft-spoken and have this
kind behaviour and demeanour to all. A fellow feeling in etiquette among the Satsangis must
be nurtured.
- Invariably a Satsangi should greet another Satsangi with
Radhasoami. The male Satsangis should embrace other male Satsangis
and the female Satsangis should also embrace other female Satsangis.
- A Satsangi should offer front seats in the Satsang to highly devoted and
respected Satsangis. During a Satsang congregation, a Satsangi should
not change his posture frequently, avoid belching or making any noise so as not to disturb
other Satsangis. At the end of congregation, the Satsangis should follow in
an orderly queue so that the discipline and decorum of Satsang is maintained.
Dadaji Maharaj |
Dadaji Maharaj - His life and works
Article by ABI |
An article written on Dadaji Maharaj by ABI, USA
Dadaji: The Path Finder
From the editorial board of Felicitation Volume |
of Faith |
Research Article published
in Journal of Indian History Society, Calcutta, India in March
1970 |