Tuesday, 14 March 2006
Carnival of Liberty XXXVI
The 36th Carnival of Liberty is up at
The Unrepentant Individual:Brad tells us "The internet and the march of technology is the greatest hope to save liberty in this country. It’s apt to showcase a post this week in which I discuss more of
the personal aspects of how the internet affects our lives:"
Quite a few good entries there, take a look, and if you get a chance, post a link.
Next week's carnival is hosted by
Forward Biased |
Monday, 13 March 2006
The Open Trackback Alliance XVIII
For your listening pleasure while you browse
"Der er et yndigt land" (There Is A Lovely Land)
Words by: Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager
Music by: Hans Ernst Kr?yer
Adopted: 1844
"Derer et yndigt land" was first performed for a large gathering of Danes in 1844, and became popular quickly with the Danish people. It was adopted later that year by the Danish government as a national anthem, but not the sole national anthem. This anthem is on equal status with "Kong Christian",which is both the national and royal anthem.
When the Danish anthem is usually performed or sung, the first verse is played in its entirety, then it is followed by the last four lines of the last verse. (This is true whether the lyrics are sung or not
Recentlty I have been posting music to Illustrate the Diversity of America, this week I have a different motive to express Solidarity with DENMARK I maintain my Support of Denmark, and will later today, post links to and my thoughts about a Danish Editorial "We are being pissed upon by Per Nyholm "
I think I shall title my Post, "There is no "But" in "Freedom of Speech".
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
OPEN TRACKBACK ALLIANCEThis week I also have shortened my usual introduction for a more inportant message.

In it's struggle for Freedom of Speech.
Sign the Petition NOW!
JEG opstille hos Danmark!40435 Total Signatures 9:20 PM CST 6 March, 2006 We can do better pass the word~!
From Agora a call to
Support the Manifesto online by signing another Petition, why not sign both?
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Created by Mark Jefferson on March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm AST
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. "
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
On Monday
Censure Russ Feingold from Pirate's Cove
This isn't the way to win from Liberal Common Sense
The Hijacking of U.S. Immigration Policy from Freedom Folks
Marijuana again tied to memory problems from InMuscatine
A Bit of a Mess Involving a Truck Full of Cheese from Conservative Cat
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Request from the Sharp End
Freedom at Just A Girl and Sgt Hool with
Taste of FreedomI clicked on this referral in Technorati
"Just a Girl - > Freedom
In Just a Girl - > Freedom 11 hours ago
Interesting All About Traffic Big Lizards Committees of Correspondence Existence of Life Hidden Rants of a Nevadan Imagine Kitty Legal Stuff Mauser Girl Mayur MindSpill Movie Reviews My World Networks & Security NodeName Of Like Minds Peace of my Mind
"And found myself reading---
By mel
Below is text copied directly from
Euphoric Reality’s post. It is well worth the read and important to do what’s requested. Thanks to
Diane and
David for the same post.
All Bloggers & Readers - PASS THIS ON
I don’t have to wonder how soldiers feel about the Left’s hardline stance against the war. My friends are in Iraq and Afghanistan and I know the truth - they hate it; it’s demoralizing and a betrayal. Both Kit and I have posted emails and letters from soldiers here periodically to show our readers what WE hear on an ongoing basis. Here’s another. In fact,
this soldier wants and needs to be a VOICE. He asks that his words (and those of his platoon mates) be copied, forwarded, and widely disseminated. That is the very least we can do."
That the original posts were several months in the past is not relevant.
Like the Lady says "this soldier wants and needs to be a VOICE. He asks that his words (and those of his platoon mates) be copied, forwarded, and widely disseminated.
That is the very least we can do."
"Preface from Sgt. Hook:
I received an email from a mother whose son is currently fighting in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division. He and his platoon have penned a message to the American public that is a little different from the message we are getting via the MSM. He asked his mom to help get this
message out and she asked me. Here it is from the soldiers on the ground…
Be my voice. I want this message heard. It is mine and my platoon’s to the country. A man I know lost his legs the other night. He is in another company in our battalion. I can no longer be silent after watching the sacrifices made by Iraqis and Americans everyday. Send it to a congressman if you have to. Send it to FOX news if you have to. Let this message be heard please…
My fellow Americans, I have a task for those with the courage and fortitude to take it. I have a message that needs not fall on deaf ears. A vision the blind need to see. I am not a political man nor one with great wisdom. I am just a soldier who finds himself helping rebuild a country that he helped liberate a couple years ago.
I have watched on television how the American public questions why their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters are fighting and dying in a country 9000 miles away from their own soil. Take the word of a soldier, for that is all I am, that our cause is a noble one. The reason we are here is one worth fighting for. A cause that has been the most costly and sought after cause in our small span of existence on our little planet. Bought in blood and paid for by those brave enough to give the ultimate sacrifice to obtain it. A right that is given to every man, woman, and child I believe by God. I am talking of freedom.
Freedom. One word but yet countless words could never capture it’s true meaning or power. “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.” I read that once and it couldn’t be more true. It’s not the average American’s fault that he or she is “blind and deaf” to the taste of freedom. Most Americans are born into their God-given right so it is all they ever know. I was once one of them. I would even dare to say that it isn’t surprising that they take for granted what they have had all their life. My experiences in the military however opened my eyes to the truth.
Ironically you will find the biggest outcries of opposition to our cause from those who have had no military experience and haven’t had to fight for freedom. I challenge all of those who are daring enough to question such a noble cause to come here for just a month and see it first hand. I have a feeling that many voices would be silenced.
I watched Cindy Sheehan sit on the President’s lawn and say that America isn’t worth dying for. Later she corrected herself and said Iraq isn’t worth dying for. She badmouthed all that her son had fought and died for. I bet he is rolling over in his grave.
Ladies and gentleman I ask you this. What if you lived in a country that wasn’t free? What if someone told you when you could have heat, electricity, and water? What if you had no sewage systems so human waste flowed into the streets? What if someone would kill you for bad-mouthing your government? What if you weren’t allowed to watch TV, connect to the internet, or have cell phones unless under extreme censorship? What if you couldn’t put shoes on your child’s feet?
You need not have a great understanding of the world but rather common sense to realize that it is our duty as HUMAN BEINGS to free the oppressed. If you lived that way would you not want someone to help you????
The Iraqis pour into the streets to wave at us and when we liberated the cities during the war they gathered in the thousands to cheer, hug and kiss us. It was what the soldiers in WW2 experienced, yet no one questioned their cause!! Saddam was no better than Hitler! He tortured and killed thousands of innocent people. We are heroes over here, yet Americans badmouth our President for having us here.
Every police station here has a dozen or more memorials for officers that were murdered trying to ensure that their people live free. These are husbands, fathers, and sons killed every day. What if it were your country? What would your choice be? Everything we fight for is worth the blood that may be shed. The media never reports the true HEROISM I witness everyday in the Iraqis. Yes, there are bad one’s here, but I assure you they are a minuscule percent. Yet they are a number big enough to cause worry in this country’s future.
I have watched brave souls give their all and lose their lives and limbs for this cause. I will no longer stand silent and let the “deaf and blind” be the only voice shouting. Stonewall Jackson once said, “All that I have, all that I am is at the service of the country.” For these brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice, including your son Cindy Sheehan, I will shout till I can no longer. These men and women are heroes. Their spirit lives on in their military and they will never be forgotten. They did not die in vain but rather for a cause that is larger than all of us.
My fellow countrymen and women, we are not overseas for our country alone but also another. We are here to spread democracy and freedom to those who KNOW the true taste of it because they fight for it everyday. You can see the desire in their eyes and I am honored to fight alongside them as an Infantryman in the 101st Airborne.
Freedom is not free, but yet it is everyone’s right to have. Ironic, isn’t it? That is why we are here. Though you will always have the skeptics, I know that most of our military will agree with this message. Please, at the request of this soldier spread this message to all you know. We are in Operation Iraqi Freedom and that is our goal. It is a cause that I and thousands of others stand ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice for because, Cindy Sheehan, freedom is worth dying for, no matter what country it is! And after the world is free only then can we hope to have peace.
SGT XXX and 1st Platoon
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)"
UPDATE: From Sgt Hook Some have called for the disclosure of the letter writer’s name to add credibility to the letter. Understanble. I did not enclose his name or unit for OPSEC reasons as we must remember that he and his platoon are in a warzone in a fight for their lives against a very savvy enemy. I emailed the young sergeant to let him know the response his letter is receiving and that many have requested permission to forward it to their representatives in Washington D.C. After checking with his commander regarding OPSEC, you’ll be glad to know that SGT Walter J. Rausch has authorized anyone to send his letter to whomever they see fit in helping to get his word out.
Pass it on.
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Carnival of Liberty XXXV
Is up at Owlish Mutterings
The Carnival of Liberty is a showcase of posts about the interaction of government and diminishing freedom. Administrative stuff first: the carnival is largely the work of the
Life, Liberty, Property Group, although anyone with topical posts is welcome to join the carnival. Thanks go to Doug Mataconis of
Below the Beltway for providing administrative oversight to the carnival. The
Hosting Schedule of future carnivals is here; next week's carnival is at
The Unrepentant Individual.
Stalking Minuteman Kids at Their Schools The Reply
On the 3rd of March I sent this email to the Montgomery County Council of Maryland
Casa de Maryland spokeman, Executive Director Gustavo Torres says, УЕ we are
going to picket their houses, and the schools of their kidsФ (Minuteman
VolunteersТ kids).
УNo taxpayer funds should be used to pay for salaries/benefits of executives
of groups that threaten the homes, children of those law-abiding citizens who
oppose illegal immigration.
A group is using taxpayer funding to stalk the children of those lawfully
observing and reporting criminal activity??. The whole issue of Sanctuary City
status and the actions of this group (Casa de Maryland) in particular is a
subversion of our laws and needs to be ended. Now.
Daniel William Kauffman Jr
Here is their reply
"March 7, 2006
Response from Council President
Dear Mr. Kauffman,
Thank you for your email expressing concern with remarks by CASA of Maryland executive director Gustavo Torres.
I agree with you that Mr. Torres’ statements about picketing the homes of County residents involved in the Minuteman Project – and even the schools of their children – were totally uncalled for and wholly inappropriate. County residents – of whatever political stripe – have the right to express their opinions on issues of public policy, such as immigration, and the right to legally assemble and protest without fear of harassment.
Mr. Torres himself has apologized for his ill-chosen words.
I do not believe, however, that Mr. Torres’ statements mean that the County should terminate its support for the valuable programs in employment, housing, adult education, and community development administered by CASA of Maryland.
Our County’s diversity has been our strength – and remains a strength. Montgomery County has become a magnet for “New Americans” because we do boast a world-class school system and a thriving and diverse economy. I believe that our immigrants – regardless of their legal status – contribute mightily to our success.
(emphasis added by me)
That’s one reason why the Council has supported the establishment of day labor centers for County residents. These centers benefit both those seeking to sell their labor and the surrounding neighborhoods by regulating an already existing condition. These centers are not magnets for undocumented workers; rather, they respond to situations that already exist.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact us on this issue.
George Leventhal
Montgomery County Council
It appears that Mr. Torres himself has said he is sorry and in most probability any such actions will be undertaken by individuals acting solely on their own,
Sound familiar? Of course Terrorist groups
never have associated political fronts who publicly disavow their activities do they?
I limited my reply to
""I believe that our immigrants – regardless of their legal status – contribute mightily to our success"
I have no animus towards those who legally enter our country, abide by our Laws and contribute to our Society, America was built with such'
I do read with dismay that you have no interest in upholding the Rule of Law.
Just exactly what other Laws do you deem not necessary to be obeyed?
Daniel William Kauffman Jr"WorldNetDaily points out that it is not only the local government giving this organization support.
Illegals-advocate group
Casa's operation has not only been blessed by government funding but it has the support of the local business community."I would say letters to the local Chamber of Commerce would be in order. Inform them they cannot support such activities hidden.
You may find the email addresses of the Chamber of Commerce Officers
HEREI would suggest starting with
Richard Parsons President & CEO
rparsons@montgomerycountychamber.com Pass it on.
Is There Nothing Sacred Anymore?
My Buddy Gabe was telling me he saw some
Cajun Crawdads
on sale not too long ago.
There were marked
Product of the People's Republic of China.
Is There Nothing Sacred Anymore?
Red Gumbo? Commie Jambalaya?
Oh I can hear Hank Williams spinning in his grave!
"They Just Don’t Taste Good"
by Jeff Seigel
The sigh in Frank Randol’s voice speaks volumes.
“What happens,” says Randol, a Lafayette, La., restaurateur and crawfish entrepreneur, “is that people will go the grocery store, and they’ll buy crawfish tails and cook them, and they’ll taste bad. And then they’ll figure that crawfish aren’t any good and that Cajun cooking isn’t any good.”
What isn’t good – and anyone who has taste-tested them will attest to this – are the packaged Chinese crawfish tails that are overrunning the American market. This spring, at the height of crawfish season, be wary of the Asian imports. They look the same, are packaged in the same way (usually complete with a Cajun-sounding brand name), and cost anywhere from one-half to one-third the price of the Louisiana product.
That combination has helped them replace Louisiana tails not only across the U.S., but also in the lucrative Scandinavian market. The situation is so dire, in fact, that some observers are wondering whether the almost $100 million, mostly family-run Louisiana crawfish industry can survive the onslaught.
In the late-1990s, sales of Louisiana tail meat dropped 80 percent over three years, and as many as 60 processors closed. Crawfish must be peeled by hand, so cheap labor allowed the Chinese to export almost 9 million pounds (one-fifth of the entire Louisiana crop, live and processed) to the U.S. Since then, the federal government has accused the Chinese of dumping crawfish at below market prices, and a number of importers have been fined. But the law authorizing the fines is about to expire, and if it isn’t renewed, the industry could crash again.
The irony is that the Chinese farm the same crawfish that's raised in Louisiana, which they got in a trade exchange in the early 1990s. The difference in taste, though, is obvious:
• Louisiana crawfish are parboiled just long enough to separate the meat from the shell. Chinese crawfish are boiled longer, which makes peeling easier, but which also leaves them rubbery and bland.
• Crawfish live in water, and an aficionado will claim that the water that produces the sweetest crawfish is in south Louisiana, on either side of the Atchafalaya River.
• Packaged Louisiana tail meat includes more crawfish fat, a crucial ingredient in flavoring stews, bisques, and etouffees. A traditional crawfish etouffee doesn’t use a roux; rather, the tails finish cooking in the fat (which has been augmented by onion, green pepper, and celery).
• Some Louisiana officials are convinced the Chinese add something to the boiling water to rid the crawfish of any impurities. Roy Johnson of the state’s agriculture department says testing here hasn’t turned up any additives, but notes that the crawfish don’t contain normal background bacteria, hence a suspicion they have been boiled in something stronger than water.
Which is just one reason why the crawfish bisque at Randol’s – crawfish tail meat ground up and stuffed into the shells, then simmered a roux-based gray – uses Louisiana crawfish. Taste, he says, is all.
Monday, 6 March 2006
The Open Trackback Alliance XVII
For your listening pleasure while you browse
"Der er et yndigt land" (There Is A Lovely Land)
Words by: Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager
Music by: Hans Ernst Kr?yer
Adopted: 1844
"Derer et yndigt land" was first performed for a large gathering of Danes in 1844, and became popular quickly with the Danish people. It was adopted later that year by the Danish government as a national anthem, but not the sole national anthem. This anthem is on equal status with "Kong Christian",which is both the national and royal anthem.
When the Danish anthem is usually performed or sung, the first verse is played in its entirety, then it is followed by the last four lines of the last verse. (This is true whether the lyrics are sung or not
Recentlty I have been posting music to Illustrate the Diversity of America, this week I have a different motive to express Solidarity with DENMARK I maintain my Support of Denmark, and will later today, post links to and my thoughts about a Danish Editorial "We are being pissed upon by Per Nyholm "
I think I shall title my Post, "There is no "But" in "Freedom of Speech".
When I first started upon my journey through the blogverse I created a
Statement of PurposeNow upon reading it, one can realize that I did not hold to every detail of that original statement, but from it's basic premise, I have never swayed, in my belief that the Blogs are in fact the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution.
And that it is a Revolution of Information, no longer can we afford and allow elite gateways to control what we can see, hear and discuss.
For I believe that those bloggers who find their way, here and in particular from the Blogs associated with Sam.
Some of us are more Serious, some of us are more lighthearted and some post the common ordinary things that make one smile and recall that Life without the simple things to treasure is meaningless.
And it is important that all have a platform from which to speak.
As I understand this process you can link to this post and trackback to this post on ANY subject or post you think important. It is open. I will repeat this every Monday.
The Committees of Correspondence welcomes your intelligent comments. And also welcomes you to join the
OPEN TRACKBACK ALLIANCEThis week I also have shortened my usual introduction for a more inportant message.

In it's struggle for Freedom of Speech.
Sign the Petition NOW!
JEG opstille hos Danmark!40435 Total Signatures 9:20 PM CST 6 March, 2006 We can do better pass the word~!
From Agora a call to
Support the Manifesto online by signing another Petition, why not sign both?
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Created by Mark Jefferson on March 1st, 2006 at 5:42 pm AST
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.
We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. "
Blogs that Trackback to this Post:
On Monday
Intro To Moron Of The Week #23 from The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns
Guard the Borders/Monday Open Post from third world county
The Catholic Church, Charity, and Illegal Immigra from Freedom Folks
Missouri Resolution Reveals Left's Ignorance from Church and State
Y'al come back now, Y'heah? ;-)
Friday, 3 March 2006
Stalking Minuteman Kids at Their Schools -
You Want Outrage?I edited the information on this website to compose an email to
county.council@montgomerycountymd.govHere is the text of what I sent
" Casa de Maryland spokeman, Executive Director Gustavo Torres says, “… we are
going to picket their houses, and the schools of their kids” (Minuteman
Volunteers’ kids).
“No taxpayer funds should be used to pay for salaries/benefits of executives
of groups that threaten the homes, children of those law-abiding citizens who
oppose illegal immigration.
A group is using taxpayer funding to stalk the children of those lawfully
observing and reporting criminal activity??. The whole issue of Sanctuary City
status and the actions of this group (Casa de Maryland) in particular is a
subversion of our laws and needs to be ended. Now.
Daniel William Kauffman Jr
I urge everyone reading this to compile their own complaint and PASS THIS ON!
In other news of thugs threatening children from the comments sectoion of No Pasarn! we learn of Cartoonist?s Daughter Hunted by 12 Jihadists
"The RoP sent 12 jihadis to the school of one of the cartoonist's 7-year old daughter"
Notice they figured they needed TWELVE men to handl one little girl?]
More information on fanatics stalking children at Rhymes With Right with Children Of Minutemen Threatened By Tax-Funded Pro-Border-Jumper Group and Michelle Malkin with CARTOON JIHAD: HUNTING THE KIDS
Oh what VALIANT Ghazzi Warriors. No wonder they need virgins when they go
to paradise any woman who had been with a real man would fall down laughing at them.
UPDATE Breaking News Agora has updated their article as new information comes in
Cartoonist?s Daughter Hunted by 12 Jihadists 12 Youngsters 6-8 Girls
Ok, this all turned out to be a hoax. Apparently, Jens Rohde misquoted the information he got from the meeting he attended. Scroll down for the latest. I have posted an analysis of the whole thing here - who knew what when. I have closed comments (but not trackbacks) on this post and would like it if you post comments to this post at the aforementioned post. So far, the actual facts of the story are as follows:
Four weeks ago, 6-8 Moslem girls showed up at the school of the daughter of one of the cartoonists, asking for "the daughter of the cartoonist who had insulted their prophet". They were turned away at the door.
If you want the whole story, read on
Wednesday, 1 March 2006
Terrorists are Scabs
There's been a lot of controversy over a
United Arab Emirates company slated to manage six major U.S. ports There have been attempts to allay concerns over Security issues.
Companies like P&O don't provide security at the ports The US Coast Guard and Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement do. For instance, in New Orleans, P&O is one of eight terminal operators responsible for marketing the port, signing agreements with shipping lines, hiring labor, loading ships, and moving cargo.
But P&O has no responsibility for security. "We have our own police force, harbor patrol, customs officers, and Coast Guard," says Chris Bonura, spokesman for the Port of New Orleans. "That won't change no matter who is operating the terminal."Still there are concerns that a MidEastern Company would make it easier for terrorists to infiltrate.
There is a simple solution. A clue to that solution can be found in this statement.
Security Programs, Unions Would Stay at Ports
And Michael Seymour, head of North American operations for Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., the British firm being bought by the UAE firm, said the workers handling security in U.S. ports are supplied by longshoremen's unions -- an arrangement he said would remain in effect. "So it doesn't make any difference whether we are their employers, or other terminal operators are their employers," he said.There you have it folks
all that is required would be to point out to the Longshoremen's Union that Terrorists, are
not Organized Labor!
You think the
ILA (The International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO,CLC) is going to allow
SCAB Labor on the Docks?
HAH! you obviously don't know much about their History!
No, you can forget about Customs, the Coast Guard, Homeland Security, the FBI's Anti-Terrorism Division, I will put my money on the Union members of Longshoremen's Locals. You just whisper the term scab and they will rally like no Federal Civil Service Employee ever thought of.
So there is not much to worry about,---- Uh unless Al-Qaeda petitions to join the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). That happens? We are totally S&**d.
Tuesday, 28 February 2006
Carnival of Liberty 34
We get this week's Carnival of Liberty off to an excellent start,
CLASSical Liberalism reminds us that the bedrock of Libertarianism is the Individual and ask us to take a moment to remember two who have passed on in
Rev. Edmund Opitz (2/11/1914-2/13/06)
"There is a place for government in the affairs of men, and our Declaration of Independence tells us precisely what that place is. The role of government is to protect individuals in their God-given individual rights. Freedom is the natural birthright of man, but all that government can do in behalf of freedom is to let the individual alone, and it should secure him in his rights by making others let him alone."--Ed Opitz"and
Dr. Paul L. Poirot (7/23/1915-2/17/06)
"The only security any person can have lies within himself. Unless he is free to act as an individual, free to be productive in his own behalf, free to determine what part of that production he will consume now and what part he will save, and free to protect his savings, there is no chance that he can find security anywhere.--Paul L. Poirot. The Pension Idea"
Next we go to the other end of the spectrum, our youngest citizens, and Brad Warbiany at
The Unrepentant Individual presents
Threat of Teachers Unions reminding us that threats to Individual Liberty can be both Foreign AND Domestic.
"Neal Boortz made a bold statement on his show the other day. He said ?the teachers unions are a greater long-term threat to freedom and prosperity than Islamic terrorists?. I?m guessing he came under some fire for that one, because the very next day, he was talking about it again. He said he?d given it a lot of thought, really examined the implications of his statement, and stood behind what he said.----
Their threat to our freedom is not that of newsworthy attacks on human life, but the incremental destruction of human individualism."
Then we have two members who pose the question, how dedicated are we to Individual Rights when the issue is not popular.
Brad Warbiany at The Unrepentant Individual presents The Ever-Widening Smoking Ban
"The concept of public smoking bans, in my opinion, really gives you an insight into the psyche of a person. This is one of those issues that really separates those who believe in smaller-government-enforcing-their-own-biases from those who truly believe in smaller government and private property rights. I see a true protector of private property rights in a guy like Doug, of Below the Beltway. Doug doesn?t like smoke, to the point where being around it even makes him ill. But he doesn?t accept the idea of government forcing businesses to change the terms of business on their own property.-----
There is a dividing line between conservatives and libertarians, and this is one of the markers between the two. Non-smoking conservatives are usually quick to denounce smokers, and love the idea of smoking bans, because it stops people from engaging in behavior they disagree with. Non-smoking libertarians, on the other hand, may hate walking into smoke-filled bars, but understand that it is the decision of the bar owner to make. We don?t always like the results of freedom, but to a libertarian, the alternative of oppression? even well-meaning oppression? is unacceptable."
David Porter at Pacesetter Mortgage Blog presents Home Ownership only to U.S. Citizens?
David posits that in the hue and cry against Illegal Aliens some are tempted to deny the rights of residents from other Nations who are here legally, contributing to our Society in a positive way.
"Pacesetter Mortgage Blog News - Rep. Bill Dix (Iowa) introduced legislation Thursday that would require proof of citizenship for people who apply for a home mortgage."
Steven Silvers, at Scatterbox at stevensilvers.com, presents Sorting through the SOX drawer. Reminding us that the State's Cure can be worse than the disease.
"Six out of ten public company directors think Sarbanes-Oxley should be either overhauled or thrown out altogether.
Korn/Ferry International's 32nd Annual Board of Directors Study found "a growing contention that the impact of these rules has been negative? Many directors believe boards have become exceedingly wary and are not taking necessary risks to drive company growth. These directors are demanding reform."
Minh-Duc at State Of Flux presents "Public Purpose" Versus "Public Good" reminds us about runaway For the Public Good.
"Fifth Amendment, US Bill of Right:
...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
There is much controversy over the public use clause, especially post Kelo v. New London. According to Justice Steven, ?Because that plan unquestionably serves a public purpose, the takings challenged here satisfy the public use requirement of the Fifth Amendment."
Yet another example of the State makes thing worse by
Doug Mataconis at Below The Beltway presents The Economic Chickens Come Home To Roost
Richard G. Combs at Combs Spouts Off presents The position of a neutral civilian a request for journalists to forgo self-defense. Another example of who needs the 2cd Amendment?
Solomon2 at Solomon's House presents Public Diplomacy: The Transformational Approach The State Dept is trying out the power of the individual?
"Under the plan outlined yesterday, Rice will expand the U.S. presence by encouraging the spread of new one-person diplomatic outposts, now located in a few cities such as Alexandria, Egypt, and Medan, Indonesia.-----"
Matt Barr at New World Man presents First, do no stupid stuff asks why support Individual Choice so selectively?
"Two doctors refuse to participate in a California execution. Fine and good, but why does the AMA back them and not pharmacists who also refuse to participate in what they consider objectionable medical care?"
Michael Hampton at Homeland Stupidity presents Liberty 101: An introduction to liberty What prompted this exposition?
"Last week I posted the results of a recent poll, asking: What is the proper role of government? As it turns out, this is a hotly debated question, and one that, at least in the U.S., most people don?t at all understand. In fact, one reader?s misunderstanding was so thorough that I couldn?t possibly address it in a single comment, or even a single post"
Chris Meisenzahl at The Amateur Economist & Curmudgeon Blog presents Hayek?s ?The Road to Serfdom? in Five Minutes
lecentre at Centrerion presents On Democracy and Liberalism
"Many people suggest that as democracy spreads around the globe, we will see an emergence of liberal societies. The popular media and the White House make this assertion when suggesting that as democracy spreads through the Muslim world, peaceful and liberal governments will emerge in place of belligerent and oppressive tyrants.---Adolph Hitler was elected democratically. If we want to encourage liberalism in the Muslim world, promoting literacy (as Dr. Syed suggests), freedom of speech, and exposure to various philosophies is probably the best way to do it. Democracy is not synonymous with liberalism."
Dan Melson at Searchlight Crusade presents Bread and Circuses and Entrenched Interests gives us a thought provoking essay on the errosian of personal responsibility that attends looking to the State as a solution to all events.
If I may extrapolate on his thesis he tracks the emergence of those who become so dependent up Authority that they extend the to some even higher authority than the State the defense of the Nation, instead of assuming that responsibility themselves.
I have saved the best for last. mensa barbie at Mensa Barbie Welcomes You presents Shifting Sectarian Violence and relates to us the evolution of Liberty in Iraq. She also points out that evolution is following similiar paths that ours did.
"The more I've come to understand the dynamics here, I realize that it is as if a majority of the Middle Eastern cities are now living within the same circumstances as we did, in our "1920's, 30's, and 40's." It's as if they remain (as is true with many other parts of the World) left behind during evolution of modern lawfulness. We need to understand this, and give them much patience..."
This is the cheery on the sundae. The memory of millions of Iraqis defying the promise of death and dismemberment to cast their first real votes, speaks to the power of the Desire for Liberty as no written words can.
It is the decision of Individuals the creates this power.
I hope you will enjoy the efforts that I have had the honor to present and remember next week, the Carnival of Liberty XXXXV can be found at__ Owlish Mutterings
A Member of the Truth Laid Bear's UberCarnival
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