Updated: Friday, 31 July 2015 4:18 AM CDT
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Down South there is a Custom
You can say just about anyting you want to about someone,
But if you follow that up with
"Bless their Heart"
It becomes acceptable
Years ago I saw an extreme example of this in Lexington.
A guy was standing on a street corner Bible in hand telling people that they were the --- well let's just say his vocabulary of epithets was amazing
He would end each rant with the phrase. "If you don't have Christ in your heart"
I remember thinking at the time that what he was doing might not be the best way to witness for his faith,
Both of these came to mind the when I found out that someone had been describing what they thought of me and then capping it off with a prayer request
Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:37 AM
I was wondering if motions that had passed during a previous Executive boards rein, do these carry over to the new presiding officers? Do motions bind the hands of a new body after an election? I would thing by-law changes would but I am uncertain about motions?
Can someone advise and reference where it may or may not support the expunging of previous sessions passed motions?
Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:45 AM
"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for the termination of its effect, it continues in force until it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote)
There is a saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it".
A Good addition would be, "But if you just HAVE to fix it, try not to completely destroy it"
Back in March the Central Committee was told that we HAD to completely redo EVERYTHING
All the previous organization that was the work of years must be cast aside and we had to reorganize.
We were told that Robert's Rules of Order REQUIRED it.
That ALL motions made prior to the Officer's Election were voided by that.
Not true,
Our Webmaster James Knox asked the Online Discussion Board that very question and was told
They even told him the basis for that answer could be found on page 111 of the Newly Revised Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition in the footnote at the bottom of the page,
As I recall that claim was made by the Chair again in the May Meeting and a Member tried to enter that passage into the Record but was declared
Out of Order by the Chair
Who STATED that that section would be. "Taken under advisement by the Executive Commitee and they would DELIBERATE on it"
Notice Cindy Golding did NOT say that the Body would be informed of the result of their deliberations
And so far that indeed has not happened,
We were also informed that they had sought Parliamentary adivice from 3 persons including Mr David Chung who is acknowledged as one of the leading GOP experts in the field
However they did NOT mention what that advice WAS.
My information is that from Mr Chung it was the SAME as the Robert's Rules of Order Discussion Board.
So all the Sub Commitees were Deep Sixed and replaced with Teams who only had 5 voting members. disenfranchising any othe Committee Person who might be on the Team mostly chosen by the Executive Committee.
One of the Sub Committees replaced was the Communications Sub Commitee
Which had met mostly at the Starlite on Saturday nights for years
Usually 10 up 15 attending. Our Co -Chair attended the Last as it turns out meeting so he can verify that
I understand that the Team which replaced it has met 3 times since March?
And the last time the only voting member was the Team Leader and there were 3 other people there,
His Son and two people who were on the Old Communications Sub Committee
It would appear that the improvement and reorganization has for all intents and purposes completely destroyed any functioning Communication organization.
The odd thing is that those who formed the Old Sub Committee got in the habit of fellowshiping on Saturday Nights so they still meet
And the attendence of that no longer official group is 3 to 4 times that of the new Team
One of them told me that he used to be on 3 Sub-Committees and thought he was contributing
But now he is not on any Team and sees no reason to be on one
Because he would have NO Say in it in any event
I for the life of me do not understand how the Executives hope to acheive their goal of
Involve and re-engage disenfranchised Republicans
By disenfranchising Republicans
Some of us made a Road Trip recently to the Lee County Fund Raiser.
It is to tell the truth something I look forward to,
We have been doing this for years,
It is nice to get out, support other Counties, Network and see what they do to make an effective event.
One thing that is constant
The Fund Raiser is always the Last Saturday in July
That Continuity IMO makes it an effective event
How effective?
Take a look.
They had about 220 people show up.
They had to pull in some extra tables.
Now the Tickets were $25 and the meal, which was quite tasty btw cost them $15.
They also had an auction.
Some of the Pies brought as much as $100.
Tha might surprise some people, but this has become a tradition and there are people who every year compete with each other to see who will get the best pies.
I would say the Auction probably paid for the Room and extra expenses with something left over
I expect Lee County might have cleared between $2000 and $3000 on their event at a guess
Now remember they are about 1/4 the size of Linn County and it is in heavy Democrat Terrritory.
Linn County also had a fund raiser recently
Our Chili Cook Off
Which in the last 3 years has been held in the Spring, the Fall and the dead of Summer this year at the Linn County Fair
Unfortunately each time we have moved the Chili Cook Off the Take on it has gone down
The Good News is that we already have a Winter Event so the Chili Cook Off will have to stay in Spring, Summer or Fall.
Some may not agree, but it seems to me Continuity Works
It creates Traditions that can be built upon
Moving things around all the time?
Does not create stability
Deciding when to do something at the last minute does not help either
Before there was even mention of doing the Cook Off at the County Fair I for one had already made a commitment for that Saturday
The October before I was actully 1/6th of their ticket sales.
There has been a lot of confusion about some events at the July Linn County Central Committee Meeting
There was a motion concerning the LCRCC Webmaster
Claims have ranged from
They are trying to limit Mr Knox First Amendment Rights and his Freedom of speech
To a claim made by the Co Chair on the First District GOP Facebook Page that
We were trying to remove him from the organization.
There is not one bit of Truth in any of these charges.
Now those who were not at the meeting and got their information second hand do have an excuse if they were misled
Those however who WERE at the meeting and were able to hear the Motion made by Steve West have NO excuse
If they continue to claim that Mr West said anything but what he actually said they will be in fact Lying
I am going to upload the audio File of the meeting here and give the Time Mark were Mr West made his motion and now NO ONE will have any excuses if they distort what he actually said
If you go to 1:32:40 you can hear Mr West's Motion for yourself
You can hear there is NO portion of it which calls for his removal from the Linn County Central Committee
You can hear that Mr West was making his motion because he felt that it was wrong for someone with Editorial Control over the LCRCC Website and Social Media and was an Official Representative of a Candidate to be making any negative remarks about another Candidate.
You will also hear Mr West say quite clearly that Mr Knox had every right to post whatever he wanted to on his own websites, just not on the LCRCC Websites and Not as a Webmaster or Social Admin,.
That ought to take care of any lingering misreprsentations that anyone was trying to "silence" Mr Knox
The Motion did NOT in any way call for James Knox to be silenced; it called for him to be relieved of the ability to speak on behalf of the LCRCC via official digital communication.
There was some other misunderstanding. One of our members later thanked Mr Knox for his post and claimed we needed the Truth about the candidates
Jim, thanks for your response. I welcome your
inputs, even if they are unflattering or negative in
regard to a candidate or issue I support
We need to be aware of the "WHOLE" truth, and not
just the parts we like. We need to go and
"Do our homework"
to rebut the charges, statemetns, or
positions we believe are unwarranted or just
plain wrong. We should not be lazy in our defense
or pursuit of the truth and you are a catalyst in
this cause
What the gentleman over looks is that the major offense was the Conflict of Interests,
In fact as Mr West stated if the motion had passed Mr Knox could have posted what he wanted to his hearts content
As it stands he CANNOT post as he did the other day
He is ON NOTICE which you may find at Time Mark 1:41
The Chair is ON RECORD as stating that
Mr Knox was Ordered to Remove the Offending Post
Mr Knox was REBUKED for Posting the Offending Post
Mr Knox was ORDERED to NOT REPEAT any such post.
Note the people who made and supported the Motion Tuesday Night
Are NOT responsible for that outcome
The CHAIR is
And if Mr Knox offends again?
I for one am interested in seeing what the consequences might be
So it would appear that all the claims that the motion was meant to silence Mr Knox was false
The claim that the motion was meant to remove Mr Knox from the organization was false
However there WAS an incident where someone DID use their power to silence someone
Mr Knox made Mocking references to one of our Committee Members on the Official LCRCC Facebook Page
AND when he tried to respond he found Mr Knox had him BLOCKED
The gentleman tried to join the page multiple times so he could defend himself but every attempt was rejected
Interesting the James Knox can falsely claim others tried to silence him when they did not
While at the same time silencing someone else
In the words of Ted Cruz
“It Is Very Interesting To See Those Who Profess To Believe In Free Speech Are The Ones Afraid Of Speech”
Here is their exchange
Daniel Kauffman's WINO Group
Whig in Name ONLY...could not be closer to the truth as they are drunk in their power..or lack thereof.
Yes I spent about 5 or 10 minutes experimenting with changing the name of that Facebook Page
And I used Whig Club
BTW In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the Presidency
So one wonders if they prefer the supremacy of the President over Congress?
Or is it a case of never attribute to Malice that whihch can be explained by Ingorance.
I will confess when earlier in that same day Mr Knox expressed that he was filled with Christian Love and held no animosity and was praying for all his detractors
I believed that about as much as I believe that the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: wants Peace and would NEVER conceive of bulding a nuclear device
I mean behind James Knox's protestations of forgiveness and Christian charity I seemed to hear a faint "Death to Dan Kauffman"
So that day I went to sleep with in the words of W C Fields, "The Calm Confidence of a Christian holding Four Aces" that by the time I awoke and finished work and was able to go online the TRUE Moral Character of James Knox would resurface.
And of course I was not dissppointed
I gazed upon the Litany on the LCRCC Facebook Fan page
Yes I thought THERE is the REAL James Knox
Then there was
July 22 at 10:09pm · Like · 1
I think that is supposed to be Gestapo
But let's give Matt an A for effort, he tries so hard
Mr Ahart thought the entire thing was so funny that one wonders if he has a posterior left
July 22 at 11:01pm · Like · 1
But does anyone notice what is missing?
When I make a claim about someone I can specify why I make it and give details.
For instance if I say the Chair Cindy Golding has violated the County Constitution,
I can specify that the Body gave instructions for a debt to be paid and she refused to sign the checks. That is a matter of public Record.
If I say the Chair Cindy Golding is in Breach of the By Laws
I can point out that there is a check; a piece of physical evidence that she used to make a payment that does NOT have at that time Treasurers signature
THAT is a Breach of our By Laws
If I claim that James Knox has abused his powers of Webmaster and Admin for the LCRCC,
I can point to the FACT that Mr Knox used the LCRCC Facebook Page to defame a Local Republican Business and FORMER very good donator to the Central Committee
I can Point out the FACT that Mr Knox made disparaging remarks about a candidate on a site over which he has editorial control and the FACT that he is also representing another Candidate which constitutes a Conflict of Interest and a Breach of Ethics
Now there IS one thing Mr Knox and I agree on
Screen shots and you can't make this stuff up LOL
SO since he has shared a screen shot of ME let me share a screen shot of Mr Knox from the Billings Gazette in Montana
It seem James was commenting on the Gazette under assumed names and this time forgot he was Nancy L and signed his real name
The other night there was a confrontation on the subject of Ethics at the Linn
County Central Committee.
One side maintianed that if a person had Editorial Control over the LCRCC
Website and ALL Social Media and he ALSO was an Official Representative of
a Campaign?
It was an Ethical Breech for him to use his position to make disparaging
comments about another Canidate on the Official Linn County Central
Committee Discusion Board
The other sie held--- You know I am not really sure.--Maybe their
contention is James Knox gets to do anything he wishes to without any
consequences whatsoever.
That WOULD be in Keeping with all the other ethical violations he has
committed in the past.
Since then he and his buddies have been gloating and sniggering over at the
LCRCC Facebook Discussion Page.
It seems those who don't agree with them and the Executive Committee are\
Not Real Republicans
They even have that penned to the top of the page so viewers won't miss it
Of course as I recall our Chair Brett Mason decided once to claim I was a
Socialist and because he did not know of any Linn County Socialist Party
He put online directions to the Democratic Central Committee meetings
But I will leave all that Juvenile simpering to them
Because the Hot Issues From Linn County has an
Extradinary Announcement to Make
We had 3 that is THREE count them visits the other day from
The Imperial Enclave in Tokyo!
I am honored.
So let us set aside the stomach souring image of the LCRCC Webmaster
James Knox and his Mistress the County Chair Cincy Golding
And take a look at just what caught the attention of the Imperial Court?
Anonymous Visitor
IP Name - IP Address
Date 20 Jul '15, Mon, 05:17:37 Net Speed Cable/DSL
ISP Open Computer Network Browser Firefox 3
Continent Asia Operating System Windows 8.1
Country Japan Screen Resolution 1920x1080
State / Region Tokyo Screen Color 24 Bit (16.7M)
City Tokyo Javascript Enabled
We can use the IP Address to find the Location
IP Address
At this URL Whois
That will take you to a page where you can have
the location on Google orYahoo Map and
Zoom down
And what post WERE they interested in?
Well they did go to the Main Page
But they also went directly to these two posts
Where Did My First Amendment Go?
Will The Real Base Please Stand Up
I wonder what Steve Scheffler would think if he
know that an article about him and his Purity Tests
was being perused in the
Japanese Imperial Palace?
I wonder what our Fan of Jemes Knox David Ahart would think about them
reading the outrageous claim that NO ONE not Scheffler back then or Ahart
now has the right to decide who gets to be a Republican
I believe in the Republican platform. Thus I want to help Republicans get elected. So I join the local County Central Committee to represent my precinct. I got elected as a precinct representative. The Facebook admin who is not an elected representative, but rather an associate member, chooses to block me from commenting on the page that is supposed to be the official page for the Linn County GOP, yet makes personal attacks about me on that page. I hope someone can let someone know who can do something about it.
Quite some time ago I noticed that if I disagreed with Mr Knox my comments disspeared so I decided commenting there was a waste of time
Seems I was not the only one he selectively edits LOL
Mr Knox was ebullient this morning he was quite Vocal
I heard I get the opportunity to post another day. This is simply wonderful and I am sure you are just as pleased as I am!!! Or are you?
Touching but not that accurate.
Our James was not at the meeting last night so he had to get his account second hand
And possibly it was past the Bedtime for some of his friends.
I recall there was a time I too had to be in bed by 8:30 on a school night so I
figure that might explain why some of them are in such a hurry to leave at that time?
The TRUTH is despite the outraged outbursts of the other side that NOTHING
was done that if passed would have prevented Mr Knox from posting
anything he wished to.
As a matter of fact since Steve West's Motion was narrowly defeated
NOW there are limits on his posting ability.
Let me explain.
Some feel that Party Officials should be absolutely NEUTRAL in Public.
Further some feel that it is an Ethical Violation for someone who has
editorial control of the LCRCC Website and Social Media to say something
Negative about a Candidate,
Even further some feel it is even MORE Unethical if that person is ALSO one of the
Officlal Represntatives of another Candidate.
As Mr Knox is.
I noticed that one of our body took up for Mr Knox I found it amusing that
THEY represnt the Same Candidate as Mr Knox, while the Representative of the
Candidate that was slighted did not Agree with them,
I suppose your view on this subject depends on whether YOUR Candidate has
Aided or Slighted
Exactly the situation that Neutrality by Party Officials is meant to avoid,
Now the voting itself was interesting
Steve West by the way is one of the LCRCC's Oldest and most Distinguished
Members. He helped his Father Campaign for Eisenhower in 1952 and
became a member of the LCRCC.
So he has been around for a while and did not show up in the last year or so
and decide he already knew everything
His Motion was to Remove Mr Knox as Webmaster and as Admin for any
LCRCC Social Media Websites.
A vote of NO would reject the Motion a vote of YES would affirm the motion
There were 17 NOs 17 Yes's and ONE Sanction
The Sanction Ballot was discarded so there being a tie of the Ballots counted
the Motion Failed
I take note that there were actually 18 votes against Mr Knox
In any case if James had been removed as Webmaster and Social Media
Admin there would have been NO Ethical Barrier for him to Post anything he
As it stands he has been informed to NOT repeat the behavior of that posting
Our James also spoke movingly of his Christian Love for all who do not agree
with him
Know this I pray daily for each of you. For it is my hearts
true desire for all of us to work
together in one unified effort. I pray all of you can someday
let your misguided anger go
and work to always get the Republican cause elevated not
your personal propaganda
that in reality limits any effective efforts you could possibly
have in Linn County, Iowa or
in your own life. I pray you will experience the unlimited love
of my Lord Jesus Christ and
with His love in your heart you can serve unconditionally.
Like I said Touching isn't it?
But before I got home from work?
Our James had Already reverted to form and shown his TRUE Character.
Daniel Kauffman's WINO Group
Whig in Name ONLY...could not be closer to the truth as they are drunk in their power..or lack thereof.
Yes he went right from Christian Love to
You are Fascists
Why am I not surprised?
Looks like we are also Ghestspo I figure that is meant
to be Gestapo,. Matt must be a little tired due to staying over his bedtime last night
Liberals often call Conservatives Nazis or Fascist when they cannot debate
on the field of ideas. It is the Internet equivalent of BAD DOG,
Most don't even know what the words mean.
When I stated that IMO James Knox acted Unethically by slighting an
oppnent of his candidate on a website over which he has editorial control
I was specific about what he had DONE,
When I have stated that the Chair Cindy Golding refused to sign checks that
the body had voted to be paid
I was specific about what she had DONE
Mr Knox and Mr McNeil are just shooing off their mouths.
But I will have to admit THIS took the Cake
Let me pull out what caught my eye