Tuesday, 28 March 2006
I Have Been A Baleful Influence.
I have to confess, not being content, with subjecting the universe to my single blog. I have become a carrier of the disease and as a result there is a new presence in the Blog Ecosystem.
My buddy Gabe, who has been mentioned here a time or two has become infected.
Drop by and say hello to
The Harp Club|
Monday, 27 March 2006
The Open Trackback Alliance XX
For your listening pleasure while you browse
"Der er et yndigt land" (There Is A Lovely Land)
Words by: Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager
Music by: Hans Ernst Kr?yer
Adopted: 1844
"Derer et yndigt land" was first performed for a large gathering of Danes in 1844, and became popular quickly with the Danish people. It was adopted later that year by the Danish government as a national anthem, but not the sole national anthem. This anthem is on equal status with "Kong Christian",which is both the national and royal anthem.
When the Danish anthem is usually performed or sung, the first verse is played in its entirety, then it is followed by the last four lines of the last verse. (This is true whether the lyrics are sung or not
Recentlty I have been posting music to Illustrate the Diversity of America, this week I have a different motive to express Solidarity with DENMARK I maintain my Support of Denmark, and will later today, post links to and my thoughts about a Danish Editorial "We are being pissed upon by Per Nyholm "
I think I shall title my Post, "There is no "But" in "Freedom of Speech".
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
OPEN TRACKBACK ALLIANCEThis week I also have shortened my usual introduction for a more inportant message.

In it's struggle for Freedom of Speech.
Sign the Petition NOW!
JEG opstille hos Danmark!42351 Total Signatures 3:56 AM CST 27 March, 2006 We can do better pass the word~!
From Agora a call to
Support the Manifesto online by signing another Petition, why not sign both?
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Created by Mark Jefferson on March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm AST
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. "
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
On Monday
Harvesting Organs from Life~Florida~Whatever
Invasion!- Guard the Borders Blogburst from third world county
Are you feeling a little?stupid lately? from Quietly Making Noise A?
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Tuesday, 21 March 2006
You Just Might Be A Conservative, IF
In the new WaPo Red America Blog, that has the Kos Kids and DU in a tizzy, a new study indicates that conservative kids might feel paranoid in Berkley?
Well DUH!
"Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative," says the article.
"At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids from the Berkeley area that social scientists have been tracking for the last 20 years. The confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals."
(empahsis mine)
You HAVE to read
Whiny? Crazy? You Just Might Be A Conservative by Ben Domenech at
Red America|
Vets for Freedom
Since we are continuously inundated with news out of the MidEast by those who often don't know a thing about which they speak?
"Operation Swarmer Not Intended As 'Torch II'
Sometimes the press demonstrates such incompetence as to be actually dangerous. The coverage of the latest effort in Samarra in clearing out the terrorists is just the latest example. Operation Swarmer is a significant operation in its scope but mostly for its composition; the Iraqi forces comprise the main battle group of the contingent of 1500 troops and have performed well under the lead of the 101st Airborne.
Since its beginning, however, the press has both hyped the operation and attempted to tear it down as a publicity stunt by the White House. Described as the biggest air assault in three years, the press completely misunderstood this as the biggest air strike since the beginning of the war. As Dafydd ab Hugh reports on his Big Lizards blog, the two are completely different military terms:"
Why not do some reading from those who have
been on the sharp end and
do know what they are talking about?
About Vets for Freedom"Vets for Freedom was founded by a group of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans who believe in the mission of freedom, specifically Operation Iraqi Freedom, but who have become frustrated with the way the operation has been politicized and reported to the home front.
In January 2006, this group of veterans, enlisted personnel, and officers decided to take action. The result was the creation of Vets for Freedom, a non-profit advocacy group whose mission is to promote the unbiased, nonpartisan truth of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to educate the public and mobilize public support for the Global War on Terror.
The founders and members of Vets for Freedom consist of those who have witnessed the firsthand events, both the successes and failures, of the Iraq War. While their voice has largely been ignored by many policymakers and the media, they have earned the right to be heard and will utilize this organization to lend their insights to this worthy cause.
Read about our Founders here.
Read an open letter from our Executive Director here.
Read the story behind Vets for Freedom here. "
Monday, 20 March 2006
What If They Gave A Revolution And Nobody Came?
It appears that the planned overthrow of the Government and the Constitution of the United States and the creation of a
"Political Cooperative (that) will put a new, temporary government in place that is comprised of people from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and all the organizations---"Originally scheduled for March 15, has been moved to today.
Captain's Quarters in
Were You At The Coup? informs us that their rhetoric has toned down and they are not as they were previously calling for
"all Member Nations of the U.N.; All Representatives and Justices in the World Court and International Criminal Courts; All Human Rights Advocates; All Soldiers and CIA agents and government officials who have been blackmailed or are in fear of the dictators to join us in ending this reign of corporate terror in our government"Michelle Malkin will be on hand to document the lunacy. She promises to let you know
if the revolution breaks out. In other News it seems that yesterday's call for massive demonstrations on the 3rd anniversary of the Iraq War ended with whimpers, rather than bangs.
From Big Lizards in
Anti-American Protests "Fizzle" On War Anniversary"In Sydney Australia, back in 2003, 250,000 protesters rallied against the war. Yesterday, a whopping 500 people showed up. Australia has 20 million people, so this is a turnout of 0.0025% of the population.
Authorities shut down streets in the heart of London's shopping and theater district for the demonstration, which organizers had predicted would attract up to 100,000 people, but police estimated the crowd was about 15,000 people....
In Tokyo, about 2,000 people rallied in a downtown park, carrying signs saying "Stop the Occupation" as they listened to a series of anti-war speeches.
The second-largest protest was in Turkey. Some 5,000 protesters showed up. Considering it is a Moslem country, 5,000 may seem rather small and insignificant... but still, it represents a staggering 0.007% of the Turkish population.
Not to be left out, the mighty Swedes mobilized 1,000 protesters to surround the American embassy. That's 0.01%... a small country, but a doughty batch of protesters!"The French it seems were busy protesting more important things.
Meanwhile, back at le chateau, a few students are up in arms in France (or at least up in les cocktails Molotov). Hat tip Power Line:
The protests, which drew 500,000 people in some 160 cities across the country, were the biggest show yet of escalating anger that is testing the strength of the conservative government before elections next year.
Wow, half a million people. This was by far the biggest protest demonstration of them all, drawing 0.82% of the French population -- more than 40 times the London demonstration in terms of population -- more than 33 times the size in actual numbers.
Alas, we can't really count it -- because they're not protesting the Iraq war. Their boeuf is entirely domestic: the "conservative" government in France wants to change the law to allow employers to fire incompetent employees within first two years, which is currently illegal. (Evidently, the potential of being incompetent is a besetting fear among French youths. Possibly because they spend all their time at l'Universite rioting instead of studying.)
There is extensive coverage of this last issue at
No Pasarn! in among others
Life is static. Nothing should ever change. Feed me. and
A million marching, but for whom? They trashed McDonald's????????????????
It is time to call in the Marines!!!!!!!!!

The Open Trackback Alliance XIX
For your listening pleasure while you browse
"Der er et yndigt land" (There Is A Lovely Land)
Words by: Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager
Music by: Hans Ernst Kr?yer
Adopted: 1844
"Derer et yndigt land" was first performed for a large gathering of Danes in 1844, and became popular quickly with the Danish people. It was adopted later that year by the Danish government as a national anthem, but not the sole national anthem. This anthem is on equal status with "Kong Christian",which is both the national and royal anthem.
When the Danish anthem is usually performed or sung, the first verse is played in its entirety, then it is followed by the last four lines of the last verse. (This is true whether the lyrics are sung or not
Recentlty I have been posting music to Illustrate the Diversity of America, this week I have a different motive to express Solidarity with DENMARK I maintain my Support of Denmark, and will later today, post links to and my thoughts about a Danish Editorial "We are being pissed upon by Per Nyholm "
I think I shall title my Post, "There is no "But" in "Freedom of Speech".
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
OPEN TRACKBACK ALLIANCEThis week I also have shortened my usual introduction for a more inportant message.

In it's struggle for Freedom of Speech.
Sign the Petition NOW!
JEG opstille hos Danmark!40435 Total Signatures 9:20 PM CST 6 March, 2006 We can do better pass the word~!
From Agora a call to
Support the Manifesto online by signing another Petition, why not sign both?
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Created by Mark Jefferson on March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm AST
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. "
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
On Monday
All Work, No Pray from Comedian Jenee: People are Idiots
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Separation of Mosque and State Tarek Heggy at the Doha Debates
I just received this email.
Effective Tuesday 14th March 2006, the following URL:
www.tarek-heggy-interviews.com will be the central key to Tarek Heggy’s TV interviews on the web.
The above URL currently leads to eight TV interviews. Shortly, extracts from some 100 of Tarek Heggy’s TV interviews that were aired in Egypt and elsewhere between 1990 and 2005, will be posted by the same URL.
Many of the interviews are not in English but with the button marked
Other Interviews you will find the Video of the Doha Debates.
Tuesday, 14 March 2006
Carnival of Liberty XXXVI
The 36th Carnival of Liberty is up at
The Unrepentant Individual:Brad tells us "The internet and the march of technology is the greatest hope to save liberty in this country. It’s apt to showcase a post this week in which I discuss more of
the personal aspects of how the internet affects our lives:"
Quite a few good entries there, take a look, and if you get a chance, post a link.
Next week's carnival is hosted by
Forward Biased |
Monday, 13 March 2006
The Open Trackback Alliance XVIII
For your listening pleasure while you browse
"Der er et yndigt land" (There Is A Lovely Land)
Words by: Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager
Music by: Hans Ernst Kr?yer
Adopted: 1844
"Derer et yndigt land" was first performed for a large gathering of Danes in 1844, and became popular quickly with the Danish people. It was adopted later that year by the Danish government as a national anthem, but not the sole national anthem. This anthem is on equal status with "Kong Christian",which is both the national and royal anthem.
When the Danish anthem is usually performed or sung, the first verse is played in its entirety, then it is followed by the last four lines of the last verse. (This is true whether the lyrics are sung or not
Recentlty I have been posting music to Illustrate the Diversity of America, this week I have a different motive to express Solidarity with DENMARK I maintain my Support of Denmark, and will later today, post links to and my thoughts about a Danish Editorial "We are being pissed upon by Per Nyholm "
I think I shall title my Post, "There is no "But" in "Freedom of Speech".
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
OPEN TRACKBACK ALLIANCEThis week I also have shortened my usual introduction for a more inportant message.

In it's struggle for Freedom of Speech.
Sign the Petition NOW!
JEG opstille hos Danmark!40435 Total Signatures 9:20 PM CST 6 March, 2006 We can do better pass the word~!
From Agora a call to
Support the Manifesto online by signing another Petition, why not sign both?
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Created by Mark Jefferson on March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm AST
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. "
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
On Monday
Censure Russ Feingold from Pirate's Cove
This isn't the way to win from Liberal Common Sense
The Hijacking of U.S. Immigration Policy from Freedom Folks
Marijuana again tied to memory problems from InMuscatine
A Bit of a Mess Involving a Truck Full of Cheese from Conservative Cat
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Request from the Sharp End
Freedom at Just A Girl and Sgt Hool with
Taste of FreedomI clicked on this referral in Technorati
"Just a Girl - > Freedom
In Just a Girl - > Freedom 11 hours ago
Interesting All About Traffic Big Lizards Committees of Correspondence Existence of Life Hidden Rants of a Nevadan Imagine Kitty Legal Stuff Mauser Girl Mayur MindSpill Movie Reviews My World Networks & Security NodeName Of Like Minds Peace of my Mind
"And found myself reading---
By mel
Below is text copied directly from
Euphoric Reality’s post. It is well worth the read and important to do what’s requested. Thanks to
Diane and
David for the same post.
All Bloggers & Readers - PASS THIS ON
I don’t have to wonder how soldiers feel about the Left’s hardline stance against the war. My friends are in Iraq and Afghanistan and I know the truth - they hate it; it’s demoralizing and a betrayal. Both Kit and I have posted emails and letters from soldiers here periodically to show our readers what WE hear on an ongoing basis. Here’s another. In fact,
this soldier wants and needs to be a VOICE. He asks that his words (and those of his platoon mates) be copied, forwarded, and widely disseminated. That is the very least we can do."
That the original posts were several months in the past is not relevant.
Like the Lady says "this soldier wants and needs to be a VOICE. He asks that his words (and those of his platoon mates) be copied, forwarded, and widely disseminated.
That is the very least we can do."
"Preface from Sgt. Hook:
I received an email from a mother whose son is currently fighting in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division. He and his platoon have penned a message to the American public that is a little different from the message we are getting via the MSM. He asked his mom to help get this
message out and she asked me. Here it is from the soldiers on the ground…
Be my voice. I want this message heard. It is mine and my platoon’s to the country. A man I know lost his legs the other night. He is in another company in our battalion. I can no longer be silent after watching the sacrifices made by Iraqis and Americans everyday. Send it to a congressman if you have to. Send it to FOX news if you have to. Let this message be heard please…
My fellow Americans, I have a task for those with the courage and fortitude to take it. I have a message that needs not fall on deaf ears. A vision the blind need to see. I am not a political man nor one with great wisdom. I am just a soldier who finds himself helping rebuild a country that he helped liberate a couple years ago.
I have watched on television how the American public questions why their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters are fighting and dying in a country 9000 miles away from their own soil. Take the word of a soldier, for that is all I am, that our cause is a noble one. The reason we are here is one worth fighting for. A cause that has been the most costly and sought after cause in our small span of existence on our little planet. Bought in blood and paid for by those brave enough to give the ultimate sacrifice to obtain it. A right that is given to every man, woman, and child I believe by God. I am talking of freedom.
Freedom. One word but yet countless words could never capture it’s true meaning or power. “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.” I read that once and it couldn’t be more true. It’s not the average American’s fault that he or she is “blind and deaf” to the taste of freedom. Most Americans are born into their God-given right so it is all they ever know. I was once one of them. I would even dare to say that it isn’t surprising that they take for granted what they have had all their life. My experiences in the military however opened my eyes to the truth.
Ironically you will find the biggest outcries of opposition to our cause from those who have had no military experience and haven’t had to fight for freedom. I challenge all of those who are daring enough to question such a noble cause to come here for just a month and see it first hand. I have a feeling that many voices would be silenced.
I watched Cindy Sheehan sit on the President’s lawn and say that America isn’t worth dying for. Later she corrected herself and said Iraq isn’t worth dying for. She badmouthed all that her son had fought and died for. I bet he is rolling over in his grave.
Ladies and gentleman I ask you this. What if you lived in a country that wasn’t free? What if someone told you when you could have heat, electricity, and water? What if you had no sewage systems so human waste flowed into the streets? What if someone would kill you for bad-mouthing your government? What if you weren’t allowed to watch TV, connect to the internet, or have cell phones unless under extreme censorship? What if you couldn’t put shoes on your child’s feet?
You need not have a great understanding of the world but rather common sense to realize that it is our duty as HUMAN BEINGS to free the oppressed. If you lived that way would you not want someone to help you????
The Iraqis pour into the streets to wave at us and when we liberated the cities during the war they gathered in the thousands to cheer, hug and kiss us. It was what the soldiers in WW2 experienced, yet no one questioned their cause!! Saddam was no better than Hitler! He tortured and killed thousands of innocent people. We are heroes over here, yet Americans badmouth our President for having us here.
Every police station here has a dozen or more memorials for officers that were murdered trying to ensure that their people live free. These are husbands, fathers, and sons killed every day. What if it were your country? What would your choice be? Everything we fight for is worth the blood that may be shed. The media never reports the true HEROISM I witness everyday in the Iraqis. Yes, there are bad one’s here, but I assure you they are a minuscule percent. Yet they are a number big enough to cause worry in this country’s future.
I have watched brave souls give their all and lose their lives and limbs for this cause. I will no longer stand silent and let the “deaf and blind” be the only voice shouting. Stonewall Jackson once said, “All that I have, all that I am is at the service of the country.” For these brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice, including your son Cindy Sheehan, I will shout till I can no longer. These men and women are heroes. Their spirit lives on in their military and they will never be forgotten. They did not die in vain but rather for a cause that is larger than all of us.
My fellow countrymen and women, we are not overseas for our country alone but also another. We are here to spread democracy and freedom to those who KNOW the true taste of it because they fight for it everyday. You can see the desire in their eyes and I am honored to fight alongside them as an Infantryman in the 101st Airborne.
Freedom is not free, but yet it is everyone’s right to have. Ironic, isn’t it? That is why we are here. Though you will always have the skeptics, I know that most of our military will agree with this message. Please, at the request of this soldier spread this message to all you know. We are in Operation Iraqi Freedom and that is our goal. It is a cause that I and thousands of others stand ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice for because, Cindy Sheehan, freedom is worth dying for, no matter what country it is! And after the world is free only then can we hope to have peace.
SGT XXX and 1st Platoon
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)"
UPDATE: From Sgt Hook Some have called for the disclosure of the letter writer’s name to add credibility to the letter. Understanble. I did not enclose his name or unit for OPSEC reasons as we must remember that he and his platoon are in a warzone in a fight for their lives against a very savvy enemy. I emailed the young sergeant to let him know the response his letter is receiving and that many have requested permission to forward it to their representatives in Washington D.C. After checking with his commander regarding OPSEC, you’ll be glad to know that SGT Walter J. Rausch has authorized anyone to send his letter to whomever they see fit in helping to get his word out.
Pass it on.
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